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PostPosted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 1:24 am
by account deleted by request
Why ruin a decent thread ? No one cares what Stu thought almost 3 years ago its what he thinks now that matters, although people may wonder why you are willing to go back so far to try to prove a point?

He always gives his opinion and rightly or wrongly its what he believes at the time. I don't always agree with him , but at least when people argue with him they know where he stands on issues and players.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 1:35 am
by LFC2007
The thread is still open for business as far as I can see, and there no was abuse dished out from my end, so I don't think I've ruined it. Perhaps Stu ruined by mocking Rafa and handing out abuse to GYBS? :oh:

Threads go off course occasionally - deal with it.

End of discussion, move on.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 1:52 am
by Scottbot
My take on the weekend's team selection was that I pretty much expected to see that line-up. Not saying it was the right line-up because I would have preferred us to stick with the same set up as the previous couple of games but the manager is a cautious bugger and he always will be. If he's (particularly) worried about the opposition attack his 1st thought (or so it seems to me) is how best to deal with it from a defensive stand-point. With that sorted (in his own mind) the focus then turns to scoring goals. It's just the way he is.

I wouldn't have played the 4-2-3-1 in this one but (like many) I was a big fan of the way we played during the run in last season and while I don't think Gerrard's best position is behind Torres he still put in some excellent performances from that position last season. Clearly the biggest problem the manager has is acomodating Gerrard, Xabi and Masch into the same side. Stevie  and Alonso have looked VERY good together in midfield but the manager didn't spend nearly £20 million of his transfer budget to sit a player on the bench for half the season. To be honest, how he deals with it will most likely be the making or breaking of our season. I'm not sure Rafa envisaged Alonso playing quite such a prominent role this season (trying to flog him all season kinda gave this away i know) but he has made the most of Mascherano's Olympic absence and on current form he is undroppable, just like the Captain. 

Personally (as others have said) i'd sit Mascherano down for our league games and let him play himself into form in Europe where we have made such a good start. Leave Gerrard and Alonso to man the middle for now.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 2:01 am
by account deleted by request
I think that while we could play either formation against Wigan and get the win (quickly passing over last seasons result), against Chelsea I think we will need Masch. I think if we go to Chelsea and play 4-4-2 Lampard and Ballack will run riot.

While we won't have to face Essien this time, Chelsea still have a great midfield and we will need Masch to help keep those two at bay. 

I think Rafa will decide on the formation based on the opposition, and I see no problem with that. We have played well and got results playing both formations, both this season and last, lets keep more or less the same team, stick to just the same couple of formations. Lets just cut out the silly mistakes, because next time we may not get out of jail!

PostPosted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 2:42 am
by Bam
s@int wrote:Why ruin a decent thread ? No one cares what Stu thought almost 3 years ago its what he thinks now that matters, although people may wonder why you are willing to go back so far to try to prove a point?

He always gives his opinion and rightly or wrongly its what he believes at the time. I don't always agree with him , but at least when people argue with him they know where he stands on issues and players.

S@int I have to agree with LFC2007, for making this 'reality check' it was fair game i reckon.

I like reading Stu's posts although I dont always agree with him, but when he starts to get a little knarky to people voicing there opinions about the game, it can be out of order sometimes.

I think LFC2007 made a very good point in what he did, he didnt verbal anyone, and just proved that opinions change from time to time. But when you have a certain poster whos forever telling you about his UEFA badges, and that he considers himself the 'knowledge God of football' and speaks with such a condesending tone to people he deserves to be pulled into line every now and again, for his insults if nothing else.

I rated Boumsong (wasn't the only one). I also rated Cheyrou (I still believe the lad lacked confidence in himself rather than ability).


Kin-ell if I had made such a ridiculous statement like that on an internet forum, I'd fecking deny that to the hilt and tell people my account had been hacked into. FFS thats pi$$ funny.

:laugh:  :laugh:  :D

PostPosted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 2:46 am
by Bam
s@int wrote:I think that while we could play either formation against Wigan and get the win (quickly passing over last seasons result), against Chelsea I think we will need Masch. I think if we go to Chelsea and play 4-4-2 Lampard and Ballack will run riot.

While we won't have to face Essien this time, Chelsea still have a great midfield and we will need Masch to help keep those two at bay. 

I think Rafa will decide on the formation based on the opposition, and I see no problem with that. We have played well and got results playing both formations, both this season and last, lets keep more or less the same team, stick to just the same couple of formations. Lets just cut out the silly mistakes, because next time we may not get out of jail!

Steve Bruce (not Sabre  :D ) does have a knack of frustrating us at home, and will bring the pie-eating bus to park infront of goal.

I'd definately start with Keane and Torres upfront for this one.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 3:10 am
by account deleted by request
:laugh: I know what you mean mate, I just don't see what there is to gain by dredging up old posts for no other reason than to cause trouble. (or thats the way it seemed to me) Most peoples views change over the years (some game to game :D ), I don't see any problem with that myself. I used to think flaires and platform shoes were great but I don't wear them now........ honest!

As for Boumsong, I fell for the hype too mate, I was really shocked and upset when he chose Rangers instead of us. Obviously that changed to amusement when he flopped at Newcastle.

FFS I agreed with most of Souness's buys when he made them, yet I look back now and can only think of Rob Jones as a real success.

Thankfully I wasn't a member on here when Houllier was in charge, because I defended him almost to the last.

Although even I have to laugh at Cheyrou, my son still thinks it was Houlliers fault he didn't make it . We all have opinions based on what we know and see at the time , sometimes in hindsight they weren't quite what we we would like to remember them as. I see no point in rubbing peoples noses in it, especially when maybe the context of the discussion may have been quite different.

Its probably why I like the posts that people like you, Mick, Stu etc etc make, because you give your opinion rather than just picking at other peoples.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 3:34 am
by Bam
FFS I agreed with most of Souness's buys when he made them, yet I look back now and can only think of Rob Jones as a real success.


Didnt he sell Bearsdley to Everton for 900,000, then go out and by Paul Stewart for something like 2 million.  :oh:  :no

I dont have many great memories of the Souness era, and think of players like Speedie and Carter who were never in a million years going to fill the void left by the likes of Aldridge, Rush and Barnes.

Flaires and Platform shoes are cool, you can admit to wearing them on the disco floor, but you shouldnt admit to rating Boumesong, or Cheryou thats just wrong. :D

PostPosted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 3:57 am
by account deleted by request
Bam wrote:
FFS I agreed with most of Souness's buys when he made them, yet I look back now and can only think of Rob Jones as a real success.


Didnt he sell Bearsdley to Everton for 900,000, then go out and by Paul Stewart for something like 2 million.  :oh:  :no

I dont have may great memories of the Souness era, and think of players like Speedie and Carter who were never in a million years going to fill the void left by the likes of Aldridge, Rush and Barnes.

Flaires and Platform shoes are cool, you can admit to wearing them on the disco floor, but you shouldnt admit to rating Boumesong, or Cheryou thats just wrong. :D

Paul Stewart had just had a great season for Spurs, been m.o.t.m in the cup final and looked a top player........ or so I thought  :down:

Dalglish bought Speedie and Carter mate.

I watched Liverpool against Auxerre around the time that we were interested, and Boumsong had a cracking game against Owen, and while I always thought Mexes was the better player, from the little I saw of him he looked fast good in the air and could tackle. Which just goes to show that you should never judge a player off a couple of games !

PostPosted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 4:04 am
by Bam
Dalglish bought Speedie and Carter mate.

Oops its such a blur my mistake.

I read somewhere he turned down the opportunity to sign Roy Keane from Forest to.

Didnt we get knocked out by Auxerre ?

Have to admit I thought that Mexes would be a bright prospect at the time.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 4:17 am
by account deleted by request
I read somewhere he turned down the opportunity to sign Roy Keane from Forest to.

Not sure about him turning down Keane, I remember we tried to swop Saunders (after about 5 games for us) for Keane but Forest wanted cash and we didn't have the money.
Didnt we get knocked out by Auxerre ?

No we won

Have to admit I thought that Mexes would be a bright prospect at the time.

Yeah mate, so did I, but for Roma bribing(?) him I think we may have signed him, although Arsenal were after him as well. I think Roma got a transfer ban for signing him.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 11:45 am
by Fo Dne
LFC2007 wrote:
Fo Dne wrote:Considering I clearly refered to Cisse as "Sissy" then yeah... keep going... :laugh:

Try looking at all the other Sissoko threads... :laugh:

Shove ya reality check up yer :censored:. :sleep

Kuyt as good at finishing as Gerrard...Kuyt woeful....

Agger a really, really good player....Agger not good enough...

Sissoko one of our best signings....Sissoko not value at £5m...

Stewart Downing would improve us immensely...Stewart Downing isn't good enough..

Bale is way overrated... Bale would be an excellent signing...

Kromkamp an average signing..... Kromkamp a joke...

Skrtel nowhere near good enough.....Skrtel a decent back up

Arbeloa a joke.....Arbeloa decent....


Kuyt probably does finish like a midfielder, he's had quite a large number of woeful games, whats your point?

Agger, really good player, but not good enough. Theres better out there and we need a top centre half, which Agger is not. I'd have Carragher ahead of Agger all day. So therefore, he's not good enough. Fairly simple, again, I don't see your point.

Stewart Downing would have, in the past improved us. He's not however good enough to take us onto a new level. Especially now we have Riera. Again, your point?

Bale as a youngster was overated. He was touted as being world class, which he's not. Obviously now, he'd be a good signing as he's still a good player and we have a cripple and a sunday league player as our options at left back. I also don't remember saying Bale was overated, I may have, but I don't remember it, again though, your point?

Kromkamp was an average siging, a stop gap that left for what he went. Still, if you want to count him as a complete joke then thats something else against Benitez isn't it. Starting to clutch at straws... :D

Skrtel has proven me wrong after a woeful start has made it clear he's a good squad player and has played well this season. Again though, isn't the top centre half we need. So I really don't see your point.

Arbeloa, distinctly average footballer. Nowhere near good enough for the first 11 at a top club.

Funny how ya shut up about Sissoko now ya done ya research ay, funny how ya shut up about Baros aswell and the others. Like I said lad, I don't get it right all the time, at least I've got the balls to put my opinions out there. I tend to get it right most of the time regarding a player. Occassionally I overated or underate in the cases of Pennant and Skrtel. But lets face it, not even your beloved Benitez gets it right all the time, after all he signs the players, then you have the likes of Lucas, Babel, Josemi and the other failiures.

Whats also funny is how you're doing your best to drag posts up from a few years ago, in which time I've learnt a hell of a lot more. Still, keep going.  :laugh:

PostPosted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 11:51 am
by Bad Bob
Fo Dne wrote:Whats also funny is how you're doing your best to drag posts up from a few years ago, in which time I've learnt a hell of a lot more. Still, keep going.  :laugh:

So, you can develop over the course of 2 years but the players can't? :D

PostPosted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 11:52 am
by Fo Dne
Bam wrote:But when you have a certain poster whos forever telling you about his UEFA badges, and that he considers himself the 'knowledge God of football' and speaks with such a condesending tone to people he deserves to be pulled into line every now and again, for his insults if nothing else.

I rated Boumsong (wasn't the only one). I also rated Cheyrou (I still believe the lad lacked confidence in himself rather than ability).


Kin-ell if I had made such a ridiculous statement like that on an internet forum, I'd fecking deny that to the hilt and tell people my account had been hacked into. FFS thats pi$$ funny.

:laugh:  :laugh:  :D

Don't fuckin think so lad. I ain't the one who keeps bringing them up, infact, the only time I've brought them up in the last few years is when I've been asked. I am not the one who keeps asking such questions and I certainly don't consider myself a "god of football knowledge", not even in the slightest so fuck knows where you got that from....

Oh yeah, you made it up!

Is there any wonder I take a condecending tone with people when they chat complete and utter rubbish? How would you react if I started coming out with :censored: like Kuyt was as good as Berbatov and how come Gerrard doesn't get the same critisism as Kuyt and other rubbish. I really do think, you should but out and mind your own business.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 11:54 am
by stmichael
we should swoop for woodgate in january, especially as spurs will probably be down by then anyway :D