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PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 11:04 am
by Sabre
I'll agree we need them both.

Before I share I'm worried sick. I didn't want to check, but I checked. Xabi Alonso had a metartasal injury in 2001, and he received seugery back then. I feared to check but I checked, it's the same foot, and the same metartasal he was operated :(

Now, I'm not a doctor, and I don't know whether it's relevant the re-ocurrrance in time, but I'm worried. :(

PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 11:15 am
by 112-1077774096
ah well it looks likes its just me then  :D

PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 11:17 am
by bigmick
Much more important I think than the argument about who is the better player is the fact that they showed yesterday that they can play together. Alonso showed a willingness to come out of the pocket and if he can do that, they can be a pairing with Gerrard on the right. I remain convinced that the second part of that equation is what we would ahve to do to field our best team.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 11:42 am
by Ace Ventura
bigmick wrote:Much more important I think than the argument about who is the better player is the fact that they showed yesterday that they can play together. Alonso showed a willingness to come out of the pocket and if he can do that, they can be a pairing with Gerrard on the right. I remain convinced that the second part of that equation is what we would ahve to do to field our best team.

Or the system employed yesterday but with better wide players.
Imagine if we could get Kewell back fit this....


Finnan          Carragher   Agger       Aurellio

                   Mascherano Alonso


            Babel                           Kewell


I know people say pushing Gerrard on takes the defensive and tackling side out of his game, but it doesnt necessarily have to. He proved when he won the ball off Flamini that resulted in the move for the goal that he can still put his foot in and get stuck in, but he is then going to win the ball in dangerous areas and in and around the box if he picks up posession then he is more likely to cause problems and weigh in with a goal than Sissoko who has often occupied a similar role in the team.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 3:16 pm
by Bad Bob
Agree, Ace, that for 70 minutes the three of them working in unison provided something fantastic.  A Masch-Alonso-Gerrard combination--either as part of a flat four or in a diamond--brings the best out of each.  Masch and Gerrard were superb yesterday and Alonso was as good as could be expected after a long layoff.  A huge blow that he's reinjured the foot, IMO.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 3:31 pm
by redtrader74
bigmick wrote:Much more important I think than the argument about who is the better player is the fact that they showed yesterday that they can play together. Alonso showed a willingness to come out of the pocket and if he can do that, they can be a pairing with Gerrard on the right. I remain convinced that the second part of that equation is what we would ahve to do to field our best team.

Been thinking the same for a while, Alonso and Mascherano complement each other very well, and they are very disciplined, meaning they stick to their task and don't get over excited and think they must go and win the game, leaving holes behind them, something Momo has been guilty of recently and SG also. I don't think its necessary for SG o play wide right, just play infront of these two, in a 4-3-3.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 4:14 pm
by account deleted by request
One thing that hasn't been mentioned about the pairing is the change yesterday. Usually Mascherano plays deeper, with Alonso (as the supposedly more creative passer) playing higher up the pitch. Yesterday Mascherano played higher up the pitch while Alonso sat deeper (probably due to his injury). I thought it worked well with both players managing to get forward at times without leaving the cupboard bare behind them. Mascher was almost in "Sissoko" mode yesterday breaking up play, obviously his better passing(than Sissoko) allowing him to link play as well.

Unfortunately due to Alonso's injury we will have to wait some time before we find out if this was a "one off" or if this is indeed the way forward.

PostPosted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 2:10 pm
This argument is really disturbing because this is not something that Rafa can control as Alonso is injured again (hopefully back for Mancs on 15/12/2007 at anfield).
But everyone is forgetting how Kewell (fit again, but divides opinion), Gerrard, (poor 12 months but possibly playing well for team again after Sunday), Kuyt (in my opinion for the past year very overrated), and Benayoun (who frustrates me, sometimes he is like Pele and the next like Cheyrou).
This of course is easy to solve and that is with strong and ruthless management (which Rafa has been good at), So we play 4-3-3, tell Carra to pull his finger out instead of conceding Phantom penalties every week, get Agger fit asap, play Riise and Finnan as attacking full backs, then Lucas/Mascherano and Gerrard/Mascherano in Midfield with Gerrard/Benayoun/Voronin playing in front of them, and 3 up front-Babel,Crouch/Kuyt, Kewell/Kuyt
Like So:-
Finnan               Agger                                Carragher          Riise
                                 Lucas               Mascherano


          Kewell                                                      Babel

Some may recognise it from 2005/2006 When Alonso-Sissoko anchored and Cisse played in Babel's position.

This can cover the lack of pace until Torres is fully fit.

PostPosted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 2:29 pm
by Owzat
There's no cup final round the corner so what makes anyone think Kewell will be fit and remain so? (for long)

PostPosted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 2:30 pm
by Sabre
s@int wrote:One thing that hasn't been mentioned about the pairing is the change yesterday. Usually Mascherano plays deeper, with Alonso (as the supposedly more creative passer) playing higher up the pitch. Yesterday Mascherano played higher up the pitch while Alonso sat deeper (probably due to his injury). I thought it worked well with both players managing to get forward at times without leaving the cupboard bare behind them. Mascher was almost in "Sissoko" mode yesterday breaking up play, obviously his better passing(than Sissoko) allowing him to link play as well.

Unfortunately due to Alonso's injury we will have to wait some time before we find out if this was a "one off" or if this is indeed the way forward.

At some point of the game I saw that and mentioned it.

A few times they swapped the roles, Mascherano was on the left of Alonso and when the ball came from Alonso's side it was Alonso addressing the incoming player and Mascherano effectively making the cover behind Alonso, but the main role of Mascherano's game, was that "Sissoko" role, in which he excelled.

When Rafa brought Arbeloa, a player with CB attributes to the game, the point was leaving Mascherano and Gerrard doing what they had been doing all the game. But that gamble didn't work out, obviously.

Now, probably Mascherano will be given the holding midfielder role, the role Alonso started the game. It's not an easy nor grateful role, so I just hope people know to acknowledge that. Mascherano lacks a bit of height and heading abilities to be the perfect man for the role in *my* book of tastes, but I think he's the best man of the squad available to do so, and he can do it more than well.

I think we must see Mascherano as a holding midfielder, Gerrard in the right, and then choose Sissoko or Lucas depending on the game. If you're antirotationist, then no problem, just select Mascherano and Lucas. But bear in mind that Mascherano will have to be sacrificed defensively.

PostPosted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 3:01 pm
by burjennio
Sabre Posted on Oct. 30 2007,13:30
Quote (s@int @ Oct. 29 2007,15:14)
One thing that hasn't been mentioned about the pairing is the change yesterday. Usually Mascherano plays deeper, with Alonso (as the supposedly more creative passer) playing higher up the pitch. Yesterday Mascherano played higher up the pitch while Alonso sat deeper (probably due to his injury). I thought it worked well with both players managing to get forward at times without leaving the cupboard bare behind them. Mascher was almost in "Sissoko" mode yesterday breaking up play, obviously his better passing(than Sissoko) allowing him to link play as well.

Unfortunately due to Alonso's injury we will have to wait some time before we find out if this was a "one off" or if this is indeed the way forward.

At some point of the game I saw that and mentioned it.

A few times they swapped the roles, Mascherano was on the left of Alonso and when the ball came from Alonso's side it was Alonso addressing the incoming player and Mascherano effectively making the cover behind Alonso, but the main role of Mascherano's game, was that "Sissoko" role, in which he excelled.

When Rafa brought Arbeloa, a player with CB attributes to the game, the point was leaving Mascherano and Gerrard doing what they had been doing all the game. But that gamble didn't work out, obviously.

Now, probably Mascherano will be given the holding midfielder role, the role Alonso started the game. It's not an easy nor grateful role, so I just hope people know to acknowledge that. Mascherano lacks a bit of height and heading abilities to be the perfect man for the role in *my* book of tastes, but I think he's the best man of the squad available to do so, and he can do it more than well.

I think we must see Mascherano as a holding midfielder, Gerrard in the right, and then choose Sissoko or Lucas depending on the game. If you're antirotationist, then no problem, just select Mascherano and Lucas. But bear in mind that Mascherano will have to be sacrificed defensively.

No qualms with Mascha playin that role Sabre he excels in it, some of his performances in the Copa America were awesome (until the played Brazil anyway!) as was his Champions League final shut out of Kaka

He really needs someone to dictate play tho, which is where he and Alonso differ, Xabi will get his head up to find the best option where sometimes Macsha looks like he wants to get rid of it ASAP ( ie HOOF IT  :D ) so he needs his partner in the middle to give him a simple option and build the play from there

PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 3:11 pm
by duk
meh forget it

PostPosted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 2:14 pm
by red--sangria
Liverpool's Xabi fears lengthy lay-off - November 07, 2007

Liverpool midfielder Xabi Alonso may be missing until the New Year.

Liverpool boss Rafa Benitez sent the midfield star to specialists in Spain for a second opinion on his foot injury.

Alonso, 25, missed six weeks with a broken metatarsal - and then suffered the same injury in his left foot during his comeback match against Arsenal 10 days ago.

Anfield medics originally expected Alonso would be back in action this week.

But the injury has shown no signs of improvement so Alonso was sent for a scan on Monday - and told he might not be fit until the end of December.

Alonso admitted: "I didn't expect to be out for more than six weeks like I have been. The relapses are a shame."

PostPosted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 2:16 pm
by red--sangria
red--sangria wrote:Liverpool's Xabi fears lengthy lay-off
- November 07, 2007

Liverpool midfielder Xabi Alonso may be missing until the New Year.

Liverpool boss Rafa Benitez sent the midfield star to specialists in Spain for a second opinion on his foot injury.

Alonso, 25, missed six weeks with a broken metatarsal - and then suffered the same injury in his left foot during his comeback match against Arsenal 10 days ago.

Anfield medics originally expected Alonso would be back in action this week.

But the injury has shown no signs of improvement so Alonso was sent for a scan on Monday - and told he might not be fit until the end of December.

Alonso admitted: "I didn't expect to be out for more than six weeks like I have been. The relapses are a shame."


PostPosted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 2:30 pm
by Sabre
red--sangria wrote:Liverpool's Xabi fears lengthy lay-off - November 07, 2007

What a promising name for a source of information  :D

Seriously, is that true?