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PostPosted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 3:34 pm
by heimdall
nobybob wrote:you see that is part of my answer - did the gunners fans scream "wenger out" liverpool has finished above yet again therefore wenger will never win the premier for us again?we are only fighting for fourth its not good enough NO they didn't they showed a little loyalty and faith now they are being rewarded for this. I think LIVERPOOL supporters are better than the gunners so how about giving rafa the respect that wenger was given ?


You still haven't answered my question as to why I'm a glory hunter, do that and I'll answer your question, I can't make it much simpler can I ??

PostPosted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 3:34 pm
by supersub
heimdall wrote:
nobybob wrote:
Billy_5_Times wrote:
Rush Job wrote:Leave him alone FFS, he could be just a young  lad, some of the posters above should take a look at themselves this is a LFC forum you know. :no

Thanks for your concern mate, and I'm 18 if it makes a blind bit of difference. But even at this age, I know more about Liverpool Football Club than most on here so I don't let it bother me, they're all glory hunters anyway.

I thing I know is that we have to support the manager and the players, and it sickens me to see these fans so negative. We have to believe. Who thought we'd win the Champions League in 2005 at half time? Nobody but we did. We keep the faith at this club, and you lot should be ashamed for believing anything else.

well said kid
to many fair weather supporters here I'm afraid.

Too many people happy with mediocrity as well, because that's what being a Liverpool fan is all about isn't it???

how would you know!!

PostPosted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 3:37 pm
by supersub
heimdall wrote:I'm sure Jamie Redknapp is just another fickle glory hunter isn't he!!

No just paid to say what the Sky audience love to hear...

PostPosted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 3:43 pm
by nobybob
heimdall wrote:
nobybob wrote:you see that is part of my answer - did the gunners fans scream "wenger out" liverpool has finished above yet again therefore wenger will never win the premier for us again?we are only fighting for fourth its not good enough NO they didn't they showed a little loyalty and faith now they are being rewarded for this. I think LIVERPOOL supporters are better than the gunners so how about giving rafa the respect that wenger was given ?


You still haven't answered my question as to why I'm a glory hunter, do that and I'll answer your question, I can't make it much simpler can I ??

I will tell you why look up the definition of support in the dictionary, it talks about something that is given in times of need , when things are not going well--like now.
your so called support seems conditionary of us winning the premier , other wise it turns from support into criticism , not even the constructive kind -just the off now rafa thanks for the CL the FA ect. kind
That's what i call glory hunting!

PostPosted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 3:52 pm
by zarababe
heimdall wrote:
nobybob wrote:
Billy_5_Times wrote:
Rush Job wrote:Leave him alone FFS, he could be just a young  lad, some of the posters above should take a look at themselves this is a LFC forum you know. :no

Thanks for your concern mate, and I'm 18 if it makes a blind bit of difference. But even at this age, I know more about Liverpool Football Club than most on here so I don't let it bother me, they're all glory hunters anyway.

I thing I know is that we have to support the manager and the players, and it sickens me to see these fans so negative. We have to believe. Who thought we'd win the Champions League in 2005 at half time? Nobody but we did. We keep the faith at this club, and you lot should be ashamed for believing anything else.

well said kid
to many fair weather supporters here I'm afraid.

Too many people happy with mediocrity as well, because that's what being a Liverpool fan is all about isn't it???

YEH - MEDIOCRITY  :buttrock  .. 2 CL finals (one won - get it :D) one Fa cup final (won), one league cup final etc .. pure MEDIOCRITY THAT IS.. wow how could I get used to that ay
:no not me matey can't be havin that  :upside: rock bottom that's what it is  :shifty

PostPosted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 3:57 pm
by heimdall
nobybob wrote:
heimdall wrote:
nobybob wrote:you see that is part of my answer - did the gunners fans scream "wenger out" liverpool has finished above yet again therefore wenger will never win the premier for us again?we are only fighting for fourth its not good enough NO they didn't they showed a little loyalty and faith now they are being rewarded for this. I think LIVERPOOL supporters are better than the gunners so how about giving rafa the respect that wenger was given ?


You still haven't answered my question as to why I'm a glory hunter, do that and I'll answer your question, I can't make it much simpler can I ??

I will tell you why look up the definition of support in the dictionary, it talks about something that is given in times of need , when things are not going well--like now.
your so called support seems conditionary of us winning the premier , other wise it turns from support into criticism , not even the constructive kind -just the off now rafa thanks for the CL the FA ect. kind
That's what i call glory hunting!

You guys really make me laugh, when someone challenges you on your flimsy arguments and incorrect name calling, you get nasty!!

Glory hunter is surely someone who jumps from team to team to bask in their success, Liverpool hasn't really qualified for that IN THE LEAGUE recently has it.

Note that I'm talking about success in the league whilst you are happy to win the occasional cup, that is the big difference, I'm ambitious and what our club to get bigger and stronger whilst you are happy with our current mediocrity in the league compared to the other big three.

PostPosted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 3:58 pm
by nobybob
supersub wrote:
heimdall wrote:I'm sure Jamie Redknapp is just another fickle glory hunter isn't he!!

No just paid to say what the Sky audience love to hear...

plus the more managerial positions he can unstabilize the more opportunities for his arl fella - you never know he might be in the running along with BIG SAM :D

PostPosted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 4:04 pm
by nobybob
Note that I'm talking about success in the league whilst you are happy to win the occasional cup, that is the big difference, I'm ambitious and what our club to get bigger and stronger whilst you are happy with our current mediocrity in the league compared to the other big three.

"happy with it" of course i am not happy and would luv to win the premier the diference is i show the faith and loyalty to believe that rafa is the man to bring us this. Just cos hes has not uptil now proves nothing as shown by my WENGER reference earlier.

PostPosted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 4:22 pm
by maguskwt
i been in too many fights... so i'll stay out of this one... besides it's heimdall... :D

oh btw zarababe if you keep up with that Big Sam thing some will really think you're campaigning for him...  :laugh:

PostPosted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 4:32 pm
by zarababe
maguskwt wrote:i been in too many fights... so i'll stay out of this one... besides it's heimdall... :D

oh btw zarababe if you keep up with that Big Sam thing some will really think you're campaigning for him...  :laugh:

Oi - u think I'm jokin Mag.. look at his record fella - and tell me about it too will ya !

BIG SAM P60 on it's way ! The boot room goin and the 'chewingum room' comin  :buttrock

PostPosted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 4:33 pm
by supersub
heimdall wrote:You guys really make me laugh, when someone challenges you on your flimsy arguments and incorrect name calling, you get nasty!!

I would argue that, you were in fact, the first to call names, when you referred to the starter of this thread as,and I quote, "an arrogant pr1ck".

PostPosted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 4:35 pm
by nobybob
heimdall wrote:
nobybob wrote:I call it loyalty -- you know that word ? its sort of the opposite of fickle glory hunters

Call it what you want, I call it a looser attitude which you would normally find in a mid to bottom team not Liverpool FFS!!

Explain why I'm a glory hunter please. I have supported Liverpool since the early 90's so haven't really seen too much glory, not in the league anyway, wouldn't it have made more sense for me to support Man Utd, Arsenal or lately Chelsea. The fact that I don't means that I do know what loyalty is but I also have my own mind and my own opinions and I think that Rafa isn't good enough to win us the Prem League and it seems that more and more people are coming round to that opinion, but I'm sure Jamie Redknapp is just another fickle glory hunter isn't he!!

You know it is often said that " blood is the price of glory" - well it seems to me that its rafas blood you fellas want, and if it gets you the premier so be it. For me the price is to high with no guarantees at the end of it, to sacrifice the man who has shown nothing but complete dedication to his job has already brought so much to my club and given me and many others such happy times, nights never to be forgotten sorry i just cant do it. I still have to much hope ,to much belief in the man, to bring us what we all want -in the short time he has been he he has already achieved so much, forget the cups- in the league he has twice in the last three years finished above wenger ( a manager who knows what it takes to win the league) so he must have done something right. Give him -[good supportive owners,- some faith,- time,- and a little luck] and he has a better chance than most to turn our hopes into reality.

PostPosted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 5:22 pm
by god_bless_john_houlding
Benitez has had supportive owners, i.e. David Moores. He's had more faith than most managers, i.e. the march. 4 years is more than enough time. Luck, you make your own luck.

I'm as loyal as anyone and want the league as much as anybody, but Benitez won't win us the title. So I'll support Benitez to the heavens while he's in charge, but it's more in hope than belief.

PostPosted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 5:29 pm
by zarababe
god_bless_john_houlding wrote:but Benitez won't win us the title.

So I'll support Benitez to the heavens while he's in charge, but it's more in hope than belief.

Yep - BIG SAM WILL  :buttrock

PostPosted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 5:39 pm
by nobybob
god_bless_john_houlding wrote:Benitez has had supportive owners, i.e. David Moores. He's had more faith than most managers, i.e. the march. 4 years is more than enough time. Luck, you make your own luck.

I'm as loyal as anyone and want the league as much as anybody, but Benitez won't win us the title. So I'll support Benitez to the heavens while he's in charge, but it's more in hope than belief.

moores was never able to support rafa in the transfer market to the same extent as manu chelsea ect we have never been able to just go out and buy 3, £20mill or £30 million players. Torres is the only really word class striker we have bought for a long time.
As for the march -this was because rafa has had to put up with a lot more sh!t from our current owners than most managers (maybe moreen had alot of interfernce from abramowitch but at least he got the cash)

as for the "more in hope than belief" - one can but hope gbgh one can but hope