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PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2004 1:19 am
by 115-1073096938
He didn't score against Chelsea.

The point is i don't expect alot of goals. You can be a great player and not be prolific.

The treble season he was immense and scored goals. But against Chelsea he wasn't.

From Heskey i expect 6 out of 10 games like the chelsea one and at least 3 goals evey 12 game. He is capable. Its just weather or not he does it. I agree he hasn't since 2001, but we all know he's more than capable.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2004 1:34 pm
by JBG
Heskey is a very frustrating player.

He makes me want to tear my hair out (if I had any!)

He is not a donkey, nor is he immobile.

He has a good touch, and can dribble.

He has power, He has strength.

He has balance (a hugely important skill).

So why isn't he Henry?

His shooting could be better, but this is a small thing. Most players can work on their shooting, and when your confidence is up, even players with average ability will shoot and score from anywhere (James Beattie last season or Kevin Phillips 3 or 4 years ago).

The big problem is attitude. Heskey is a good pro, works hard and is a team player. In that sense he has a brilliant attitude to the game.

The problem is, to be a great (or even good) forward, you need self belief. Maybe a bit of arrogance as well. Look at Beattie: all the confidence in the world. Scores a lot of goals because he isn't afraid to shoot from anywhere.

Emile gets the ball in front of goal, thinks he'll miss so he lays it off to some one else. Chance goes.

If Emile had Beattie's confidence he would be a 25 goals a season man, and would be one of the top 5 or 6 strikers in the Premiership.

However, he is no longer a boy and he'll hardly change now.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2004 2:36 pm
by columbia
there's doubts about his guture now hopefully he'll show what he's clearly capable of between now and the end of the season. I think his future will depend on whether or not he does that.

I dont want him to go because there's clearly talent there and its about time he showed it on a regular basis. On top of that he works hard and loves the club. I dont understand how his confidence go's so quickly. When he's on form he's awesome, but two bad games later he seems to loose all confidence in his ability. This where he differs from owen who just keeps going for goal.

When he gets critiszed he just hangs his head and feels sorry for himself instead of trying to prove the critics wrong.JBG made a good point about beatie, beatie scores more goals then heskey not because he's a better player but because he has self belief.

As much as i believe he has got great talent i think if he doesnt show it regularly he'll have to go at the end of the season. His fate lies in the next 4 months, come on heskey just show what we no you can!!!

PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2004 4:39 pm
by columbia
this just got put on make of it what you will, cant understand why anyone would of said they wanted him, there the champions league holders for gods sake,

Milan deny interest in Heskey

Italian giants AC Milan have distanced themselves from rumours saying they were planning a move to sign Liverpool striker Emile Heskey by issuing a statement saying they have no interest in the player.

A broadsheet national newspaper ran a story on Wednesday morning suggested European Cup holders AC Milan had strong interest in the player, but the club have denied the rumours.

The statement from AC Milan sporting director Ariedo Braida says: "No, we are not interested in Heskey. We are not looking for a striker and it's unlikely that we will make a move in the January transfer window."

PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2004 12:05 pm
by JBG
I have been a big critic of Heskey in the past but I have a sneaking feeling we might see something from him in the next few months.

He wants to stay at the Pool but Houllier has hinted that he might be sold (to make way for Cisse?)

Also, Baros will be back soon.

I like Emile, and I want him to succeed. Its in his hands now.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2004 2:26 pm
by Coley
I think he'll come good again over the next few months because of the speculation surrounding his future, Euro 2004 coming up and i think he needs to restore some personal pride. 

We need to keep him.  He'd better start scoring though, i've put him in my fantasy team! :;):

PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2004 2:35 pm
by RedSi
Does anyone listen to TalkSport?

That Adrian Durham (who gets on my tits at the best of times) was driving me up the wall last night with the way he was slagging Heskey off.

He wouldn't leave it alone, couldn't find one good thing to say about him and kept stating that there's now way we'd recoup the £11mill we spent on him. Well he's right of course but mainly due to the fact that the transfer market has completely collapsed since (unless you're Chelshite).

What a ***** that bloke is, I'd love to give him a sound beating!!!    :angry:

PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2004 2:35 pm
by Owzat
Maybe the problem with Heskey is he focuses too much on working hard and not enough on doing what he did against Yeovil. Perhaps he relaxed in that game and saw it as an opportunity to score rather than to work hard up front. If this theory is correct then it could be down to Houllier demanding this role from Heskey and inhibiting his scoring and development

PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2004 2:51 pm
by Coley
I agree Owzat, and i think some of this paper talk might inspire him to get greedy.  He has it all and i blame the manager for not getting the best out of him!  I've promised myself to stay off GH's case now until the end of the season, so enough said!

PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2004 4:15 pm
by JBG
I think I'll get off Houllier's case as well (unless we lose 3 or 4 in a row) but if things don't get better by the end of the season there will be a day of reckoning and I'll get Mark Chapman on his *****! :D