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PostPosted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 7:55 pm
by who the hell is diarra
Ah it's like i never left :p

PostPosted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 8:00 pm
by zarababe
woof woof ! wrote:Take your point lads but gaining  access to this area after only 100 posts hardly makes it "advanced" . Half the numpties that join newkit can rack that amount up in under a week . 


:D  :laugh: thats telling it like it is ay woof

PostPosted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 8:03 pm
by zarababe
Ciggy wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:The fact that you felt driven to issue an open apology (lasted long) to the entire forum due to your bullsh*t views and inflamitory remarks, leads me to deduce that you are, infact, a steaming pile of donkey poo, with all the charisma, enchantment and wit of a used tea bag.

You may dislike Judge, but at least his footballing opinions are credible. (Which is more than can be said for you, 90% of the time.)

:laugh: Only lando can use such vocabulary in such a great way :D

But I must be missing something Lando where is Judge's footballing credibility :D

:D  :laugh: Lando's in top form

PostPosted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 4:11 am
by Lando_Griffin
Ciggy wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:The fact that you felt driven to issue an open apology (lasted long) to the entire forum due to your bullsh*t views and inflamitory remarks, leads me to deduce that you are, infact, a steaming pile of donkey poo, with all the charisma, enchantment and wit of a used tea bag.

You may dislike Judge, but at least his footballing opinions are credible. (Which is more than can be said for you, 90% of the time.)

:laugh: Only lando can use such vocabulary in such a great way :D

But I must be missing something Lando where is Judges footballing credibility :D

I had to say SOMETHING!!!!! :D

PostPosted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 4:22 am
by Lando_Griffin
Oasis wrote:You call me insulting, when you're the person who does most of it, it's laughable it really is, until I get one little white box against my name I suggest I be quiet. My views aren't s.hit, you just don't like them, therefore they would be. But I won't bother getting into an outburts with yourself it's pointless and you'll just use the same insults.

The difference being, I don't hide behind a smilie like a gun-shy weasel.

If I have something to say, or someone to insult, I make no secret or apologies.

You, however, say things like;

"You are a c*nt. :D ", as if the " :D" disguises what you have said. (You'll not get your cattle raped and your eyes gouged out by Internet gangsters!)

You insult people, I insult people. You do it the cowards way, I do it in your face.

Let's take a vote on this:

Who here prefers people who are underhanded, talk sh*t, then bitch and whine when no-one accepts their unsupported "opinions",

Or those who tell you "You are a c*ck" when you're being one and makes you laugh along the way?

I know which type of person I prefer.

PostPosted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 4:31 am
by babu
Lando_Griffin wrote:
Oasis wrote:You call me insulting, when you're the person who does most of it, it's laughable it really is, until I get one little white box against my name I suggest I be quiet. My views aren't s.hit, you just don't like them, therefore they would be. But I won't bother getting into an outburts with yourself it's pointless and you'll just use the same insults.

The difference being, I don't hide behind a smilie like a gun-shy weasel.

If I have something to say, or someone to insult, I make no secret or apologies.

You, however, say things like;

"You are a c*nt. :D ", as if the " :D" disguises what you have said. (You'll not get your cattle raped and your eyes gouged out by Internet gangsters!)

You insult people, I insult people. You do it the cowards way, I do it in your face.

Let's take a vote on this:

Who here prefers people who are underhanded, talk sh*t, then bitch and whine when no-one accepts their unsupported "opinions",

Or those who tell you "You are a c*ck" when you're being one and makes you laugh along the way?

I know which type of person I prefer.

fuck off you fat turd  "  :D  "

PostPosted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 5:08 am
by Lando_Griffin
babu wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:
Oasis wrote:You call me insulting, when you're the person who does most of it, it's laughable it really is, until I get one little white box against my name I suggest I be quiet. My views aren't s.hit, you just don't like them, therefore they would be. But I won't bother getting into an outburts with yourself it's pointless and you'll just use the same insults.

The difference being, I don't hide behind a smilie like a gun-shy weasel.

If I have something to say, or someone to insult, I make no secret or apologies.

You, however, say things like;

"You are a c*nt. :D ", as if the " :D" disguises what you have said. (You'll not get your cattle raped and your eyes gouged out by Internet gangsters!)

You insult people, I insult people. You do it the cowards way, I do it in your face.

Let's take a vote on this:

Who here prefers people who are underhanded, talk sh*t, then bitch and whine when no-one accepts their unsupported "opinions",

Or those who tell you "You are a c*ck" when you're being one and makes you laugh along the way?

I know which type of person I prefer.

fuck off you fat turd  "  :D  "


Good job I know you're joking, else there'd be trouble!!!!!


PostPosted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 8:01 am
by Judge
Oasis wrote:I'm strongly against it, what gives someone the right to call another person's opinion s.hit? You don't have to type 6000 word essay's just to shed your opinion and it's people like Lando and Judge that pull this forum down, by posting non-football related things in the topics which contain football discussions. People like Billy_5_Times whilst I didn't agree with anything he said actually contributed to the discussion, with a different input.

oi, fuk wit, ive never said owt to you or pulled you down. in fact ive had a laugh with you.

thanks mate  :(

PostPosted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 8:03 am
by Judge
bigmick wrote:I'm broadly in agreement mate. Characters like this Billy fivebellies bloke do little to raise the attractiveness of the forum, either to read or to post. As a rule I tend to completely avoid any topics started by somebody who is obviously a numpty, save for trawling through to laugh at the odd one-liner from Judgy or Lando.

In fact judge is my hero, and i wish i was him - straight up

cheers mick. your ok also, but only as a friend. Nothing more, so dont any ideas you poof


In fact you tottle off to the blue oyster club, and i'll see to your wifes personal needs  :p

PostPosted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 9:17 am
by account deleted by request
This is a good example of how an interesting thread is ruined, someone makes a windup post offering no genuine imput and no thought or ideas as to how the site or Advanced section could be improved. Insults someone for no apparent reason, then surprise surprise, the person that was slagged off rightly responds (as only Lando can :D ) with a reasonable post politely pointing out his errors.

Futile efforts are then made to return to the topic, before the the thread then decends into the usual chaos of one liners.

Judge, finally awakes to the fact he also was insulted and drags himself away from u-tube to add his thoughts (and strangely adds to BigMicks thoughts too :D )

and people wonder why I love this site :D

PostPosted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 11:24 am
by 48-1119859832
It wasn't a windup post, it was me simply giving an honest opinion on the issue and others taking grave offence. It's no secret that all of Lando's posts are just insults to people, I'll grant they are hilarious and very well written, but they offer nothing to the discussion except start a course of insult exchanging. If I was typing the stuff that Lando does I'd be banned within a week. As for Judge, it's true, I don't have anything against him, if he thinks that then that's his problem. I just don't see how people like Kev Huyton and Billy_5_Times can get stick when all they were quilty of is having different views that went against what most on here think, isn't that what a forum is about? To exchange football views, no matter how much you agree or disagree with them?

If I'm honest I'd rather have a few Kev Huyton's and a few Billy_5_Times in replace of people like Lando. Most will disagree but I don't believe I ever saw Kev and Billy resort to call someone a "buttplug" in the middle of topic talking about Jermaine Pennant.

PostPosted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 11:55 am
by Ciggy
Oasis wrote:If I'm honest I'd rather have a few Kev Huyton's and a few Billy_5_Times in replace of people like Lando.

Thats easy sorted Oasis just log on to any bitter forum there you will meet plenty of those types  :)

PostPosted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 12:12 pm
by Judge
oasis = buttplug :D

PostPosted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 12:22 pm
by 48-1119859832
Judge wrote:oasis = buttplug :D

Here's a tissue to dry your tears. I didn't realise you would get deeply upset by my comment, I did think you were a grown man with a mental age, which matches your peers. I was obviously wrong. Anyhow, moving along that is just my opinion on the matter, I've said my piece and I shall leave the thread before it turns into a war of words.

PostPosted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 12:28 pm
by laza
Geez who moved the General Discussion to the advanced Discussion

All this attention seeking and clique high fives really doesnt belong here.

This is the place you come to post things you dont want people to ever read  :D