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PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 5:15 pm
by JC_81
People need to dry their eyes over this Agger contract situation.  The simple fact is that he's a good player but not a top class one worth the 70k a week his agent is asking for.  At the moment he's our 4th most consistent centre back and that's a fact. 

I don't care if he's young, has potential, can step out with the ball from the back blah blah blah, defending is what he's paid to do and he's not good enough to get into our first XI on current form.  Therefore who the is he to hold us to ransom over his wages.  He either lowers his demands or he fu.cks off, plain and simple, if that's for 7-8 mil to Milan, then imo it's not a bad price for a guy who cost 3.5mil and has spent as much time injured as he has on the pitch since he's been here.  People saying he's worth 12+mil are talking pie in the sky rubbish.

Furthermore, with 8 million I'm more than confident that Benitez could find another centre half who'd be at least as good as Agger - his track record at buying defensive players is generally good.

I must stress that in an ideal world I'd like Agger to stay, but if he doesn't, well it's just not that big a deal imo.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 5:23 pm
by JamCar05
He cost us almost 6 million mate, and I don't agree with your view about not thinking about potential: Sami is near the end of his career, and Carra isn't getting any younger either. Imo it would be silly to sell a readymade replacement (who imo already should be playing along Carra, but that's another matter) for 7-8 million as we would probably have to spend at least as much to get someone just as good in (and there's never a guarantee that said player would settle as well as Agger has). And as I wrote in my previous post, do people actually KNOW that "he's holding us to ransom over his wages"? Anyway, not having a pop at you mate, as I can see where you're coming from, I just don't want to pass judgement too early that's all :).

PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 5:25 pm
by Ace Ventura
John i agree with most of your post mate, just to let you know though he actually cost over 5 million, cant remember the exact fee though.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 6:25 pm
by akumaface
This whole thing is really strange as it is really up and down. There has to be something more than just money. For his agent, it would benefit most for him if Agger in fact leaves. It might be the fact that something turned sour during negotiation. Otherwise he would had played more as he just suddenly disappeared from the starting 11 after a string of good games. I think if he leaves eventually, it would have an effect on the rest of the squad on the inability to hold on to good players. I agreed totally that why not do a fire sale on players such as Degen, voronin, Pennant, Beni, Dossena and Itanje etc... I think what ever we can get from them now is better than getting nothing at the end. Some may say it is not as easy as some of their salary is high but if the transfer fees is lower, it would offset the salary they paid if they stay. Otherwise, just loan them out to save the salary now for half a season and decide what to do in the summer (except for Pennant but it is accepted that he is likely to leave on a free).

At the same time, it is really stupid for the Yanks not to put forth some more money to buy more players as we are so close to the title. If we win, they can sell the club for more money (if this is what they want). Status quo now would get them nothing more than had been offered. Just so painful to see all my favourite teams has really bad ownership (The Toronto Raptors, Maple Leafs, Blue Jays and LFC) :D . Maybe it is a curse haha.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 6:54 pm
by justyna
I hope we won't lose him...he's been one of the best ever!

PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 6:57 pm
A lot of people are basing stuff on pure press and media specualtion . Agger is good enough to be in our tirst 11 - he is a different defender to the likes of skittles and carra - he has great ability on the ball and doesnt often revert to just hoofing it up field like we see a number of times for carra and the others . He is a must stay and worth 70 grand a week imo.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 7:00 pm
by Effes
All seems a bit hasty to me

PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 7:11 pm
by LiverpoolMadman
He must stay unless Rafa really wants to sell him and buy Gbarry ...

PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 7:12 pm
by SupitsJonF
Get him to sign a new 5 year deal with the wages he wants, then sell the greedy :censored: for more money so he cant leave on a cheap clause.  If he wants to :censored: us lets just :censored: him, and once he re-signs Milan can take him in the summer for the price hes worth.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 8:25 pm
by JC_81
Ace Ventura wrote:John i agree with most of your post mate, just to let you know though he actually cost over 5 million, cant remember the exact fee though.

Fair enough Ace.

I seem to remember we were interested in Vidic at the same time but went for Agger partly because there was a significant difference in the transfer fees being asked for.  Vidic went for 7mil, I remember that, and I was sure Agger cost half what he was worth.  Anyway, I won't argue over a couple of million, that's pocket change now we have sheikhs offering 100+million for players :laugh:

PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 8:28 pm
We went for vidic at his release clause of around 5-6 mil but man utd stumped up more and we decided not to go any higher and vidic went to man utd . Agger was around 5 mil was a great price for someone of his ability especially after seeing him mark rooney out of the game for denmark once .

PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 11:43 pm
by Alex G.
It´s clear he´s gonna leave, that´s the reason  Skrtel played at Stoke.
Agger is a betrayer, end of discussion. He wants go because he wants more money and probably doesn´t consider Liverpool as big as Milan.

But wait, you will see many people blaming on rafa for this one as well. It´s amazing.

BTW, he´s overrated, he doesn´t defend a :censored:

PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 12:02 am
by Reg
Have we considered that Rafa actually wants to sell him to raise money?  ???

PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 12:09 am
by Alex G.
Reg wrote:Have we considered that Rafa actually wants to sell him to raise money?  ???

Rafa doesn´t want to sell him, he has offered him a new contract.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 12:13 am
by Effes
Alex G. wrote:
Reg wrote:Have we considered that Rafa actually wants to sell him to raise money?  ???

Rafa doesn´t want to sell him, he has offered him a new contract.

Thats a no then Reg