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PostPosted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 7:53 pm
by TarnRed
dundreamin wrote:tarnred go onto the SOS web page, all the joining infos there

Currently on my phone as I'm out and about, will do when I get home. Thanks.

PostPosted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 9:14 pm
by Ciggy
My mum and dads going in my place and going to buy some shares in liverpool for themselves and me  :buttrock

It will be a great day tommorrow wish I could be there.

PostPosted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 9:47 pm
by Zidane
Best of luck with this hope it goes well.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 12:34 am
BUMP BUMP AND ANOTHER BIG BUMP :buttrock  :buttrock

PostPosted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 8:28 am
by Aussie Style
Igor Zidane wrote:Some boss photographs from our supporters around the world.

In here

BRILLIANT  :bowdown

PostPosted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 10:40 am
by Igor Zidane

PostPosted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 11:30 am
by J*o*n*D*o*e
just about to leave, black clouds hovering above but thats probably significant considering the position the club is in with these two in charge, see you all later.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 11:38 am
by europian-kings
Good Luck to everyone going!
Do us proud!

PostPosted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 2:53 pm
by dawson99
from bbc

Liverpool fans stage a rally against Hicks and Gillett

ans of Liverpool Football Club are staging a city centre rally in protest against the club's American owners.

The Spirit of Shankly Union has chosen 4 July, American independence day, to protest against US owners Tom Hicks and George Gillett.

Hundreds of fans will are expected at St George`s Hall at 1200 BST.

Speakers include former player and shareholder, John Aldridge and Bill Shankly's granddaughter Karen Gill.

Leaders of Spirit Of Shankly Liverpool Supporters' Union said they will issue their own Declaration of Independence, outlining details of how supporters can buy the club through a partnership with a credit union.

'Elephant in room'

The club is about £350m in debt and Spirit of Shankly has accused Mr Hicks and Mr Gillett of breaking promises and "a lack of understanding about running a football club".

Liverpool FC chairman, Martin Broughton, appointed in April has been tasked by the current owners with finding a buyer, but fans claim that Mr Hicks and Mr Gillett will put their financial interests ahead of the club's in seeking a new owner.

Spokesman James McKenna said: "It's an elephant in the room because you get a new manager, you get a new chief executive and you get a new chairman, and still the same issues exist.

"Ideally we'd like the supporters to be in charge and we'd like to be able to say we know about this job better than you do.

"We care about this club better than you do, so give us a chance as I'm sure we can do a better job than Tom Hicks and George Gillett."

PostPosted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 6:10 pm
Liverpool Echo
LIVERPOOL supporters  marked American  Independence Day by  launching  their own  campaign for independence  from the club’s  US owners.

Spirit of Shankly, who  organised yesterday’s event  outside St George’s Hall,  said they were delighted  with the turn-out.
An estimated 2,000 people  gathered at St George’s  Plateau to hear a range of  musicians, entertainers and  speakers, including  comedian John Bishop,  actor Neil Fitzmaurice, and  LFC legends John Aldridge  and Howard Gayle.

One of the biggest cheers  of the afternoon was saved  for Bill Shankly’s  granddaughter Karen Gill,  who travelled from Greece  especially for the occasion.

She was clearly overcome  with emotion when the  crowd began chanting his  name.

Ms Gill referred to the  previous occasions when  her grandfather stood on  the same steps and made one of his legendary speeches, about Chairman Mao never  having seen such a show of  red strength.
She said: “Whether it’s a  success or failure we  support our team and my  grandad recognised this.

“He would have been  proud to have seen such a  show of red strength today.”

The main aim of the rally  was to hear about the  launch of a supporter  ownership scheme through  the setting up of a credit  union.

Leaders of the Spirit of  Shankly group called on  supporters to reclaim the  club by joining the credit  union, which it is hoped will  be fully up and running by  August.

Unlike previous attempts  for fans to buy a stake in the  club, organisers said the  aim was to make it  accessible for all, regardless  of how much they can  afford.

Spirit of Shankly has  been in discussions with  Share Liverpool who, in  2008, launched a proposal  for 100,000 fans to buy a  share for £5,000 to raise the  £500m necessary to  purchase the club.

Over the  past 24 months, that figure  has been reduced to make  the idea more affordable to  every day supporters.

It has been suggested for supporters to pool their financial resources together to raise enough cash for a share, or even pay by installments.

Spirit of Shankly  committee member Paul  Rice said: “It’s not just about  making a noise and feeling  better, it’s about making a  difference. We want to represent the  average supporter in the  street.”

Mr Rice said the  immediate aim of the  supporters’ credit union  was to own a 10% stake in  the club.

Among the Liverpool  musicians entertaining the  crowd were Ian McNabb,  John Power., Pete Wylie and  Peter Hooton.

Speaking before his  performance, Peter Hooton  said: “We know the club is in  trouble, but it will get better  as long as people put the  effort in. This  turn-out exceeded  all our expectations.”

Pete Wylie said: “This matters a lot to me. Money has become all important, but this is a way for supporters to take back power.”

Great day today I genuinely had a tear in my eye when everyone sang  Shankly's name ...the hairs on the back of my neck stood up 
took my Lad and his mates will  be on Granada Reports tonight (Not me the protest in general )       :D

PostPosted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 6:57 pm
by Igor Zidane
Thought Jay mc's speech was spot on . Really really great day , it's at times like these when being an LFC supporter is trully something special . Well in to all who attended today . Will try and get some piccies up later . Bit :censored: like but they'll do .

PostPosted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 7:05 pm
Some pics from the Mondays Echo
4th of July

PostPosted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 7:32 pm
Couple of t-shirts I seen people wearing Today( so me being naturally inquisitive my Lad wanting one )  they can be purchased on this link
campaign t- shirts

PostPosted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 8:22 pm
by J*o*n*D*o*e
what a brilliant day, the weather started gloomy just like the gloom hanging over the club but it finished with a sunny sky and a few thousand reds singing on the steps of st georges hall again. maybe a sign of happier days ahead.

if the vids ive took are any good ill post them up, the music was great and so where the speakers, a great day.

Neil Fitzmaurice is funny as hell, well done lad.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 8:43 pm
by Igor Zidane