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PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 1:00 pm
Agger has never played left back - always been a cb and a bloody good one at that. Just because he is a defender and kicks with his left foot doesnt mean he would make a good left back. He is great at bringing the ball out from the back - but going down the wings supporting the left mid is a different thing all together and its not the type of player agger is - he is a ball playing cb along the likes of hansen

PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 1:07 pm
by Owzat
According to BBC it's rumoured on that he's been spotted in Milan. Rumours put him in line for an £8.5m move, also mention of a contract clause allowing him to leave at the end of the season

PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 1:13 pm
by account deleted by request
andy_g wrote:yeah, its looking ominous on the agger front at the moment. looks like a move to milan is on if he wants it, whether this month or at the end of the season. myself, i'd be gutted to see him go - i still believe that agger and carragher is by far our best centre back pairing, despite how good skrtel and sami are. having a centre back that can actually play the ball out from the back, use it intelligently and even pose a goal threat when he comes forward is massively important to the quality of our overall game.

still, he's only on 35k a week (only!!) and wants to double it. maybe 70k a week is a lot to pay him but he's surely worth something close to that.

I agree mate. What would be the alternative anyway..... if we sign someone decent they would no doubt want a good contract anyway, and if we sign another young "star" they could quite as easily be another Palletta as a Skrtel or Agger.

I think this is more than just a bluff to get a better deal, I think if we don't get it sorted soon, he will be too far down the road with Milan to reconsider.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 2:05 pm
by Greavesie
I'll be gutted if he goes :(

if hes got the offer of first team week in week out from AC I don't hold it against him for considersing it. Personally I think we should use him as RB and get him regular games. With Skrtel back tho it was always going to limit the number of starts Agger gets

Don't go Danny!

PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 2:37 pm
by tubby
I say sell him now. I know he is a great defender but if he is greedy enough to turn down 70k a week then id rather we get something for him now than let him go for cheaper in the Summer.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 3:32 pm
by andy_g
bav, it isn't that he has turned down 70k a week, its that the club won't give him 70k a week.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 4:00 pm
by tubby
Dunno about that. The Time is saying we have offered him that anyway.

"Agger, 24, has 18 months left on his deal and Liverpool are said to have offered him a new contract, worth about £70,000 a week, to stay at the club."

PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 4:19 pm
by Reg
The fact his is talking to Milan shows he doesnt have LFC in his heart.  We dont need pussies, we need men who ARE Liverpool.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 4:25 pm
by akumaface
If we gonna sell him, 8.5 million is a bargain if you consider what Dossena costed us. I think it is fair to sell him at around 11 million plus. I think if he really wanted to go, let him. It always amazes me that in the middle of possible EPL Champion campaign, why in the world does anyone wanted to leave. This really shows they don't give a shlt about winning anything here. Just want to win the big fat contract and the hell with the club. Agger is a hell of a player but if he is really someone who is greedy, let him go. If we indeeded offered him 70k a week and he wishes to leave, :censored: him and adios.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 4:58 pm
by tubby
Reg wrote:The fact his is talking to Milan shows he doesnt have LFC in his heart.  We dont need pussies, we need men who ARE Liverpool.


PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 5:00 pm
by Madmax
sad to say the least.. liked the player..

PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 5:03 pm
by tubby
akumaface wrote:If we gonna sell him, 8.5 million is a bargain if you consider what Dossena costed us. I think it is fair to sell him at around 11 million plus. I think if he really wanted to go, let him. It always amazes me that in the middle of possible EPL Champion campaign, why in the world does anyone wanted to leave. This really shows they don't give a shlt about winning anything here. Just want to win the big fat contract and the hell with the club. Agger is a hell of a player but if he is really someone who is greedy, let him go. If we indeeded offered him 70k a week and he wishes to leave, :censored: him and adios.

He has a release clause of 7 - 7.5Mil which is a shame considering he is worth well over 10 - 12Mil imo.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 5:05 pm
by tubby
Anyone hear a rumor that he was out last season not becasue of injury but due to failing an internal drugs test? I think that could be the reason he wants to go otherwise it would make no sense to want to leave as before he always was posative when talking about us. Anyway :censored: him. I just hope we can get in a decent replacement as Sammi will leave/retire soon. If someone got injured we would be :censored:.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 5:08 pm
by JamCar05
It does indeed look somewhat mysterious what's happening with Agger, but I do feel some people are too quickly simply believing everything they read. Of course there's seldom any smoke without fire, but when Danny has opened his mouth himself, he has stated that he likes living in Liverpool and wants to stay at the club (or something along those lines). I just feel it's way too early to talk about him being a greedy :censored:, who doesn't care about playing for LFC, when all we know is... well, nothing much concrete actually. I do fear we'll lose him myself too though, but no way am I passing judgement on him already. Please just get the contract sorted mr. Parry (or whoever), as he's definitely one for the future and we'll no doubt regret it big time if we were to let him leave at this time in his career (which could still span for about 10 years, just look at big Sami).

PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 5:09 pm
by craig da Toxteth iron
I would like Agger to stay but if he wants to go he can.