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PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 11:23 pm
by GunGod
ok, keep the insults coming.

I, firstly, did not insult alonso nor any of you. So, I don't see the 'greatness' of alonso's game as you guys do and i deserve to be insulted. thks for the attention.

"2 great passes against sunderland". that is granted. that's great. then what about his performances against the bigger clubs? or even boro last weekend? for many a game he has been decent and effective, but to idolise his work on the field to this extent of calling him "one of the best holding midfielder" might be too extreme. i never doubted his ability to improve, and that's not the point which i am contesting.

i have my own opinion. and alonso is not yet what someone calls the best holding midfielder. most of the top teams wouldn't fork out a decent sum for him even now (read: Real M, Chelsea, probably even Arsenal). If he is that good that he is one the best in england, how many player of the month awards has he won? but that's beside the point, since even such awards are all about opinions.

now some people here say that carrick is sh!t and cannot be compared to alonso. i swear that if carrick were playing for us these same people would praise him to the skies instead. similarly, if alonso plays for spurs people here will be saying alonso is not a great player etc. its all about biases.

"I might not understand football that well" was a sentence i knew people would respond to. because looking at all the leagues around the world, not least the eng, spa, ita, ger, fra, bra and dutch leagues, that are several players more adapted to playing alonso's position than alonso himself. yet people think of alonso as one of the best. probably a lot more of football outside of england needs to be watched around here.

yet, it is all about opinions and i stick by my own. i mean no offence.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 11:24 pm
by JohnBull
I think that the big difference is that the main part of the team are beginning to look like mates. They are hanging around with each other more and are getting to know each others strengths and are actually looking as if they like each other. Makes all the difference.

The one player who I'm really starting to notice when he's NOT playing is Garcia. He may be annoying at times but he adds something when he plays that makes the difference to a stagnant game or a winning one. His importance to the team should not be underestimated.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 11:42 pm
by A.B.
"2 great passes against sunderland". that is granted. that's great. then what about his performances against the bigger clubs? or even boro last weekend? for many a game he has been decent and effective, but to idolise his work on the field to this extent of calling him "one of the best holding midfielder" might be too extreme. i never doubted his ability to improve, and that's not the point which i am contesting.

I had this similar arguement with you before and you admited that last season you missed most games Alonso excelled in. It seems thats the case again this season or it's simply down to the fact that you really don't understand football.

His performance against Chelsea in the CL at Anfield this season was superb. His performance against the very same team in the game he broke his ankle was fantastic as well. His performance against Tottenham at Anfield last season was fantastic as well. The very Carrick you speak off was given a run for his money by Alonso. Carrick was outclassed in every way possible.

Don't believe me, then ask the Tottenham fans that watched that game. His performance against Juventus was top notch stuff.

As Sabre said he has a slow start to the season but he's passed that mark and has been a huge influence to us. Watch how we play differently when he isn't in the team. To compare him to Carrick is an insult to such a gifted player.

Theres a reason why Real Madrid and Man Utd wanted to sign him. The fact that you mention the player of the month award proves how little you know. That award means nothing, if it did then Lampard would be the best thing since the slice of bread.

You don't know whats class if it hit you on your head. To label Alonso as decent could well be the dumbest statment made in a long time about one of our players.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 11:48 pm
by Sabre
i have my own opinion. and alonso is not yet what someone calls the best holding midfielder. most of the top teams wouldn't fork out a decent sum for him even now (read: Real M, Chelsea, probably even Arsenal). If he is that good that he is one the best in england, how many player of the month awards has he won? but that's beside the point, since even such awards are all about opinions.

now some people here say that carrick is sh!t and cannot be compared to alonso. i swear that if carrick were playing for us these same people would praise him to the skies instead. similarly, if alonso plays for spurs people here will be saying alonso is not a great player etc. its all about biases.

I didn't want to insult you.

But I have to disagree when you say that our view is biased and we just do not watch international football enough.

Simply, too many people agree that he's class. A place in the spanish squad isn't won easily, and it's even tougher for players who don't come from Real Madrid or Barcelona. He's managed to do so, and he's managed to do so very young.

I'm not a football coach. I'm not an expert, but I've seen houndreds, if not thousands of games. And some other leagues too. Not every league is at the level of the Spanish or the English one. Yes, jewells from South America (to Spain specially) and from the East (Romania, Serbia) do come, but when you look at their leagues, they're not that competitive and are ruled always by the same teams.

I don't know what leagues are you talking about, but I think you'd have a hard time in finding 10 players of not a top league that tryumphs in Anfield the very first season. If you are able to do that, I'd love to hear those names.

PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 12:29 am
by Lionheart
Alonso & Gerrard will go on to form one of the most formidable midfield partnerships in the history of the EPL...IMHO  :D

I still think we are yet to see the best. The potential is there to become one of the best going around. :cool:

PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 12:39 am
by Scottbot
GunGod wrote:now some people here say that carrick is sh!t and cannot be compared to alonso. i swear that if carrick were playing for us these same people would praise him to the skies instead. similarly, if alonso plays for spurs people here will be saying alonso is not a great player etc. its all about biases.

Can't say i have heard too many people on this board calling Carrick shi.t. I like the lad. He's an elegant player who does a great job sitting in front of the back four, makes a few tackles and moves the ball around quickly. He also looked excellent for England in the summer. Arsenal (who were linked strongly with him) must be kicking themselves for allowing Spurs to get their hands on him.
However, while he is similar in many ways to our Xabi i think he has a way to go before he reaches the same level. Carrick needs to play a few more killer passes (like the two we saw against Sunderland) and also to score more goals before (that was his first of the season against Sunderland the other day) he gets there.

Xabi's performance against Juventus (in his 1st game back after three months out) last season was phenomenal. He simply ran that game against one of the world's best teams in front of packed (and hostile) Stadio Delle Alpi in a European Quater-final. I'm surprised you could question whether Alonso is a big game player after seeing that game (maybe you missed that one too?)
I might be wrong but i'm not sure we would ever see the same from Carrick.

PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 1:54 am
by A.B.
Like I said, Xabi whipped the floor with Carrick last season at Anfield.

PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 11:51 am
I also think momo deserves a mention here seeing as we are talking about world class midfielders this kid is not up to that standard yet but he is going to be big for Liverpool really exciting times ahead

PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 12:28 pm
by wrighty (not mark!)
LFCNUTTER wrote:I also think momo deserves a mention here seeing as we are talking about world class midfielders this kid is not up to that standard yet but he is going to be big for Liverpool really exciting times ahead

Great shout. I've been really impressed with the commitment and vivacity of Sissoko's play. His pace and willingness 'to get stuck in'(proper english phrase!  :D  ) leaves me cheering his moves. Ok, his passing isn't quite there yet but FFS he's only 20 years old! If this lad was playing deep into extra time, he would still be running at full steam.

What a player! We now know that when Hamann has finished we have a v.special replacement with far more to his game.

PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 12:30 pm
by Sabre
We need no reinforcements in the midfield, Hamman is serious full of discipline, nice midfielder. Sissoko once again, made a bad tackle in the yellow card he got against Boro, but this are things that can be learnt.

PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 12:34 pm
by tubby
Yes i wasa fan of Sissokos at Valencia and was really worrie when the Tofees were gonna snatch him away but luckily Rafa stepped in just at the right time. Hes a very powerful player indeed that gives us a lot of strengh in midfield. Id admit though that occasionally he may let his feet go astrat but ive seen him maike some perfect tackles to so that evens itself out really. His passing is ok but what people forget is that hes so young yet. Im sure Rafa will school him well. I think weve almost got a complete midfield now. All we need is one or 2 more players. Possibly a left and right winger and we should be set.

Im glad Kewell is starting to play good again now that Zenden is injured.

PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 12:56 pm
by banana
wrighty (not mark!) wrote:
LFCNUTTER wrote:I also think momo deserves a mention here seeing as we are talking about world class midfielders this kid is not up to that standard yet but he is going to be big for Liverpool really exciting times ahead

Great shout. I've been really impressed with the commitment and vivacity of Sissoko's play. His pace and willingness 'to get stuck in'(proper english phrase!  :D  ) leaves me cheering his moves. Ok, his passing isn't quite there yet but FFS he's only 20 years old! If this lad was playing deep into extra time, he would still be running at full steam.

What a player! We now know that when Hamann has finished we have a v.special replacement with far more to his game.

Momo Sissoko is a great player, and he is only 20 years old. A rare talent he is. Not as good at dictating the play (like alonso does) but magnificent at closing down the opponent. If you have players with so much stenght, speed and determination you kinda win a lot of games.

PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 1:38 pm
by LFC #1
A.B. wrote:His performance against Juventus was top notch stuff.

It was better than that, it was amazing, surely one the best performances ever by a Liverpool midfielder in the past decade or so.

To come back from a long-term injury and a week later run the midfield against one of the best teams in Europe (at home as well) for 90 mins was absolutley brilliant.

He's outclassed a lot of good players in his relatively short time in England,  Fat Frank springs instantly to mind.