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PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 4:46 am
by Fowler_E7
Scottbot wrote:The irony is Rafa will be gutted and most of us are happy. I'm sorry but this lad is shocking and i'm relieved he won't be playing in a red shirt this season.

This kid makes Voronin look like the White Pele.

the funny thing is the guy looks like zidane for the reserves, just shows how poor the standard is at that level.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 4:58 am
by Espionage
I have been around people who have had visa troubles as I have been in a long term relationship with an international student at university.  Visa's are 20% your fault and 80% bureaucracy.  When applying for a new student visa my girlfriend had to send an x-ray of her body as part of the body check. She gave it in time but when it was sent to Australia and checked by Australian doctors they said that wanted it done again because it was not right.  The visa application had to be started again and then she missed the cut off date for Uni (and having to defer a semester). She applied on the first day that she could, went through an agent and still got f*cked in the bureaucracy.

I hate the fact that with our resources we cannot have someone who is in charge of this to try and minimise the occurrence of these sorts of things happening. Gonzalez and now Leto, and its not good enough. Its cant be all the system's fault..

PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 7:43 am
by Owzat
I'm not convinced he's good enough, seems the people that matter aren't convinced either. Couldn't Rafa have contacted the authorities, said "here's the young star we want to sign, let me know if he will get a work permit". It's not as if the actually signing of him is going to change the validity of his application, he either qualifies or he doesn't. This is the second time Rafa's got shafted over a player, not terribly good players at that. Maybe he should stick to players from the EU and Liverpool area.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 7:49 am
by maypaxvobiscum
Fowler_E7 wrote:
Scottbot wrote:The irony is Rafa will be gutted and most of us are happy. I'm sorry but this lad is shocking and i'm relieved he won't be playing in a red shirt this season.

This kid makes Voronin look like the White Pele.

the funny thing is the guy looks like zidane for the reserves, just shows how poor the standard is at that level.

yeah and walcott is completely average....

PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 7:58 am
by Judge
LegBarnes wrote:
Judge wrote:
Lee J wrote:
That left Leto needing a work permit but Liverpool's application was refused by the Department of Work and Pensions.

i bet if he was of asian/muslim/polish/iraq or Iran origin he'd be given the permit and a place to live on full benefits too.

fking country is twisted.

i have to agree with lee here.

if the dept of work and pensions, deny him a permit to work, cause he aint played much, then thats ludicrous, as the spongers from overseas, dont do fu'ck all and get all sorts of permits etc, and benefits, house, car, phone and free health care etc etc etc etc etc

the list goes on

at least the lad has a recognised job, and he's penalised for it

Fu*king government  :angry:

Judge trust me they dont given any thing like that if they have it , its because they stole it , bought it or how ever they get it.

My girl friend is an higher executive officer in Border and immigration.

They dont give them any thing apart from basic to live on as they are not alowed to work while goverment is deciding to let them stay here or not.

a lebanese couple with two kids were allowed to stay in a place called kirkstall, leeds

they were given access to mobile phone free, free house, and free car

plus all the customary benefits also

this is true and i stand by what i said

PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 10:48 am
kunilson wrote:unfortunate situation for us........but not something that will effect us that much i don't think.

I remember Leto being good on the ball but lacking when crossing....who knows he could have turned out to be good.

the lad just has no pace whatsoever and at 22 is quite old now for an emerging talent , time to let him go .

PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 11:12 am
by 66-1112520797
Rafa is carrying on about Leto not getting a permit, fair enough I suppose. But he did that with Mark Gonzalez (carry on) then flogged him off a season later.  :glare:

Its probably a good job the young Argie doesnt get a permit

1) Because he isnt good enough

2) Its one less "option" or "possiblitiy" for Rafa.

But I do agree with Judgey on his view about permits and immigrations in the UK.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 11:23 am
by Fo Dne
Woeful, woeful, woeful player.

I've seen better lads on a pitch on a Saturday and Sunday.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 7:38 am
by Owzat
Bamaga man wrote:Rafa is carrying on about Leto not getting a permit, fair enough I suppose. But he did that with Mark Gonzalez (carry on) then flogged him off a season later.  :glare:

Its probably a good job the young Argie doesnt get a permit

1) Because he isnt good enough

2) Its one less "option" or "possiblitiy" for Rafa.

But I do agree with Judgey on his view about permits and immigrations in the UK.

It's most definitely bad. We've bought a player who we can't play, he isn't good enough to get a work permit so WTF is Rafa signing him for.

Supposedly you can get past the 75% of games and top whatever in Europe aspect by showing they are a very talented young player, if we can't even get them a permit on that then it's shocking signing.

The problem with immigration is unless you're very strict then almost anyone can make a claim for asylum. I'm very sorry about the situations in some countries, however we can't accommodate EVERY SINGLE PERSON who has cause to fear for their life. And we're not the only country that they would be safe in, I notice they go for UK and not nearest safe place.

It's not we don't want most of them, it's the fact that this ISLAND is already overcrowded and hitting the brink of a cultural and religious divide that could lead to serious problems. Those who've lived here all their life will resent foreigners piling over here for their own gain, we'd all like to get the best we can but I don't see a company letting me walk in and have the MDs job so why should they queue jump and get free everything? Even if that isn't wholly accurate, it is what a lot of people here BELIEVE. People should have taken more notice of UKIP, we could make a big start by pulling out of the EU. If you're worried about the price of things, take note of where the bloody stuff comes from. We wouldn't need so much without all our EU visitors, I gather a lot of the Poles don't intend staying but they still live here, eat, drive, take jobs etc

PostPosted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 10:08 am
by RedBen

OLYMPIACOS C.F.P. announces the completion of the transcription of the Argentinean football player Sebastian Leto, on loan, from Liverpool F.C.

They keep it short in Greece :laugh:

PostPosted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 9:51 pm
by RedBlood
Give him time 2 work on his right foot

then hell be unstoppable

PostPosted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 7:29 am
by Owzat
RedBlood wrote:Give him time 2 work on his right foot

then hell be unstoppable

Give him someone else's feet, first ever footballer foot transplant

PostPosted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 8:30 am
by Sparkyflew
Leto is somebody that Rafa has picked up on the cheap - "A rough Diamond that needs polishing".  however this guy could not be good even if Rafa used Brasso on him.  I think we are trying to find the cheap way out as far as wingers go and (i.e gonzalez, nunez etc) and it never works out.  In my opinion you have to shell to get creative players who have got dribbling, pace, and crossing ability in this day and age - (something we have not had since John Barnes!) they just do not come cheap.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 12:01 pm
by Bad Bob
Sparkyflew wrote:Leto is somebody that Rafa has picked up on the cheap - "A rough Diamond that needs polishing".  however this guy could not be good even if Rafa used Brasso on him.  I think we are trying to find the cheap way out as far as wingers go and (i.e gonzalez, nunez etc) and it never works out.  In my opinion you have to shell to get creative players who have got dribbling, pace, and crossing ability in this day and age - (something we have not had since John Barnes!) they just do not come cheap.

Spot on.  Quality attackers are rare and expensive commodities unless you buy them very young and wait/hope for them to mature.   Browsing the bargain bins can uncover some gems in other areas of the pitch but the best attacking options really require you to pay top dollar.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 12:20 pm
by Alonso14
Bad Bob wrote:
Sparkyflew wrote:Leto is somebody that Rafa has picked up on the cheap - "A rough Diamond that needs polishing".  however this guy could not be good even if Rafa used Brasso on him.  I think we are trying to find the cheap way out as far as wingers go and (i.e gonzalez, nunez etc) and it never works out.  In my opinion you have to shell to get creative players who have got dribbling, pace, and crossing ability in this day and age - (something we have not had since John Barnes!) they just do not come cheap.

Spot on.  Quality attackers are rare and expensive commodities unless you buy them very young and wait/hope for them to mature.   Browsing the bargain bins can uncover some gems in other areas of the pitch but the best attacking options really require you to pay top dollar.

i.e. centerbacks! Vidic, Toure, Skrytle.