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PostPosted: Wed May 09, 2007 11:48 am
by Rafa D
Ferguson is quoted as saying:

"My greatest acheivement was knocking Liverpool off their fu.cking perch!"

Shame we about to climb back on :)

PostPosted: Wed May 09, 2007 11:51 am
by 112-1077774096
mick i will pm you

PostPosted: Wed May 09, 2007 11:55 am
by bigmick
Back onto the football side of the topic, Ferguson just can't let it go. He is a great manager of that there is no doubt, but he can never resist the opportunity to let himself down with a comment which totally lacks class. Thankfully, our own manager usually manages to behave with decorum and in the manner befitting an institution of the magnitude of our club (not absolutely always though and I for one don't like it when he doesn't), but Ferguson, Morinho and wenger frequently let rancour get in the way of decency. I even saw a quote from Ferguson the other day where he implied that while Europe used to be his main priority, these days the league is more important. Now if that was us saying that given that we haven't won it in ages then fair enough, but them? Do me a favour.

PostPosted: Wed May 09, 2007 12:06 pm
by NiftyNeil
This is a quote from Bobby Charlton last year :

"Alex is arguably the greatest manager ever," Charlton said. "Although I think the fact that Bob Paisley and Liverpool have won the European Cup more times probably grates on him a little bit.

"For the number of times we've been champions, we have not taken it that stage further. I think he'd like to win at least one more European Cup before he packs his bags."

Ferguson has been obsessed with the European Cup for years, it's his Holy Grail. Ferguson and his merry band would gladly tell us that the League is more important and that they'd prefer it to the European Cup, but we all know the truth.

PostPosted: Wed May 09, 2007 12:16 pm
by bigmick
NiftyNeil wrote:Ferguson has been obsessed with the European Cup for years, it's his Holy Grail. Ferguson and his merry band would gladly tell us that the League is more important and that they'd prefer it to the European Cup, but we all know the truth.

On the money. It's all very well belittling the thing when you've just get your erse kicked in Milan. He wasn't saying that when Rooney got the winner at Old Trafford though that's for sure.

PostPosted: Wed May 09, 2007 12:20 pm
by babu
kunilson wrote:i read somewhere by a post from a manc, that he would rather give up the FA Cup then see us win the Champions League...and other mancs agreed, some even said they wouldn't mind giving up the premiership if it meant we wouldn't win the Champions League.

Thats how pathetic the attitude of some of these ppl are, and statements like that from Fergie spawn these bitter

concentrate on your own damn team!

feck fergie, he has nothing to do with this. and i saw a thread on redcafe, saying the same thing. ie rather lose FA cup than see LFC win the champions league.

but to be fair the topic starter got roasted for those comments.

PostPosted: Wed May 09, 2007 12:26 pm
by zarababe
Fergies obsessed with it, so is Wenger and Mourinhio

and Rafa - well he can just gloat:  :D  :laugh:

PostPosted: Wed May 09, 2007 12:27 pm
by Mikz
Some good comments in this one -Im not sadistic in any way but I totally detest Rudolph Ferguson!! And its pleasing to see Im not alone on this one.
This is the man that stated {as our own rafa dodd pointed out} His biggest achievement was knocking us off the perch.

This is the man that scorned all on the M.O.T.D team and called them all Liverpool fans
(what kind of man does that like?)

And he left Alan Hansen at home in 86
And he took his own stopwatch to make sure the ref was abiding by his time
And I could go on...

I know as peewee says - its just newspaper talk of him saying that - BUT WOULD ANYONE BE SUPRISED?

PostPosted: Wed May 09, 2007 12:29 pm
by DazH-
kunilson wrote:i read somewhere by a post from a manc, that he would rather give up the FA Cup then see us win the Champions League...and other mancs agreed, some even said they wouldn't mind giving up the premiership if it meant we wouldn't win the Champions League.

Thats how pathetic the attitude of some of these ppl are, and statements like that from Fergie spawn these bitter

concentrate on your own damn team!

No matter what fergie says, we still have a better chance of winning the Champions League than the mancs! :cool:

And as for some man u fans willing to sacrificing their own success just to see us fail, that just tells you everything doesn't it? All those premiership titles can't hide their inferiority complex towards us

PostPosted: Wed May 09, 2007 12:37 pm
by heimdall
I've lost a lot of respect for Fergie with this, and as another poster said I will be hoping for an extremely bloody FA Cup final with plenty of injuries and fighting, with Chelsea just nicking it  :p

PostPosted: Wed May 09, 2007 12:43 pm
by Marcus
Milan doesn't need no backing up from such a sore loser... I am disappointed with Ser Alex this time.

PostPosted: Wed May 09, 2007 12:49 pm
by zarababe
Who cares what he , the bookies (Dawsonio precluded of course) and the rest of the 'rif raff' think - the fact is you have got to be 'in it to win it' :cool:

Oh and yes chelsea to win 2-0 in the 3rd place play-off at wembley

PostPosted: Wed May 09, 2007 12:51 pm
by Judge
perhaps fergie will choke on his wine, as it travels down his scrawny windpipe flooding his lungs with fluid (like ronaldo does, but to men), then dies, whilst unsung hero, dan agger scores the winner to send us wild

PostPosted: Wed May 09, 2007 1:15 pm
by Big Niall
I like Ferguson, himself and Mourinho make me laugh. They aren't to be taken seriously when they speak publicly like this.

Just have a laugh at them.

PostPosted: Wed May 09, 2007 1:46 pm
by Owzat
Can we expect a guard of honour next season at old toilet? I doubt it. He's just bitter because he's a one trick pony who never got the hang of any other tricks. People called our success a 'fluke', I say a fluke is something you managed ONCE and never got close to repeating. Just because Rafa managed in three seasons what fergie couldn't manage in over a decade he gets all bitter.

The mancs lost because they were poor over two legs and while Milan didn't finish them off at old toilet they did the job in Milan. We wouldn't concede FIVE goals in the Champions League, I can easily confirm that we haven't ever conceded that many in the current format (on my home PC) I'd be surprised if we've conceded 3 that often, the final of 2005 being the obvious example. Let mr bitter have his say, it will make it even more sweet if we do win