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PostPosted: Mon Oct 17, 2005 5:08 pm
by hawkmoon269
I think we'll all be supprised with the performances that Harry will put in this year!  He knows it's the crossroads year for him, perform well, and he will be forgiven.  And if he doesn't - bye-bye.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 17, 2005 9:21 pm
by mighty mo
can people stop this facade that harry kewell is going to be back to his best,he has lost two yards of pace,hardly ever beats fullbacks now because of that lost pace and is injury prone,HE IS FINISHED AND WE WILL NEVER SEE HIM BACK AT HIS BEST!

PostPosted: Mon Oct 17, 2005 9:24 pm
by A.B.
can people stop this facade that harry kewell is going to be back to his best,he has lost two yards of pace,hardly ever beats fullbacks now because of that lost pace and is injury prone,HE IS FINISHED AND WE WILL NEVER SEE HIM BACK AT HIS BEST!

I don't think he's lost that much pace, I think it's more the case of him being afraid to go at defenders because of the injuries he has. He's confidence has gone down the hill with the injuries he's picked up.

Last year he played part in some of our important goals, but he wasn't anywhere near in form.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 17, 2005 9:31 pm
by metalhead
people be patient. still remember kewell's first season as reds? he was outstanding! he scored 12 goals that season and really ripped other teams apart. He still can do this, i hope his injury nightmare is over and he can concentrate on his football. He is a very talented player and we could use him alot to win.

give him time... judge him at the end of this season

PostPosted: Mon Oct 17, 2005 9:39 pm
by don
Kewell was a good player Leeds.Not now.He is just a lazy bum.If he broke a toenail he would be out for 6 months.He should play on a no play no pay basis,then we might just see some action.I bet he is not injured for the few weeks before new contract talks :sleep

PostPosted: Mon Oct 17, 2005 9:40 pm
by HantsRed
mighty mo wrote:can people stop this facade that harry kewell is going to be back to his best,he has lost two yards of pace,hardly ever beats fullbacks now because of that lost pace and is injury prone,HE IS FINISHED AND WE WILL NEVER SEE HIM BACK AT HIS BEST!

Remember when Australia beat England 3-1, albeit in a friendly, when Kewell was instrumental and looked at his world beating best? That was less than 2 years ago and he's been more or less bugged with injury since then.

If (and admittedly it is a big if) he is finally free from the groin problems then anyone would be mad not to want him in the side. You can't say he has lost pace because he's hasn't been fully fit for a long time.

He offers a genuine goal threat whether playing out wide or in the middle and everyone knows we could do with that at the moment, not to mention his crossing ability.

PostPosted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 1:36 am
by Lando_Griffin
wrighty (not mark!) wrote:And what have those players got to do with Kewell?

Nothing directly. I'm just stating the fact that no matter who the player may be, injuries can and will stop them. (I thought that was pretty obvious.)

PostPosted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 2:47 am
by A.B.
(I thought that was pretty obvious.)

It was, but obviously to him it's a bit tad complicating. :D

PostPosted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 4:24 am
by TheoRacle
FWIW - had a dream last night, that Kewell scored against Anderlecht. Fingers crossed!

IMO all this talk about any professional footballer being a lazy bugger is sh.ite! Sure some may go through periods of frustration and a dip in form when they are low on confidence or recovering from injury - but to say that some simply don't want to play just doesn't sit right with me. 

I reckon if you've put your whole life in to playing football from an early age including moving to where ever you could get a game with a professional club at 15 it's because you love playing football and will do so at every opportunity.

I grew up with a couple of guys that had some real talent at 15 or 16 and maybe they weren't good enough to play in the premier league but I reckon they could of had a decent career here in OZ. But these guys were lazy and just not interested in the work required to go to the next level.  My point is that you just don't become 'lazy' when faced with the opportunity to make a real name for yourself, at the pinnacle of professional football for a club that you've supported since you were a kid.

With this in mind, I'm quite happy to give Kewell the benefit of the doubt and all the support he needs to get back to playing the way we know he can.  If his injuries are such that he simply cannot recover fully and stay injury free then sadly that probably means the early end of what was a promising career and Lando's comparison with Cruyff is entirely relevant.

PostPosted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 5:57 am
by darwisigila
Kewell better than zenden and riise. i don think rafa will accept that....right now kewell is worse than traore and josemi combined.