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PostPosted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 12:11 am
by 7_Kewell
that's the problem with Maxi...he vanishes in games. Never touches the ball, never gets hardly know he's on the pitch until the subs board comes up.  And that's why he's been dropped in my opinion.

We can't afford to carry midfilders who perform for 10 mins. Don't get me wrong, i was impressed with his first half display against the chavs...but he needs to play for a FULL match, EVERY match.

PostPosted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 12:51 am
by damjan193
7_Kewell wrote:that's the problem with Maxi...he vanishes in games. Never touches the ball, never gets hardly know he's on the pitch until the subs board comes up.  And that's why he's been dropped in my opinion.

We can't afford to carry midfilders who perform for 10 mins. Don't get me wrong, i was impressed with his first half display against the chavs...but he needs to play for a FULL match, EVERY match.

That's why he scores goals man. He disappears so much that even the opponents forget about him.