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PostPosted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 12:47 am
by Ace Ventura
Dundalk wrote:
Leonmc0708 wrote:Andy Gray "Liverpools title hopes ended on 17th September"

What a fucking muppet he is, Im finding it very hard to watch Sky games these days with this muppet going on the whole way through, hes as annoying as Chelsea fan claiming to be the best team ever, he needs to go and now

And dont get me started on Richard "The Gorilla" Keys!   :angry:

I just posted something about grays comments in the Advanced section, and i'll say the same here, Gray was just trying to hype the game up to gain more viewers.
How many times a season on SKY do we hear him and Keys come out with....this is the biggest game of the season, the one that every fan looks out for when the fixtures come out...its b@llocks.
We look out for when our Derby's are and to an extent the united fixtures...other than that we dont have any major rivalries despite what the media and SKY try and create.
Gray knows that we are one of the sides that will run Chelsea close this year despite last weeks defeat.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 12:52 am
by ivor_the_injun
I think this season's going to be an absolute classic. Everyone's dropped points, and it's not inconceivable that there'll be a record low points tally for the Prem champions come seasons end.

I can see one of the big four losing 5, 6 maybe more matches and still be capable of winning the league. Nobody looks indestructible, which on the one hand is unnerving for the fans, but in general is absolutely brilliant for football in this country.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 1:09 am
by Ace Ventura
ivor_the_injun wrote:I think this season's going to be an absolute classic. Everyone's dropped points, and it's not inconceivable that there'll be a record low points tally for the Prem champions come seasons end.

I can see one of the big four losing 5, 6 maybe more matches and still be capable of winning the league. Nobody looks indestructible, which on the one hand is unnerving for the fans, but in general is absolutely brilliant for football in this country.

All of the big 4 will lose 5 or 6 imo, and tbh that wouldn't of been unusual until the last couple of seasons.
Chelsea although they are winning arent as convincing, uniteds squad is not good enough and Arsenal will still drop plenty of points away from home.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 2:31 am
by 112-1077774096
it makes me laugh when people criticise those of us who criticised the result against Su, the bitters and cheslsea becuase we have now put 2 wins together.

yes its finally looking good and i hope that continues. but good results now will not get us back the 8 points dropped from those games. we are only 5 behind chelsea and that includes the 3 points they won of us.

every point is important at the end of the season and its not being fickle when we are disapointed, remember we still have to win more from now on than chelsea and man u so its not in our hands whether we win the title or not

PostPosted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 2:48 am
by Santa
Leonmc0708 wrote:Fickle fans, now jump on the title charge bandwagon, we welcome you aboard........

Just goes to prove how little faith some of these so-called "fans" have in our team... :no

PostPosted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 3:07 am
by 112-1077774096
Santa wrote:
Leonmc0708 wrote:Fickle fans, now jump on the title charge bandwagon, we welcome you aboard........

Just goes to prove how little faith some of these so-called "fans" have in our team... :no

another one totally missing the point.

so tell me santa are you happy with the results at SU, everton and chelsea?

it seems if people who were quite rightly unhappy are being called fickle fans in a "how dare they criticise the club" style while those supporters who were happy with those results are loyal non fickle supporters.

work it out mate and lets call a spade a spade, so what, we won two games and suddenly we are title pretenders again.

i would love to go an unbeaten run to the end of the season and win 4 trophies, and if we do that will never change the fact that the three results i mention above were not good, even if we win every game 10 - 0 that will not change those three results.

also i am one of the 'fickle fans' mentioned. i prefer to call it 'honest fans who dont constantly wear red tinted glasses'. you call us 'so called' fans. let me tell you santa that i went to my first game is 1973 and then went virtually every week  (including europe when i was older, even going to finland for our first game back after the ban) until i moved to asia, even now i never miss a game on tv evn when it means getting up at stupid oclock to watch.

when i was younger i would defend the team and the club no matter what but as i matured i stared to see things for what they are and something has to be said then i am happy to say it, if you dont tell someone they are wrong then they will continue to be wrong mate.

this is not just a rant at you santa although you did use the phrase "so called fans", i am as loyal as any supporter, but maybe i am just a bit more honest by not defending the indefencible

PostPosted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 3:57 am
by babu
peewee wrote:every point is important at the end of the season and its not being fickle when we are disapointed, remember we still have to win more from now on than chelsea and man u so its not in our hands whether we win the title or not

We just need to stay in touch, breathe down their necks, maybe we will hit another couple of purple patches like last year. Chelsea & Man U will drop points if we keep up the pressure, so in a way i reckon its still in our hands.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 5:12 am
by ConnO'var
Kash_Mountain wrote:
Leonmc0708 wrote:A week ago, we where written out of the title race by Andy Gray "Liverpools title hopes ended on 17th September" following a defeat at Chelsea.

Many fans on here questioned Rafa's tactics, team selection and one even compared to Houlliers reign.

Fickle fans, now jump on the title charge bandwagon, we welcome you aboard........

Andy Gray can say what he likes, but he, being an ex player should know better than to write Liverpool FC off.

I've said it before, we have for the last few seasons had a slow start, but gradually picked up the pace and done very well come the end of the season.

There is absolutle nothing to worry about.  Yes Rafa may from time to time pick a team which we, the fans don't agree with, however thats the way it goes.

Every club has fickle fans but the real fans truly know that all will be alright.

With due respect, that's a load of tripe...

Fickle fans? True Fans?

According the 2 of you, fickle fans are those who have the temerity to be dissapointed with poor results and have the audacity to suggest that Rafa got it wrong.... Why? coz he's some kind of deity? He's a fantatstic manager and I'm glad we got him but does not mean that we have to agree with everything he says or does... That's tantamount to blind worship and is a ridiculous thing to do IMO.

By the same reasoning, true fans are those who blindly follow and agree to everything that the club or it's personel have done... accepting everything as gospel... refusing to accept or listen to constructive criticsms... Once again, with due respect, these are not TRUE fans..... those are fans without minds of their own... somewhat similar to lemmings who jump of a cliff coz the 1st one did.....

A true LFC fan?

1. Someone who loves the club no matter what.
2. Wants the best for the club.
3. Always looking to improve.

Your defintion only fills in criteria 1. To get to numbers 2 and 3, we have to be grown ups and learn from our mistakes and move along. Else we render ourselves static..... we've been dormant for so long now.... and lately under the Houlleir (yes, him) and Rafa we have started to get out of the doldrums.... To go further, we cannot be bullheaded, must learn to accept criticism and learn from our mistakes...

Before anyone rips into me for this... let me make this clear.... I've been a liverpool fan ever since I started playing and watching football in '76 ... In the early years, I was a "true fan", by your definition.... As I grew up, I became a "fickle fan", again by your definition.....

But regardless of your definitions.... I consider myself to be TRUE and LOYAL fan..... riding the roller coaster through the highs and lows....

I probably didn't explain meself too well.... Go and read Peewee's post for a better explanation... he did a much better job....

Please do not confuse us fans who have expressed opinions contrary to Rafa's practices as "fickle fans"... It's highly insulting... We are just capable of independant thought. Whether you think those thoughts are "intelligent" or "reactionary" is purely a matter of opinion....

PostPosted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 6:00 am
by 66-1112520797
murphy0151 wrote:I still think we need to get rid off Rafa hes shocking.  What on gods earth was he thinking leaving Carragher out.

The sooner we get rid and get a decent manager the better, Alan Curbishley would be nice lol

Yeah and while we're at it we can offload Riise too, I mean whats he thinking of,  having a decent game and scoring a belter of a goal.    :eyebrow

PostPosted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 7:18 am
by onizukaeikichi
wonderful stuff its so damn early in the season and we won 2 games, it instantly propelled us to a nice position on the table, too bad chelshit manage to run away from us. As long as we dont screw up, we still have a good chance to win the title, if not at least make it tough for anyone else to win it.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 9:05 am
by murphy0151
Bamaga man wrote:
murphy0151 wrote:I still think we need to get rid off Rafa hes shocking.  What on gods earth was he thinking leaving Carragher out.

The sooner we get rid and get a decent manager the better, Alan Curbishley would be nice lol

Yeah and while we're at it we can offload Riise too, I mean whats he thinking of,  having a decent game and scoring a belter of a goal.    :eyebrow

Ill be first to admit there was a major improvement from Riise yesterday.  A major improvement but there will still a few occasions were he should off done the simple thing like header the ball out when he was on his touch line.  Instead he headed the ball back right on the foot off a Tottenham player on the edge off the area.  You can expect mistakes like this to happen when youve been out for a couple off weeks.  When ive said Riise is the weakest link in the past I havent said it cause I want him to do Badly, I said it cause he has been playing badly.  Before the game yesterday when the players are warming up right on kick off, dont forget it mate ill be there singin his name with the other 15,000 that join in.

I hope with the healthy competion for places at left back, we well get the best out off Riise.  And see less off the Riise that made me vent my views on him in the first place.  Lets see and hope his good form yesterday wasnt just a flash in the pan. 

Fingers crossed.

I still think we should chase Curbishley lol  :D

PostPosted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 10:59 am
by Ciggy
murphy0151 wrote:Alan Curbishley would be nice lol

:laugh: Someone wrote a letter to the Echo saying that it must have been a bitter  :D

PostPosted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 12:07 pm
by murphy0151
Ciggy wrote:
murphy0151 wrote:Alan Curbishley would be nice lol

:laugh: Someone wrote a letter to the Echo saying that it must have been a bitter  :D

I seen that aswell, I nearly fell off me chair when I read it.

The lengths that them imbred mongrels go to make me laugh.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 1:10 pm
by Sabre
I definately make no apologies for pointing out that I think we got it wrong at the start of the season. I still think we got it wrong at the start of the season. This of course is despite the fact we have just won two games in a row at home.

Things are beginning to settle down and we are serenely climbing up the table after six games. If you look upwards it is not unreasonable to think that only two of the teams above us are realistic challengers to win things, so everything is Ok because we have won these two matches? Sorry but I don't think so. Even if we win the title this season, conceding a five point advantage to Chelsea in the first six matches was never a good idea. Failing to beat a Sheffield United team who surprise surprise are bottom of the table was never a good idea. Making as many changes as Rafa did in those early matches was never a good idea. Belatedly we are seeing sensible rotations, the same strikeforce, the same core to the midfield and the same core to the defence, it is just unfortunate that we had to go through the folly of mass rotations before we got there.

All that said, having moaned when we lost it's only fair and correct that I come on here now and take the flak. When you stick an opinion up about this Liverpool team you can be pretty sure that sooner or later they will win a couple of games and ram your words down your throat. Fair play to the lads, for a period of around twenty minutes in the second half they played the best they have all season. We got some of the luck we haven't had iin the other games with them missing some chances though, and IMHO we are probably 20 or 30% away from firing on all cylinders at the moment.

Of course you don't have to apologize!! nobody has to apologize when he explain his footie points well!, and you were right (imho) in most of them!

The LFC we saw against everton and against Tottenham were not that different, we weren't that bad then, we aren't that good now, just a few mistakes, and the oposition taking their chances, can be a major difference at this level.

You were spot on when asking Gerrard, Alonso and Sissoko play together and some weeks in a row, and the team has noticed that.

I didn't take Leon's post (perhaps it's that I don't get the english) as too harsh, he's just saying something that it's true, we saw things a lot darker a week and a half ago, we are full of confidence now

PostPosted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 3:37 pm
by Leonmc0708
At the end of the day, if the cap fits then pop it on yer bonce.

I did not name anyone or refer to anyone when I said the title banwagon was leaving platform 3.