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PostPosted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 11:02 pm
by A.B.
It's a horrible decision but we got to win without him. It wasn't the first time and it won't be the last.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 11:04 pm
by bigmick
Appealing is a very sensible idea. We probably have zero chance of getting the caution rescinded as it would set a dangerous precident but it will do a good job of highlighting the pure injustice of the situation to the powers that be and ultimately to the referee. We've got to be due a really dodgy penalty surely. On such things ties such as this often hinge.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 11:12 pm
by Scottbot
Was mortified when the yellow came out. Felt like they had scored a goal almost, untill i got some perspective back that is. Cannot believe Lampard didn't get booked moment later for a shocking tackle down the sideline not to mention a blatant stamp on Garcia.

Absolutely zero chance of getting that card rescinded :(

PostPosted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 11:16 pm
by Dalglish
Terry had a sneaky stab at Garcia way after the ball but because it's flavour of the month Chelsea nothing was and willl be done about it.

I've watched LFC for years and when we get beat fair and square or one of our players is in the wrong and gets booked  I accept it and move on but when you get a decision like tonight's go against you it makes me sick to the stomach !!

PostPosted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 11:21 pm
by Dalglish
I'm going next week and I'm going to suck that ball into the net on the KOP :D 

St . Etienne part II :D

Chelsea will find out what it's like to experience a real atmosphere. they may well have been to the Nou Camp and Bayern's Olympic stadium but this is different ...THIS IS ANFIELD :p

PostPosted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 11:28 pm
by ivor_the_injun
I'd consider starting Le Tallec next Tuesday, assuming that Alonso's yellow won't be scrubbed. The lad was immense in the first leg against Juve, and let's not forget that he's experienced as a playmaker, which gives us options that we didn't necessarily have on the pitch tonight.

My starting 11...


        Finnan    Carra         Hyypia   Traore

Garcia       Gerrard                 Biscan       Riise   

                          Le Tallec


PostPosted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 11:29 pm
by Ciggy
siti_zaiton1982 wrote:he's definitely disappointed tat he couldn't play next week.honestly,its really a bit of concern tat we'll be without him next week.wats your opinion ?

:angry: Stop typin tat its that :glare:

PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 12:00 am
by Huck
In a radio station here in Spain they are saying that at the exit of Stamforg Bridge Alonso was in tears and he has refused to speak to the media due to his sadness...Im really angry for not being able to see him playing next Tues...

PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 12:22 am
by Dalglish
The Champions League is supposed to be about celebrating the beautiful game with the best players on show but sadly one It's finest exponents won't be able to play next week because the referee made a monumental error. I suppose we should expect that we have to win against the odds most games this season but this is a massive blow to the team and the player personally ........

PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 12:26 am
Dont worry to much about alonso missing  the 2nd leg we can improvise by leaving gerrard and biscan in midfield and cisse and baros up front  we have to take the game to them we couldn,t play three midfielders anyway my midfield  would be          garcia   gerrard   biscan      jon arnie       ???

PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 12:32 am
by KennyisGod....still
I watched the game on Sky and can't see how both their pundits and Radio 5 Lives guys reckon the ref had a good game!! :angry:  Terry should at least have been booked for the 'tackle' on Garcia, and how Lampard escaped a card straight after Xabi I'll never know!! Anyone else see the Carvalho challenge on JC in the box? Another clear penalty not given against Chelski. That ref was $h.te, complete 'homer' if ever there was one. He saw frees where no-one else did, gave throws the wrong way and was choosingly blind when he wanted to be. Dunno if choosingly is a word, but its near enuff!"

As for the Sky team....Andy Gray...? What a, never gave us no credit til it was almost forced on him, and still they think its Chelsea's for the takin, even with Anfield to go. Be f.cukin great to hear a full house tell Mourinho (a manager I admire for his brutality in a game where hiding and outright bull$h.ite seems to rule) to shhhhhhhh!!! That would be awesome :p  :D

Still, great result, lets all hope we can build on it and see the guys get to Istanbul  :love:

PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 12:32 am
by 115-1073096938
Sickening and woeful decision, but how many were made tonight?

at least 8 or 9. Carvalho should have been booked AT LEAST for his 5 fouls... persistant fouling i believe... but no.

Lampard for his 4.

Terry for his stand on Luis Garcia (even though it wasn't completely intentional).

Disgracefull performance by that referee and one i'm really annoyed about.

Justice for Xabi...

Lets show then what a europian night at anfields all about!!!

PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 12:37 am
Lets frighten the fukking daylights outa them!!...and we will i can see us in that CL final.. its gonna be our turn next tuesday. :D

PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 12:38 am
by banana
Gerrard and Biscan? Good players both yes, but we need brains out there as well. Only Hamann can replace Alonso's tactical awareness and positioning skills. If Alonso is out, we MUST put faith in Hamann's fitness. Today Alonso was not so good with the ball, but his defensive skills should not be underestimated.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 12:52 am
by policy
If I can ramble for a second....................

I REALLY REALLY feel that the players and fans have really learned and grown through our tribulations this year.

1) Gerrard has been brought down to earth.
2) Rafa truly knows his team better (even with the massive injuries) and the team is being sharpened and fine-tuned.
3) We have stepped up in Europe when it has counted (even with all of the injuries) and we know that we have the class to win.
4) Crucial players are getting their sealegs for the Premiership.
5) I am learning to be faithful to a team that hasn't always been the sexiest.

We have had worse "luck" (if you believe in such a thing) and we have stepped up most of the time.

- We have to win at least once against Chelsea this year statistically speaking. I would trade a win on Tuesday for all 3 previous losses.
- We are going to play the deciding game at Anfield.
- We have won many games in the CL without Alonso.

Sounds like Chelsea is about to be upset next Tuesday.
Alonso's tears clearly show how much he cares. (As an aside, would Steven have felt so bad?) Next week, it will be tears of joy.

Walk on Reds..................