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PostPosted: Tue Sep 21, 2004 11:19 pm
by bigmick
We achieved fourth last season as much due to Newcastles falling down a hole at the end as much as down to our own strong finish. Come on lads we love the team but we're not daft, Rafa inherited a very ordinary team in need of major surgery. He even inherited a record signing striker on a big contract whom he had no say in the signing of. This will take some fixing. Previously we covered the cracks by playing an extremely defensive non-expansive style. We all knew that, none of us were fooled by the "we've had the most shots in the premiership" nonsense. Curiously, this meant that against the very best teams we had a modicum of success, sitting deep and narrow and hitting on the counter. It was against the poorer teams who didn't flood forward that we struggled.
Rafa comes in and wants to play football. He's gone out and bought footballers. Our style is different to last season in every way. Yes we've comprimised a little temporarily in doggedness and workrate, but it is a backward step worth taking to take ten forward in terms of quality.
Let me tell you lads, theres gonna be more performances like the first half last night. We will be inconsistent as all the new guys bed in and the old guys adjust to the new style. It will be exasperating, frustrating and annoying but we knew that. This fella knows his onions though. There is hope in my heart, thats for sure.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 21, 2004 11:21 pm
by the great one
you make some valid points but wasn't rafa benitzes after cisse ???

PostPosted: Tue Sep 21, 2004 11:28 pm
by bigmick
Don't know mate to be honest. you may well be right but I'm not sure Valencias budget would have stretched that far. I'm not necessarily anti Cisse by the way. He looks ok, obviously has a bit of pace about him, two good feet, not bad in the air. Thought he lacked drive and desire last night but was probably a bit overawed. That said, he hasn't so far looked like the monster striker that I hoped he would. Remember when we played marseilles last season and ran into Drogba? now there was a performance which said something. Top player. Still I guess he cost 24m not 14 so you gets what you pay for I guess.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 21, 2004 11:40 pm
by Paul C
I'm not too worried about last night, the team is still gelling and last nights game is one of many :)

PostPosted: Wed Sep 22, 2004 1:07 am
by Dalglish
This season is going to be about building a  team Benitez style and it will take time. We have had a mixed bag of results already and I expect much of the same to be honest.

To all those who want instant success then forget it cos it ain't going to happen.

A decent run in the CL , 3rd or 4th in the Prem and a decent run in the FA Cup will suffice.