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PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 6:58 pm
by tubby
I agree pottor can cross the ball pretty decent but hes not physycally strong enough to hold his own on the field like risse for instance. but i honestly dont think hell advance beyond what he is right now.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 7:21 pm
by 66-1120597113
Ffs u lot  give the kid a chance!
When i look at Potter  i see  a decent young player  with a lot of potential!
Ok he stilll has a lot to learn,but  the only  way  he'll do that is by playing and getting more experience!He' still learning his trade  and the fact the Raffa has put faith in him by giving an extended contract is enough for me!
After all Raffa has a  record  in foootball management  that most of u lot could only  hope for in ur little xbox or P/s world when u pretend ur a  manager with a  control pad in ur hand  and co-ck in the other!
Any true Lfc fan should applaud Potter efforts and hard work and give him time to improve! FFS he's only a kid!

PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 4:32 pm
by destro
its easier for some to have a go at potter because he wasnt a big money signing flop = garcia and i think his physical side will improve. plus you know hes a no nonsense player who isnt trying and failing to get on soccer am,s nutmeg files every week

PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 4:37 pm
by 109-1093441336
destro wrote:because he wasnt a big money signing flop = garcia

£6m ?

If this flop didn't join us we wouldn;t hav the CL, simple as.

If you dont like our "flops" at LFC, heres a list that will help you:

Register on anyone one of these sites and you can talk about how great it is to be a big fish in a little pond.

PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 4:52 pm
by destro
if shevchenko hadnt hid dudek from 2 yards, if gerrard hadnt rescued us agaisnt olympiakos , if the linesman or reff had dissalowed a goal that wasnt against chelsea !!! oh yeah a wonder goal by garcia and of course in that one moment  HE WON US THE CL !!  dudek saved us in the shootout is he in goal for us when he recovers from injury ? garcia is a complete and utter waste of time , when will ppl stop judging on him on what he did in the CL hes lost more balls this season and last  than stevie wonder playing golf. and you rate him ? why because of one great goal are you really that shallow, do you sit at home watching it over and over again on your istanbul DVD. dont question my loyalties because i dont see everything through red tinted glasses. maybe you should try on of those sites yourself ???