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PostPosted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 3:13 pm
by Redman in wales
sophe_lfc_4_lyf wrote:You :)
Some of you dont half get ratty when we lose a gamee

:down:  sorry soph.

the game gets us down you know.

there's you being optomistic and i just shoot you down. I'm sorry it was uncalled for.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 3:13 pm
by Kash_Mountain
sophe_lfc_4_lyf wrote:And what is that reason then :D
Best be a good one :;):

Hey Sophe, you know the reason(s)  :D

PostPosted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 3:14 pm
by dawson99
im not even angry. we are so bad its funny now. we are officially becoming a joke.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 3:14 pm
by sophe_lfc_4_lyf
Its ok :D
I know we can come back no matter what if only the team beleives it aswel :D

PostPosted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 3:14 pm
by account deleted by request
its a fkn disgrace losing to the scum like that. Wrong team ,wrong formation , wrong tactics.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 3:15 pm
by sophe_lfc_4_lyf
Kash_Mountain wrote:
sophe_lfc_4_lyf wrote:And what is that reason then :D
Best be a good one :;):

Hey Sophe, you know the reason(s)  :D

I do?  :D

PostPosted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 3:16 pm
by destro
gerrard looks really frustrated, thank god he had the "get out clause" taken out of his contract or i think he would be off !! PLAY HIM IN THE CENTRE and stop playing him where he doesnt want to play. build the team around him and hopefully we will finish top 4 !!!!  :angry:

PostPosted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 3:16 pm
by 112-1077774096
i dont want to say i told you so but i will. 'i told you so'

i have been saying since game one that we are not good enough but people tried to shout me down saying its a long season blah blah blah, all i can say its going to be a very long season.

i have never seen such a lacklustre, rudderless, lack of passion performance. we were one down at half time, the team we had on were not doing any good so why not make the changes at half time instead of waiting?

i seriously now believe that rafa is tactically inept, i can go over the reasons again and again but whats the point.

where was the urgency, we were 2 down and still not attacking. it was a :censored: disgrace, just pick a :censored: team and let others worry about us stop :censored: about with the team.

i am so angry right now, i am embarrassed by the lack of passion i say today, the players should hang their heads, and the manager needs to take a long hard look at himself.

i am sad to say this but rafa is turning into another houllier, refusing to accept that he is getting it wrong, his stubborness will be our downfall

:angry: :angry: :angry:

PostPosted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 3:16 pm
by CardinalRed
So very disappointed with not only the result but the performance too.... 1 point away from home all season is shocking, it sounds doubly bad when Richard keys says "Sheff Utd and Watford have better away records".
Really scratching my head now wondering where we go from here....


PostPosted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 3:18 pm
by Redman in wales
The_Rock wrote:Something is wrong with gerrard...He just seems he can't be ar$sed anymore. (anyone saw his argument with alonso during the game ?)  Hope lynds can shed some light on this.....

maybe its the rotation of his position. RW the CM, then RW, then LW, then CM, then, support stiker, then RW, then CM, then LW, then RW.... etc

he played well as a CM 2 seasons ago. then he played well as a RW last season. Pick a position and keep him there.

he's asked to do this, then he's asked to do that then he's asked to do this, then he's asked to do that. - and i don't think he likes it!

PostPosted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 3:18 pm
by sophe_lfc_4_lyf
CardinalRed wrote:So very disappointed with not only the result but the performance too.... 1 point away from home all season is shocking, it sounds doubly bad when Richard keys says "Sheff Utd and Watford have better away records".
Really scratching my head now wondering where we go from here....


Thats easy we just become a manc or cheatski supporter..

:D   I think you might of gathered that was a joke  :D

PostPosted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 3:19 pm
by mistyred
Firstly i just want to say that was a complete and utter shambolic display
un jointed and un interested spring to mind, Rotation is for injured players
not ones that want to play week in week out and deserve to do so.

There may well be a few that blast me for what i am about to say but, i
personally think that when Rafa leaves the club there will be one or two
players who will be glad to see the back of the rotation policy and maybe
the man the employed it.

I honestly am confused  by this state of affairs with the team, is that Rafa
was not given the money for the players he wanted and the ones he purchased
were just not good enough? or that he doesn't really give a monkeys about
the english leauge and the dirty nitty gritty away trips were the fancy dans
from abroad with high lights in and a tub of gel thier hair can't stand the pace?
i just don't know and it hurts my head just thinking about it but whatever
the problem is it needs to be addressed and quick, no more excuses
about difficult away fixtures as every team in the top flight has them.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 3:19 pm
by 112-1077774096
dawson99 wrote:im not even angry. we are so bad its funny now. we are officially becoming a joke.

mate i am ashamed to say this but for one brief second i wanted them to score again in the hope that it would shake rafa out of this stupid strategy of picking players out of position, playing defensively, bad substitutions, and his stubborness to admit he is :censored: up

PostPosted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 3:21 pm
by The_Rock
Maybe the only way we will win the Premier League is if we are out of every cup early.

Then rafa will be "forced" to play the same team every time because we won't be playing 64 or 65 games as he keep mentioning every week.

I give up....i just can't figuare out rafa. Doesn't he realise that the spanish league is Sh1t compared to here...

PostPosted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 3:22 pm
by sophe_lfc_4_lyf
Im just glad some of you lot dont support a team that has lost EVERY gamr this season..
I would hate to imagine what you would do :p :D