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PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 5:28 pm
by Ciggy
Isnt it amazing all the scum fans that have joined this forum since yesterday? Where were you on the 25th of May? And if I was a manure fan I would'nt be gloating infact I bet whiskey nose wishes he was in our postion still in Europe. With 5 European Cups. Soon to be six, now feck off and crawl back into the holes youve crawled out of.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 5:34 pm
Gary neville is a man living on borrowed time and living in the "yester-years". Having spent most of the game being outclassed and outplayed, its what you expect of a "Manure player". Arrogance, stupidity, and most of all the thought that they still think they are a good team ha!...face it "Manure"..your days are long gone, I'm afraid its what we have come to expect from a "Manure" team in terminal decline.  :nod

PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 5:39 pm
by Ciggy
:D  Id have loved to have been a fly on the wall in Neville Nevilles house on the 25th of May, bet he smashed his house up, kicked the telly in, battered his mrs, drank a bottle of whiskey with a jar of paracetamol and had a rope tied to the banister of the staircase to hang himself up.
Ugly plassy muzzy b@stard.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 5:48 pm
RioFerdinand wrote:Leave Gaz alone,He did nothin wrong. All he was doing was celebrating after the best team in England won.

Is name is Rio ferdinand,
and he plays at old tw@tford,
he's nothing but a "coke head"
and a fukking cheating b@stard!... :wwww  :buttrock

PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 6:02 pm
by 66-1120597113
I detest Gary Neville with passion and also his bluenose brother,basically if they both got mown down by a lorry i would'nt blink an eye!

But what he done yesterday was wrong yes,but i think a few people are being oversensitive about this subject!
As mentioned above if one of our own done the same we'd have been applauding him and laughing our legs off!
Gary Neville is Scum to the bone...let's face it he hates us as much as we hate him,so why bother getting annoyed when he kisses the badge of the team he loves for whatever reason?

I'd still love to see him getting banned though and hope he does...and then gets hit by a lorry!

PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 6:02 pm
by redmikey
They should release a dvd of the bitter tw@t watching the final on that glorious day in may. just to see his ugly face laughin at half time then to so what a team can do when they have great fans and team spirit.

we shall just see what the fa dosn't do as fergie has still got his finger buried up to the third knuckle up the fa. it was an incident that could have been alot worse if one of our fans had got on the pitch and sparked his lights out because we would then been in the poo. I will enjoy watch manure fighting to hold onto third.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 6:09 pm

PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 6:13 pm
by Ciggy
KINGCANTONA1966 wrote: :devil:

gary neville for prime minister!!

why cant you lot get over the 80's? you have been a shitty team for 15 years now! we are rebuliding a new team we had john o' :censored: in centre mid and giggs a winger in centre mid and you still could'nt beat us!

stop relying on stevie (chelski rent boy) gerrard!! if he plays :censored: so do you!

how many times have you lot won the prem?? 0......NOT THE OLD LEAGUE BUT THE PREM??

its like man utd v's spain!

Who are you playing in the CL?

PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 6:18 pm
KINGCANTONA1966 wrote: :devil:

gary neville for prime minister!!

why cant you lot get over the 80's? you have been a shitty team for 15 years now! we are rebuliding a new team we had john o' :censored: in centre mid and giggs a winger in centre mid and you still could'nt beat us!

stop relying on stevie (chelski rent boy) gerrard!! if he plays :censored: so do you!

how many times have you lot won the prem?? 0......NOT THE OLD LEAGUE BUT THE PREM??

its like man utd v's spain!

Er...tell me "scummer" many european cups have you won?...ha ha' ...and who are you playing in the champs league next month? would that no one..cos i forgot your not in it are you!!...losers :buttrock

PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 6:34 pm
by welshred
had to laugh yes they got a lucky goal  but the way they celebrated youd of thought they had won the fa or european cup ffs  we have two games in hand over them and the way we outplayed them 2nd place is ours  :buttrock

PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 8:21 pm
by zarababe
Carragher has also condemned Neveille's actions hopefully this will go further cos the little scumbag needs a lesson in manners and etiquettes, on how to behave in front of dignitories such as the supporters of the European Champions :D nothing short of an apology and licking will do.. I nominate Ian and Leone's :D

PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 8:23 pm
by crazyhorse
Gary Neville is an arrrrssseeee wipe.

Imagine being his wife at a swingers party! talk about embarrassed! :p

PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 8:28 pm
by parchpea
The actions of Gary Neville where unsurprising and it was the apitamy of what Man Utd and its followers are all about. He is Mr Man Utd, the gob, the swagger the manc scowl and agression, there can be no doubt where he is from nor that his blood runs manc red. The thing is that Utd have no class, no idea how to do things on or off the park. What Neville did will not be repeated at Anfield and thats right and proper.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 8:58 pm
by MaccaLFC
Funniest bit was, it took the dozy c.unt 10 seconds to find the badge on the shirt of the 'club he adores'.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 8:58 pm
by Red @ Heart