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PostPosted: Fri May 20, 2005 12:07 am
by Lando_Griffin
In a nutshell, no. Decent player, but we don't need decent, we need world class. Plus effort will only get a player so far. They need skill aswell. To be honest, I haven't really seen Nolan much, so it's possibly harsh for me to judge him. I just haven't been impressed with what I've seen. Up the 'pool!

PostPosted: Fri May 20, 2005 12:12 am
by Cool Hand Luke
I don't think that too much tampering is needed with the Goalkeepers, Defence and Central Midfielders.

                     New GK

Finnan   Carragher    New CB        Troare/Riise
Josemi   Hyypia        Whitbread/Medjani   Warnock

               Alonso     Gerrard (Quality replacement if he leaves)
               Hamann    Biscan

PostPosted: Fri May 20, 2005 1:14 am
by bigmick
Cool Hand Luke wrote:I haven't even mentioned Diarra, Welsh or Potter, even if all three were sold (hypothetically speaking), we would still have Mannix, a reserve regular who could be backup to the main 4.

To be honest CHL, I agree with most of what you say but this bit baffles me a bit. You're not seriously suggesting that any of these are a better bet than Nolan surely?

PostPosted: Fri May 20, 2005 1:26 am
by mrcool2003
2 b honest, biscan bye bye, not good enough even at his best

so i think quality replacement for him, keep gerrard and we have then 3 top players in central midfield, plus hamann if one of them needs to be rested, keep hamann for the away games

PostPosted: Fri May 20, 2005 1:26 am
by 66-1112520797
I would say CHL that looking at the central defense we would need to look for a bit more depth there aswell .
I think Rafa will need to look for a long term replacement for Hyypia.
Its easy to say but with all Samis attributes and more pace that would be the ideal replacement.

PostPosted: Fri May 20, 2005 1:31 am
by A.B.
mrcool2003 wrote:2 b honest, biscan bye bye, not good enough even at his best

so i think quality replacement for him, keep gerrard and we have then 3 top players in central midfield, plus hamann if one of them needs to be rested, keep hamann for the away games

We have:


Hamann's and Biscan's future are in doubt so we need to bring another midfielder, but a quality one.

PostPosted: Fri May 20, 2005 4:23 am
by LFC #1
yes we do AB, but we would laso need another sqaud midfield player if both Hamann and Biscan leave. I think Nolan fits the bill, he is very comitted and can score goals. He works hard and as a scouser would put in his all here. Not starting material, but could defo do a job for us when needed.

PostPosted: Fri May 20, 2005 8:29 am
by azriahmad
Nolan's is not earth shattering talent, but he has been effective for Bolton. WE could do worse - buy another Bruno Cheyrou

PostPosted: Fri May 20, 2005 8:57 am
by Roger Red Hat
still hope she brings her sister.

PostPosted: Fri May 20, 2005 9:00 am
by Roger Red Hat
Which ones Kevin then???


PostPosted: Fri May 20, 2005 9:13 am
by bigmick
Thing is with a bloke like Nolan, when we are 2-0 down at Southampton or 1-0 down at Palace, what would he do? Run around a lot, fight for the ball I guess. Jeez he'd probably get himself booked by getting all fired up and kicking somebody. I can see it now, tackle tackle fight fight maybe score you a scrambled goal. I ask you, what good is all that? Who needs blokes like that? Not us mate, no sir.
No, what we need are blokes like Smicer. As long as nobody tackles him during the entire course of a game he will weave pretty patterns around the pitch, don't miss the one where he sways past the right-midfielder on the half-way line with a deft drop of the shoulder. Also, with blokes like Vladi (as I'm led to believe he likes to be known) you know that once every 18 months or so he is going to score a goal which oozes class and quality, the type of goal you can load up on your mobile and show your mates.
Thats what we want mate, class players. The great Liverpool teams of the past never had anybody who ran around and tackled people FFS. Nah we just stood about and passed the ball to each other. We were so good that nobody ever tried to rough us up by going in hard. Teams just used to let us play. Tell you what, blokes like Vladi would have got a game every week. When Palace bullied us out of it the other week (fairly in my view) that wouldn't have happened in the past. Why? do you really think that Souness or Mcmahon would have stood for that? Not on your life mate. They would have relied on their superior technique and class, allied to some crafty back-heels to sort the situation out. Would they have kicked anybody? get real, or better still go support 'em if you want to follow a team that looks good but doesn't compete.

PostPosted: Fri May 20, 2005 9:24 am
by JBG
I'm not Nolan's biggest fan but Mick and Leon are dead on the money. A Bruno Cheyrou would buy you a Kevin Nolan, and if you needed a bit of fight you could do a lot worse than Kevin.

I think he's not what we need to get where we want (in terms of being a first teamer) but as a squad member I couldn't fault him.

We could do a lot worse.

PostPosted: Fri May 20, 2005 9:27 am
by Ciggy
bigmick wrote:Thing is with a bloke like Nolan, when we are 2-0 down at Southampton or 1-0 down at Palace, what would he do? Run around a lot, fight for the ball I guess. Jeez he'd probably get himself booked by getting all fired up and kicking somebody. I can see it now, tackle tackle fight fight maybe score you a scrambled goal. I ask you, what good is all that? Who needs blokes like that? Not us mate, no sir.
No, what we need are blokes like Smicer. As long as nobody tackles him during the entire course of a game he will weave pretty patterns around the pitch, don't miss the one where he sways past the right-midfielder on the half-way line with a deft drop of the shoulder. Also, with blokes like Vladi (as I'm led to believe he likes to be known) you know that once every 18 months or so he is going to score a goal which oozes class and quality, the type of goal you can load up on your mobile and show your mates.
Thats what we want mate, class players. The great Liverpool teams of the past never had anybody who ran around and tackled people FFS. Nah we just stood about and passed the ball to each other. We were so good that nobody ever tried to rough us up by going in hard. Teams just used to let us play. Tell you what, blokes like Vladi would have got a game every week. When Palace bullied us out of it the other week (fairly in my view) that wouldn't have happened in the past. Why? do you really think that Souness or Mcmahon would have stood for that? Not on your life mate. They would have relied on their superior technique and class, allied to some crafty back-heels to sort the situation out. Would they have kicked anybody? get real, or better still go support 'em if you want to follow a team that looks good but doesn't compete.

:laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:  :bowdown Nice one mick

PostPosted: Fri May 20, 2005 9:55 am
by Gareth G
Yeah good one Mick, some people just don't have a clue!

And to whoever quoted me, where did I say a team needs to be made up of superstars? I didn't, buying / wanting quality players doesn't mean we are looking for superstars buddy. But Nolan is nowhere near the quality we need to be buying at the moment, end of. Sometimes I wonder what some of the guys must be thinking on here when they want to sign Nolan and the likes, do you really want to move forward or stay as we are or worse?

PostPosted: Fri May 20, 2005 9:59 am
by Ciggy
Rafael Van Der Vaart will be better than Nolan he wants out of Ajax he would come to us, if we made an offer an hes half spanish his mums spanish :cool:  two rafas in Liverpool  :buttrock