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PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 12:58 pm
by stmichael
banana wrote:There is absolutely no way Benitez will sign an expensive injury prone player who hasn't been his best since 2001. That's 4 years ago.

absolutely unbelievable :glare:

i cannot for the life of me see how you could not want a player of michael owen's PROVEN ability back at this club. you go on about how great baros is but when it comes to a comparison between the two there is no comparison.


owen suffered from playing in a pi$$ poor negative side during his last two seasons at liverpool. this is the guy who is currently has the best goals per minutes ratio in la liga.

i'd take him back in a shot because baros won't be here next season anyway.

PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 1:04 pm
by banana
stmichael wrote:
banana wrote:There is absolutely no way Benitez will sign an expensive injury prone player who hasn't been his best since 2001. That's 4 years ago.

absolutely unbelievable :glare:

i cannot for the life of me see how you could not want a player of michael owen's PROVEN ability back at this club. you go on about how great baros is but when it comes to a comparison between the two there is no comparison.


owen suffered from playing in a pi$$ poor negative side during his last two seasons at liverpool. this is the guy who is currently has the best goals per minutes ratio in la liga.

i'd take him back in a shot because baros won't be here next season anyway.

Stmichael why do you twist the facts? Real has had 3 different managers this season. All 3 have benched Owen. Have none of the managers and none of their staff been able to see what you apparently see so clearly? And the 10 games he has started has produced 9 early goalless substitutions.

But you are right about one thing. Owen is in a different league to milan Baros. Owen is in spain and Baros is in england...

PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 1:53 pm
by JC_81
RobG14 wrote:Can't believe what i'm reading, i'd never have that benchwarming judas back. Whichever way you look at it he turned his back on lfc, he wouldn't even give rafa a year to see how things would go wanting to take the cushy option in madrid. Frankly i'm glad hes gone and would be happy to never see him back!!

Totally agree with this post.

Not the first time I've said it but Owen is an overrated turncoat.  He has lost a yard of pace and is still living on past reputation.  Hasn't been at his best since the treble season IMO.

If he came back it wouldn't be long before people were moaning about why we brought back such an injury prone player who can't head, hold the ball up or bring others into play.

PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 1:53 pm
by stmichael
banana wrote:Stmichael why do you twist the facts? Real has had 3 different managers this season. All 3 have benched Owen. Have none of the managers and none of their staff been able to see what you apparently see so clearly? And the 10 games he has started has produced 9 early goalless substitutions.

how am i twisting the facts? he has the best goal per minute ratio in spain. that is a fact. end of.

as for managers benching him, he started last weekend and raul was finally dropped after being sh#te for the best part of two years. well done to the coach for having the balls to do it aswell. in the past, the thought of dropping raul was incomprehensible.

PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 1:59 pm
by JC_81
stmichael wrote:as for managers benching him, he started last weekend and raul was finally dropped after being sh#te for the best part of two years. well done to the coach for having the balls to do it aswell. in the past, the thought of dropping raul was incomprehensible.

Looks like you have the same blind faith in Owen as Real have in Raul.

Both are living on past reputations

PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 2:18 pm
by kopite
Dudek/Kirkland ?

                         Finnan           ?             Carra

         Jaoquin                   Alonso           Gerrard            Riise/Kewell depends


                           Cisse                       Nando

Pablo Aimar
Outs -
Diouf - 8M no less
Baros - 12M maybe 10M
Smicer - free   
Hyypia - 1.5M
Diao - 1M
Nunez - 1M
Biscan - 1M
Hamann - free
Josemi - 2M
                  0verall income 26.5M
                  Spend 10M on new defender
                  8M on Aimar
                  15M on joaquin
                   free Diarra                 Total spent 33M
                 I'll send this to Rafa :D

PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 2:21 pm
by stmichael
kopite wrote:Diouf - 8M no less


you're having a laugh ???

PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 2:24 pm
by Starbridge42
Bolton arent that rich and no1 else will take him :(

PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 2:25 pm
by JBG
Banana: the managers do not pick the side in Madrid, Fiorentino Perez does. Raul and Ronaldo carry massive weight (literally :D ) at the Bernabeu and its immaterial how they are playing. Privately all of the managers of Madrid this season would undoubedtly want to drop Raul but Perez over rules them all.

If Carlos, Beckham, Zidane, Figo, Ronaldo and Raul are fit they play. End of story, form is irrelevant.

Proof of the pudding are the likes of Solari and before him Portillo and Eto'o. These guys deserved first team places at Madrid but couldn't get in ahead of the Galacticos.

Obviously this policy is backfiring and Madrid will have to look at a new approach, but I think thats doubtful with Perez at the helm.

Owen is constantly criticised yet keeps scoring. He'll break the English national record yet and if he returns to Liverpool he could break the Liverpool record.

PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 2:28 pm
by stmichael
I read somewhere yesterday that Sam "the whinging ba$tard" Allardyce has made Owen his top priority signing this summer.....

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha....oh stop please.... hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

I've ****** meself....hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!

:laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:

PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 2:33 pm
by LFC #1
John Barnes' Granny wrote:Banana: the managers do not pick the side in Madrid, Fiorentino Perez does.

was just about to mention this.

anyway, Banana has somehing personal agiant MO, and let's this get in they way of his so-called judgment.

He once called Owen mediocre.  :laugh:

PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 2:59 pm
by LiverpoolFan00
Would take owen back in a second. He would definetly get us 15-20 goals a season. Doesn't need as many chances as Baros to score. And is just top class.

8m for Diouf :laugh:  :laugh: . We will be lucky to get half that

PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 3:02 pm
by Roger Red Hat
spppppplllluuuurggggeeeeee [spits a gobfull of coffee all over PC]

WTF? Mediocre?

Get him back, imagine what Rafa could do to a player like MO?

PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 3:06 pm
by Judge
Lee J wrote:spppppplllluuuurggggeeeeee [spits a gobfull of sperm all over PC]

WTF? Mediocre?

Get him back, imagine what Rafa could do to a player like MO?

wtf leej

i'd have used coffee  :laugh:

PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 3:07 pm
by stmichael