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PostPosted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 10:24 pm
by JBG
stmichael wrote:"It depends on the type of player and how much we have to pay. I have a responsibility to spend the money on a player who will be good enough for Liverpool - if I can't I won't spend the money.

There is the explaination: good prudence and common sense, traits sadly missing from many members of this board.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 10:25 pm
by welsh wizzard
when transfer window shuts at midnight has any deal have to be signed by the player or can the two clubs just agree a fee for the deal to go through, just wondering with only 90 odd minutes left.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 10:26 pm
by 109-1093441336
stmichael wrote:"We want a centre-half, and the money from Baros will go towards that and paying for Peter Crouch. But we have other options. We are confident we will deliver them before the deadline if we secure the right price.

"It depends on the type of player and how much we have to pay. I have a responsibility to spend the money on a player who will be good enough for Liverpool - if I can't I won't spend the money.

First para, Looks like mr "actually" AB got it wrong as he tried to correct some other forumer

Second para,  Simao seemed a bit of cut and thrust.

thanks St Mike.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 10:27 pm
by JBG
welsh wizzard wrote:when transfer window shuts at midnight has any deal have to be signed by the player or can the two clubs just agree a fee for the deal to go through, just wondering with only 90 odd minutes left.

The registration of the signing must actually have gone through.

I think a couple of transfers fell through last August because the chairmen of a couple of clubs were late in faxing through the paperwork to the national football organisations.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 10:30 pm
by stmichael
JBG wrote:
stmichael wrote:"It depends on the type of player and how much we have to pay. I have a responsibility to spend the money on a player who will be good enough for Liverpool - if I can't I won't spend the money.

There is the explaination: good prudence and common sense, traits sadly missing from many members of this board.


the thing is, after winning the champions league, some fans thought we'd have millions and millions to spend. what they didn't consider is the massive payoffs for houllier and his staff, the amount of money houllier wasted whilst he was here, and also the fact that we are in negotiations to move to a new stadium.

i'd like to see more of our reserves coming through to make the grade rather than going out and spending £15m on this player and £16m on that player. arguably our two most important players are carragher and gerrard. where did they come from? exactly.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 10:31 pm
We are the laughing stock of the prem..Eropean champions who cant sign anyone! the transfer window closes we are still p1ss farting around, dithering and this will cost us dearly. For as long as i can remember all i have heard coming from rafa's mouth is..we need a CB and a RM well why are we still struggling to acheive this with the window all but closed. I think rafa has left this situation go on far too long,and LFC have only themselves to blame,what the fukk are parry and moores up to? they are doing a great "laural and hardy act" with the transfers, all day i have watched other clubs bring in the players they want,while we fukk around trying to sign this guy from benfica. With no sign of this so called CBand RM? what a joke this is turning into! looks like another struggle to finish 4th is on the cards, i think our boards ambitions are all "pie in the sky" and moores and parry need to put up! or fukk off!. :(  :veryangry

PostPosted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 10:36 pm
by A.B.
We are the laughing stock of the prem..Eropean champions who cant sign anyone! the transfer window closes we are still p1ss farting around, dithering and this will cost us dearly. For as long as i can remember all i have heard coming from rafa's mouth is..we need a CB and a RM well why are we still struggling to acheive this with the window all but closed. I think rafa has left this situation go on far too long,and LFC have only themselves to blame,what the fukk are parry and moores up to? they are doing a great "laural and hardy act" with the transfers, all day i have watched other clubs bring in the players they want,while we fukk around trying to sign this guy from benfica. With no sign of this so called CBand RM? what a joke this is turning into! looks like another struggle to finish 4th is on the cards, i think our boards ambitions are all "pie in the sky" and moores and parry need to put up! or fukk off!.

We signed more players than any other club in the Premiership .

PostPosted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 10:44 pm
by Kopboyau
is-stan-bul wrote:Why is everyone being so down???
We are the freakin' champions of europe ffs and after what we achieved last season we should still be savouring the achievement as fans and get behind the boys.(Please note the previous isn't a gay reference  :D ).
OK so it looks like we're not going to sign anyone but i'd rather we go with what we've got than sign some second rate cr@p that would have us all ripping our hair out every week.

All of what you said happened last season. This is a new season we need yo look forward and achieve bigger things and grow as a club. How do you grow as a club if no one is signed to become better

PostPosted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 10:54 pm
by 109-1093441336
i bet these whoppers (AB) will be supporting Chavski by the end of the week.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 11:02 pm
by red37
well thats yer lot as far as overseas players go............ any last scraps will have to come from old blighty now! and on that note i think its fair to assume well be body  :(

PostPosted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 11:03 pm
by A.B.
i bet these whoppers (AB) will be supporting Chavski by the end of the week.

Speak for yourself dickweed.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 11:08 pm
red37 wrote:well thats yer lot as far as overseas players go............ any last scraps will have to come from old blighty now! and on that note i think its fair to assume well be body  :(

No change there then huh!..dont worry just believe everything moores and parry tell you..not!.. "breaking news"!!..just saw rafa, moores and parry coming out of Neto..empty handed!.. while freddy shepard was seen coming out of "marks & sparks" with a fukking big smile on his face!.  :(  :no  :veryangry

PostPosted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 11:08 pm
by Alonso14
meelan#5 wrote:Looks like mr "actually" AB got it wrong

:D  , AB you are always correcting ppl. Meelan, you and policy hav gotta be some of the funniest posters on here even if you appear to know fu'ck all about football  :p   :D   :upside:

PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 1:13 am
by 109-1093441336
ha ha, thats where you're wrong.

I know that Peter Crouch is tall and that Garcia isn't.

if that dosn't convince you on my knowledge of the beautiful game, nothing will.