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PostPosted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 1:05 am
by bigmick
The thing is with the Mancs Shaga, that they never quite worked out, a siege mentality is all very well for team spirit and all that, but it can be taken too far to the point it makes the whole set-up thoroughly dislikeable.
When we were the best team in the world ( for younger fans, this is not the opening line to a song. It really was the case for a number of years,) I don't think we were loathed to anything like the same extent as they have been for the last ten years or so. I'm not suggesting for a second that during that period they have ever attained 'best in the world' status, (one extremely fortunate European Cup final win does not a summer make) but I would concede that they have been the best team in the country for a number of those years. Why then does everybody dislike you so much? It's not just regional rivalry. Scousers are bound to dislike you but why so everybody else?
I think it's a respect issue. Ferguson is frequently ungracious in defeat and a bully to referees and the F.A alike, and the chants and behaviour from the fans just lack a bit of class & respect to be frank. Where's the fervour, the humour? Compare and contrast "you'll never walk alone" with "always look on the bright side of life." Compare the way that the current Arsenal side are admired throughout the football world with the way Man U were detested when they dominated and even today. It's all about the way you do things I guess. There'll be few tears shed for you though when the empire completely crumbles, as it is beginning to do. Of that you can be certain.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 1:09 am
by A.B.
I present you the Nobel Piece Prize for that post. :blues:

PostPosted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 1:11 am
by bigmick
Not really sure if it's a compliment or not Buddy but I'll take it anyway. Just be grateful I'm not gonna make a speech. Couple too many Fosters tonight, you probably guessed already.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 1:11 am
by Stan Laurel
****** Man Utd...they are fcuking jealous of us...we are going to make alot of noises tomorrow against those scum fcuking b@stard!! Good job that I got the tickets for that game!!

Bring it on those b@stards!!!


PostPosted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 1:13 am
by A.B.
bigmick wrote:Not really sure if it's a compliment or not Buddy but I'll take it anyway. Just be grateful I'm not gonna make a speech. Couple too many Fosters tonight, you probably guessed already.

Its a compliment mate, cheers, have a pint of beer! :blues:

PostPosted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 1:14 am
by the great one
they should give let gerrard and carragher and the spainish lads read it b4 the game give the extra motivation before the game espically the gerrard and carrgher.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 1:16 am
by A.B.
whatever happens happens because either way I will still take a ****** on Trafford.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 1:23 am
by shagasaurus80
All the Man u fans will sing SONGS OF PRAISE tomorrow night-will that please you  :laugh:

PostPosted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 1:25 am
by A.B.
I have something stuck in my throat, its a hairball of BULL-Sh-it

PostPosted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 1:26 am
by the great one
shagasaurus80 wrote:All the Man u fans will sing SONGS OF PRAISE tomorrow night-will that please you  :laugh:

dnt forget the prawn sandwhiches shagasaurus80   :D

PostPosted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 2:07 am
by Dom1
A.B. wrote:I have something stuck in my throat, its a hairball of BULL-Sh-it

that happened to me once, just have a few pints of water and it will soon be gone man  :D

PostPosted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 2:09 am
by A.B.
A nice glass of H20 eh

PostPosted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 4:32 am
by Starbridge42
Shagasaurus your comments about Celtic - Rangers are incorrect I'm afraid.  Two years ago I was in Scotland on holiday and my uncle (a Rangers fan) had got tickets for an Old Firm derby at Ibrox.  The atmosphere was tense for sure but abuse of other fans was almost non-existent.  Abuse of players was limited to boos when a particular player had the ball.

After the game when we were at the pub a group of Rangers fans (my uncle not among them) were enjoying a few pints when a group of Celtic fans came in.  I thought to myself 'oh ******, this is going to get nasty!'

It did but in a rather unusual way.  The celtic fans sat down with the Rangers fans and were talking about the game,  one of the Rangers fans said 'that Henrik Larrson is a class player, we could do with someone like him.'
one of the celtic fans said 'yes, but that Craig Moore's incredible.  What a defender we could do with someone like him.'
the rangers fan then says 'ah but still, Larrson is even better in his position then our Craig is in his.'
the celtic fan 'not a chance laddy, Moore is exemplary in that position, he's better in his position than Larrson and thats a fact...'

And so on, them getting more and more vocal and aggressive in their praise for the other teams players until finally one of the rangers fans smashed his celtic counterpart in the face with a bottle
'Now you listen here boy, Larrson is the best player for his position in Scotland and you remember that!'

Bizzare and terrifying and a lot less abusive then the stuff on your official website.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 5:52 am
by 112-1077774096
Starbridge42 wrote:Shagasaurus your comments about Celtic - Rangers are incorrect I'm afraid.  Two years ago I was in Scotland on holiday and my uncle (a Rangers fan) had got tickets for an Old Firm derby at Ibrox.  The atmosphere was tense for sure but abuse of other fans was almost non-existent.  Abuse of players was limited to boos when a particular player had the ball.

After the game when we were at the pub a group of Rangers fans (my uncle not among them) were enjoying a few pints when a group of Celtic fans came in.  I thought to myself 'oh ******, this is going to get nasty!'

It did but in a rather unusual way.  The celtic fans sat down with the Rangers fans and were talking about the game,  one of the Rangers fans said 'that Henrik Larrson is a class player, we could do with someone like him.'
one of the celtic fans said 'yes, but that Craig Moore's incredible.  What a defender we could do with someone like him.'
the rangers fan then says 'ah but still, Larrson is even better in his position then our Craig is in his.'
the celtic fan 'not a chance laddy, Moore is exemplary in that position, he's better in his position than Larrson and thats a fact...'

And so on, them getting more and more vocal and aggressive in their praise for the other teams players until finally one of the rangers fans smashed his celtic counterpart in the face with a bottle
'Now you listen here boy, Larrson is the best player for his position in Scotland and you remember that!'

Bizzare and terrifying and a lot less abusive then the stuff on your official website.


PostPosted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 10:15 am
by Bruno Zidane!
2 Mancs have been killed drivin over a cliff edge in a spacebus, i think this is an absolute tragedy.......u can get 7 Mancs in a Spacebus!!!!!!