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PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 12:32 pm
by The Manhattan Project
Haven't heard anything about this so far on TV, but if this is true, I can't say I'm surprised.

It leaves two options.

1- They will sell the club.

2- They will redevelop Anfield.

What a mess.

I had a feeling the cool concept designs and models of New Anfield were nothing but unrealistic.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 12:34 pm
by Igor Zidane
GYBS wrote:
Ciggy wrote:
GYBS wrote:doesnt mean anything of the sort and they could just stay and keep getting minimum profits and hope rafa keeps getting into cl - not getting this stadium is bad news all round - we need a new one as soon as possible

Without a stadium being built Tom Hicks has no interest in owning this club.

did he tell you that himself ?

That is,was his only interest in owning the cclub , building the stadium and sucking all thee profit that that brings . Open your eye's .

PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 12:39 pm
by Ciggy
GYBS wrote:did he tell you that himself ?

He told everyone this the day he took over the club, Hicks only came in with Gillett to build the stadium, so if no stdium gets built no point in them hanging around like a bad whiff.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 12:40 pm
Igor Zidane wrote:
GYBS wrote:
Ciggy wrote:
GYBS wrote:doesnt mean anything of the sort and they could just stay and keep getting minimum profits and hope rafa keeps getting into cl - not getting this stadium is bad news all round - we need a new one as soon as possible

Without a stadium being built Tom Hicks has no interest in owning this club.

did he tell you that himself ?

That is,was his only interest in owning the cclub , building the stadium and sucking all thee profit that that brings . Open your eye's .

eyes are open but you have no idea wht these guys are going to do - its all pure specualtion from you and those spirit of shankley or sons what ever they are called idiots .

PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 12:46 pm
by metalhead
GYBS, the main purpose of G+H is to build a new stadium that would generate extra profit and make us compete financially with Mancs, Arsenal and Chelsea. Without the stadium being built and expanding the commercial part of Liverpool all around wouldn't deal extra revenues and that is not what G + H want to happen. They bought Liverpool to make it into a money making powerhouse. However, it looks like the Yanks are not interested anymore, so I think I expect them to sell in a couple of months.

We need a new change.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 12:50 pm
metalhead wrote:GYBS, the main purpose of G+H is to build a new stadium that would generate extra profit and make us compete financially with Mancs, Arsenal and Chelsea. Without the stadium being built and expanding the commercial part of Liverpool all around wouldn't deal extra revenues and that is not what G + H want to happen. They bought Liverpool to make it into a money making powerhouse. However, it looks like the Yanks are not interested anymore, so I think I expect them to sell in a couple of months.

We need a new change.

oh i know all that but no one knows for sure if this means they are going to sell up and who they sell up too - people are expecting dic to take over straight away but maybe they will sell elsewhere and whos to know what dic will do for the club - all unknowns mate . last summer the owners backed the manager with money for torres masher babel plus many others . yeah they arent the best but a lot of their probs stem from the credit crunch - if that had not happen think we would be seeing different things right now .

PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 12:51 pm
by Igor Zidane
GYBS wrote:
Igor Zidane wrote:
GYBS wrote:
Ciggy wrote:
GYBS wrote:doesnt mean anything of the sort and they could just stay and keep getting minimum profits and hope rafa keeps getting into cl - not getting this stadium is bad news all round - we need a new one as soon as possible

Without a stadium being built Tom Hicks has no interest in owning this club.

did he tell you that himself ?

That is,was his only interest in owning the cclub , building the stadium and sucking all thee profit that that brings . Open your eye's .

eyes are open but you have no idea wht these guys are going to do - its all pure specualtion from you and those spirit of shankley or sons what ever they are called idiots .

Spirit of Shankley are a union for LFC supporters , if you would like to i'll direct you to there website ,so you can read up on them and make an informed judgement .Rather than make yourself look like a T!T and just call them idiots . It's because of knobs like you ,the yanks have got away with and are gettinng away with so much . Like i said beforre OPEN YOUR EYE'S.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 12:56 pm
by metalhead
GYBS wrote:
metalhead wrote:GYBS, the main purpose of G+H is to build a new stadium that would generate extra profit and make us compete financially with Mancs, Arsenal and Chelsea. Without the stadium being built and expanding the commercial part of Liverpool all around wouldn't deal extra revenues and that is not what G + H want to happen. They bought Liverpool to make it into a money making powerhouse. However, it looks like the Yanks are not interested anymore, so I think I expect them to sell in a couple of months.

We need a new change.

oh i know all that but no one knows for sure if this means they are going to sell up and who they sell up too - people are expecting dic to take over straight away but maybe they will sell elsewhere and whos to know what dic will do for the club - all unknowns mate . last summer the owners backed the manager with money for torres masher babel plus many others . yeah they arent the best but a lot of their probs stem from the credit crunch - if that had not happen think we would be seeing different things right now .

DIC may not be the saviours, who knows what they will do to the club, but I'm sure they will make Liverpool winners because they are born winners and they have proved it in the Emarites. They built huge buildings in a matter of weeks, IF they takeover the stadium would be built in one year, thats how fast they are. There will be a complete change in the Liverpool staff, not only coaching, everything! I don't know Rafa will be safe or not, it depends on SOS meetings with DIC.

The subprime loans problem in the U.S is not over, so they are getting alot of beat financially, so yes I do expect to sell us in a couple of months.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 12:56 pm
by Igor Zidane
GYBS wrote:
metalhead wrote:GYBS, the main purpose of G+H is to build a new stadium that would generate extra profit and make us compete financially with Mancs, Arsenal and Chelsea. Without the stadium being built and expanding the commercial part of Liverpool all around wouldn't deal extra revenues and that is not what G + H want to happen. They bought Liverpool to make it into a money making powerhouse. However, it looks like the Yanks are not interested anymore, so I think I expect them to sell in a couple of months.

We need a new change.

oh i know all that but no one knows for sure if this means they are going to sell up and who they sell up too - people are expecting dic to take over straight away but maybe they will sell elsewhere and whos to know what dic will do for the club - all unknowns mate . last summer the owners backed the manager with money for torres masher babel plus many others . yeah they arent the best but a lot of their probs stem from the credit crunch - if that had not happen think we would be seeing different things right now .

Twit and tw@t have not ,i repeat have not ,given rafa a penny . It was RBS AND WACHOVIA, who so kindly lent us the money to buy these players. NoT a penny out of G+H pockets . Also i hope the credit crunch bankrupts the pair of them ,for what tthey've done to our club.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 12:57 pm
by Ciggy
GYBS wrote:last summer the owners backed the manager with money for torres masher babel plus many others .

They borrowed the money to buy them twit & tw@t have put 20 million pound each in. Thats it.

Anyone could have bought the club, the fans are paying for them to own us, the fans are paying for the players, the fans will be paying for the new stadium.

And they put in feck all and walk away with a dirty fat wad of money.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 1:04 pm
by Number 9
GYBS wrote:
Igor Zidane wrote:
GYBS wrote:
Ciggy wrote:
GYBS wrote:doesnt mean anything of the sort and they could just stay and keep getting minimum profits and hope rafa keeps getting into cl - not getting this stadium is bad news all round - we need a new one as soon as possible

Without a stadium being built Tom Hicks has no interest in owning this club.

did he tell you that himself ?

That is,was his only interest in owning the cclub , building the stadium and sucking all thee profit that that brings . Open your eye's .

eyes are open but you have no idea wht these guys are going to do - its all pure specualtion from you and those spirit of shankley or sons what ever they are called idiots .

:no  :no

So a group of LFC supporters get together and try and actually do something about the way things are and you call them idiots!
Why dont ya fu'ck back off to that other shi,tty forum you came from.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 1:06 pm
by bunglemark2
Is it just me or has anyone else noticed that pretty much every post of late from GYBS is insulting or inflammatory or negative ?
Mate - go and get yer Nat King...or a lobotomy....or a personality transplant.....whatever...
Sort yer bleedin' head out, will ya ?

(There's a good lad/lass)

PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 1:07 pm
by Ciggy
Sounds familiar....................

Tom Hicks And His Corinthians Past

It seems Tom Hicks leaves a trail of devastation wherever goes. His disastrous foray into the Brazilian football market as chairman of Hicks, Muse, Tate & Furst left Corinthians, the second most popular club in Brazil, in a state of turmoil.
The parallels between what happened to Corinthians and what is currently happening at Liverpool are unsettling to say the least:
There was the initial blaze of publicity and fanfare when the company bought the club in 1999, with promises of big spending on the best players and the construction of a brand new 45,000 seater stadium in the suburbs of Sao Paulo.
There was an initial capital investment to tie down existing players and to finance the purchase one or two other additional players.
The economics behind the Corinthians deal appeared to be based on ridiculously rudimentary logic: “If you add up all the fans of professional baseball, basketball, football and hockey in the United States, that number is lower than the number of Brazilians who are soccer fans.” Clearly, no proper risk analysis had been undertaken - a situation which resonates with the due diligence period of 3 days prior to the purchase of Liverpool.
This flimsy approach was reinforced by the apparently rash and impulsive purchase of Cruzeiro six months later - traits which Liverpool fans are rapidly coming to associate with Hicks.
There was also the emphasis on the cheaper “young players”, with the following quote from the (unfortunately named) Richard Law, president of Hicks’ subsidiary group: “Our job is not to turn back the inevitable, but to build Corinthians and Cruzeiro up from the junior ranks.” Hicks followed a similar tack following the takeover of Liverpool: “You need to keep your star players but also develop your young players. Young players are the lifeblood of your team, so we talked about how we can improve that side of the team.”
Corinthians had already won the Brazilian championship in 1998, so Hicks inherited a winning team. The initial expenditure assisted in retaining the league title in Dec 1999 and the club also won the inaugural FIFA Club World Championship the following month.
This is where things started to go wrong.
Unable to resist the temptation to make a quick buck, HICKS BEGAN SELLING TRANSFER RIGHTS TO THE CLUB’S STAR PLAYERS. On top of that, he decided on the bizarre idea of changing the traditional colour of the club’s shirt. He also introduced sponsorship (something which Corinthians fans felt defiled their heritage).
All of these things led to a furious reaction from supporters and widespread protest against Hicks and his partners. The company bailed out three years later, ironically having accused its local partner in Brazil of “misappropriating funds” (read this and you’ll understand).
Corinthians began to spiral downwards. MSI took over the club’s management but, despite a league title in 2005, the financial problems initiated by Hicks proved too much of a burden. The club was relegated to the second tier of Brazilian football for the first time in its history in December 2007.
THERE WAS NO NEW STADIUM. Hicks invested about five hundred million dollars and within two years filed for bankruptcy.
In a recent prospectus issued to financial companies in London, Hicks claims in to be “a master of purchasing and growing professional sports teams”.
Liverpool fans, Texas Rangers fans and Corinthians fans might disagree.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 1:11 pm
very funny indeed - sos or whatever they are calle djust seem to embaress themselves every time they try and do a stunt , poor just as much hot water on the situation as do the yanks . know plenty of people around the club who think that as well - some more connected to the club than any of us could ever imagine being. one family especially respected by the club . try to do something ? nothing they do will change anything or effect the situation one single bit . would rather have peoples efforts support the players in a positive way as opposed to be negative .

and as for every post being insulting ? have a read back mate .

PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 1:29 pm
by Igor Zidane
GYBS wrote:very funny indeed - sos or whatever they are calle djust seem to embaress themselves every time they try and do a stunt , poor just as much hot water on the situation as do the yanks . know plenty of people around the club who think that as well - some more connected to the club than any of us could ever imagine being. one family especially respected by the club . try to do something ? nothing they do will change anything or effect the situation one single bit . would rather have peoples efforts support the players in a positive way as opposed to be negative .

and as for every post being insulting ? have a read back mate .

Now you are making a t1t of youself , your posts are now getting beyond stupid . Slap yourself to waken up.