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PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 4:40 pm
by Ciggy
PabloAimar wrote:in turn realise when a sh1t player is staring u in the face, ie. petre crouche

I think you should look to become a fan of another club, if your not one already coming out with that :censored:.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 5:20 pm
by club_Levis
PabloAimar wrote:
Espionage wrote:
PabloAimar wrote:im guessin it means ur boyhood hero 'petre crouche' is rubbish, and the players playing up-front at the moment are 'ACTUAL FOOTBALLERS'

I suggest that you shut up before you expose your stupidity even more......

LOLLL... u 'seniors' crack me up! u and ur pub banter about tactics 'n' ol' crouchy! lollllll

if only u got off ur computers once in a while (and stopped worrying about ur 'posts' count halting) and Played football, maybe u'd begin to appreciate football for what it is, and in turn realise when a sh1t player is staring u in the face, ie. petre crouche

Ha ha ha!!! you are bit harsh though mate.Yeah Peter is not good enough to lead any strike force of a championship contender but he is not as bad as you make him to be..At the moment he should be 4th in the pecking order at LFC.Average player at best IMO

PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 9:43 pm
by PabloAimar
Ciggy wrote:
PabloAimar wrote:in turn realise when a sh1t player is staring u in the face, ie. petre crouche

I think you should look to become a fan of another club, if your not one already coming out with that :censored:.

ok godfather

PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 12:46 am
Where on earth do some of you get your football brains from ffs.
Were you screaming super crouch at the end of last season when he was putting goals away. What has he done to make some of you turn on him.
and then the world cup he was scoring and then when it come to the important games he was on the bench to make was for that ugly tw@t Rooney and what did he do he did what bellamy is doing running around like a chicken with his head cut off .
Don’t knock our crouch we still need him big time and at the end of the day tell me what he dose wrong on the pitch.
Some of you sound like glory hunters sometimes.
You want to hope kuyt and bellamy  start partnering together because if they don’t  we will need crouch and if rafa  dose put as much faith in the new boys as he did  that pile of :censored: morrentis we are :censored:-e-d.
Unless the new boys come up with the goods.

PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 4:54 am
by babu
PabloAimar wrote:
Espionage wrote:
PabloAimar wrote:im guessin it means ur boyhood hero 'petre crouche' is rubbish, and the players playing up-front at the moment are 'ACTUAL FOOTBALLERS'

I suggest that you shut up before you expose your stupidity even more......

LOLLL... u 'seniors' crack me up! u and ur pub banter about tactics 'n' ol' crouchy! lollllll

if only u got off ur computers once in a while (and stopped worrying about ur 'posts' count halting) and Played football, maybe u'd begin to appreciate football for what it is, and in turn realise when a sh1t player is staring u in the face, ie. petre crouche

Mr Pablo,
Did you by any chance look at the person you quoted and his post count & date joined before you launched your tirade?

look again, because you joined earlier than him and have about the same posts. looks like you are the 'senior' you were talking about.

PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 10:27 am
by PabloAimar
babu wrote:
PabloAimar wrote:
Espionage wrote:
PabloAimar wrote:im guessin it means ur boyhood hero 'petre crouche' is rubbish, and the players playing up-front at the moment are 'ACTUAL FOOTBALLERS'

I suggest that you shut up before you expose your stupidity even more......

LOLLL... u 'seniors' crack me up! u and ur pub banter about tactics 'n' ol' crouchy! lollllll

if only u got off ur computers once in a while (and stopped worrying about ur 'posts' count halting) and Played football, maybe u'd begin to appreciate football for what it is, and in turn realise when a sh1t player is staring u in the face, ie. petre crouche

Mr Pablo,
Did you by any chance look at the person you quoted and his post count & date joined before you launched your tirade?

look again, because you joined earlier than him and have about the same posts. looks like you are the 'senior' you were talking about.

actually smart guy, he's made almost twice as many posts as me in roughly the same amount of time. i tend to come on here in short spurts throughout the year to refresh myself with the opinions of my fellow liverpool supporters.

and rage UK...

firstly, crouch was never 'scoring' goals at the world cup, he scored 'A' goal. secondly, u can search through all my posts, i never jumped on the crouch bandwagon... i think he would've been a good buy at around £3M (our original bid) becoz that is his worth to the club - he was bought assuming cisse, etc. would be firing on all cylinders and crouch would be used as an impact player off the bench when all else fails.

bellamy is not scoring yet but mark my words, as annoying as he used to be at newcastle, i'll never jump on his back becoz he knows how to play football. ie. he can strike a ball with power and precision, he can header with intent, he cant half run fast! and he has body strengh and balance... atributes which crouch will never possess.

ps. u've all as good as admitted earlier that when crouch plays, we turn into wimbeldon '93 hoofing balls upfield for him

PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 10:31 am
by PabloAimar
also, to clear up my reference to the 'seniors' i mean those annoying 5,000,000,000 + posters who only listen to the opinion of their fellow seniors, and greet all newbies with rude and degrading replies. u all know who u are, rude b4stards. :(

PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 10:56 am
by SouthCoastShankly
PabloAimar wrote:
babu wrote:
PabloAimar wrote:
Espionage wrote:
PabloAimar wrote:im guessin it means ur boyhood hero 'petre crouche' is rubbish, and the players playing up-front at the moment are 'ACTUAL FOOTBALLERS'

I suggest that you shut up before you expose your stupidity even more......

LOLLL... u 'seniors' crack me up! u and ur pub banter about tactics 'n' ol' crouchy! lollllll

if only u got off ur computers once in a while (and stopped worrying about ur 'posts' count halting) and Played football, maybe u'd begin to appreciate football for what it is, and in turn realise when a sh1t player is staring u in the face, ie. petre crouche

Mr Pablo,
Did you by any chance look at the person you quoted and his post count & date joined before you launched your tirade?

look again, because you joined earlier than him and have about the same posts. looks like you are the 'senior' you were talking about.

actually smart guy, he's made almost twice as many posts as me in roughly the same amount of time. i tend to come on here in short spurts throughout the year to refresh myself with the opinions of my fellow liverpool supporters.

and rage UK...

firstly, crouch was never 'scoring' goals at the world cup, he scored 'A' goal. secondly, u can search through all my posts, i never jumped on the crouch bandwagon... i think he would've been a good buy at around £3M (our original bid) becoz that is his worth to the club - he was bought assuming cisse, etc. would be firing on all cylinders and crouch would be used as an impact player off the bench when all else fails.

bellamy is not scoring yet but mark my words, as annoying as he used to be at newcastle, i'll never jump on his back becoz he knows how to play football. ie. he can strike a ball with power and precision, he can header with intent, he cant half run fast! and he has body strengh and balance... atributes which crouch will never possess.

ps. u've all as good as admitted earlier that when crouch plays, we turn into wimbeldon '93 hoofing balls upfield for him

I've read through these posts and its clear you don't rate Peter Crouch. But the majority of us do. Although he is not undroppable he is an asset to the team. He offers a target that no other striker we have can provide.

Crouch is feeling the rotation system as much as Garcia, Pennant, Gonzales and Fowler are. If anyone thinks Crouch has a permanent place on the bench is sorely mistaken. And will be proved wrong.

BTW PabloAimar why do you feel the need to misspell the word 'because'? Its quite frankly gay.

PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 11:41 am
by kirankara
Well i am fed up of quite a few topics on this forum and really am beginning to feel like some of the people on here really have no clue about football, and further more they just make up their own version of truth. Lets first observe a couple of unfounded statements "crouch was bought just as an impact player"  does someone have rafa on record as saying this??? secondly would rafa really have spent 7 million on an impact player, and more importantly minus Peter crouch our strike force consisted of cisse(who rafa didnt rate from day one), pongolle(who rafa doesnt seem to really rate, as he keeps ending him on loan )and .........not  a whole lot else really, so was he planning to play cisse up front on his own then bring crouch on for impact? ??? Paul tomkinsons article on lfc tv shows that last year we scored more goals with peter crouch on the pitch than without, is this a complete coincedence or related to his abilities? ?????

I dont claim crouchie is the greatest player ever, and i certainly am aware of his faults, his underwhelming pace for a start and his recent new found confidence that he can go past players at pace lol, but the second one in some ways is good as hes at least trying things to improve his game.

However he has his strengths too, and both players and the manager recognise this. NOTE-THE MANAGER which no-one on here is nor ever wil be , and if rafa and the rest of the team want him there well thats good enough for me, and all the crouch boo boys can take their criticism and stick it where the sun dont shine.

I think crouch works very hard for the team, hes never shirked his responsibility, hes never let his head drop, even when hes not been playing or come out and criticised the manager( a la cisse) for being left out, and most importantly as stats show hes done what he was brought in to do, score goals(sometimes important anyone remember man u in fa cup last year, the cup we won) and hes created goals, and before you reply with how many assists blah, blah, read paul tomkinsons latest article on lfctv and then come back, as creating goals isnt always about direct assists. I respect everyone here as an lfc fan, but the unnescessary criticism of a player that was and still is a big part of our team and the managers plans makes my heart weep, as its in our history and reputation to stand by our players and sing our hearts out encouraging them, maybe this is why anfield has been noticeably flat recently as its full of ppl who lack the liverpool spirit internally, and go against the grain of our glorious cubs traditions.A tradition of passion, a tradition of being prepared to die for a greater cause, and I personally thin Peter CRouch encapsulated that spirit at times last year, playing for the team first and showing passion and commitment when other players would have let their heads drop and gave up. C'mon you reds!!!!(all reds including peter crouch)

PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 11:57 am
by JimBOB123
kirankara wrote:Well i am fed up of quite a few topics on this forum and really am beginning to feel like some of the people on here really have no clue about football, and further more they just make up their own version of truth. Lets first observe a couple of unfounded statements "crouch was bought just as an impact player"  does someone have rafa on record as saying this??? secondly would rafa really have spent 7 million on an impact player, and more importantly minus Peter crouch our strike force consisted of cisse(who rafa didnt rate from day one), pongolle(who rafa doesnt seem to really rate, as he keeps ending him on loan )and .........not  a whole lot else really, so was he planning to play cisse up front on his own then bring crouch on for impact? ??? Paul tomkinsons article on lfc tv shows that last year we scored more goals with peter crouch on the pitch than without, is this a complete coincedence or related to his abilities? ?????

I dont claim crouchie is the greatest player ever, and i certainly am aware of his faults, his underwhelming pace for a start and his recent new found confidence that he can go past players at pace lol, but the second one in some ways is good as hes at least trying things to improve his game.

However he has his strengths too, and both players and the manager recognise this. NOTE-THE MANAGER which no-one on here is nor ever wil be , and if rafa and the rest of the team want him there well thats good enough for me, and all the crouch boo boys can take their criticism and stick it where the sun dont shine.

I think crouch works very hard for the team, hes never shirked his responsibility, hes never let his head drop, even when hes not been playing or come out and criticised the manager( a la cisse) for being left out, and most importantly as stats show hes done what he was brought in to do, score goals(sometimes important anyone remember man u in fa cup last year, the cup we won) and hes created goals, and before you reply with how many assists blah, blah, read paul tomkinsons latest article on lfctv and then come back, as creating goals isnt always about direct assists. I respect everyone here as an lfc fan, but the unnescessary criticism of a player that was and still is a big part of our team and the managers plans makes my heart weep, as its in our history and reputation to stand by our players and sing our hearts out encouraging them, maybe this is why anfield has been noticeably flat recently as its full of ppl who lack the liverpool spirit internally, and go against the grain of our glorious cubs traditions.A tradition of passion, a tradition of being prepared to die for a greater cause, and I personally thin Peter CRouch encapsulated that spirit at times last year, playing for the team first and showing passion and commitment when other players would have let their heads drop and gave up. C'mon you reds!!!!(all reds including peter crouch)

Thats a great post, very true. Hes a good footballer and a good attitude, you don't see him complaining when rafa leaves him out the team he keeps his head down in training and trying his best to get in the starting 11.

PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 12:02 pm
by babu
Yeah Pablo I actually agree with some of your thoughts, but i dislike the manner. That's neither here nor there. Just wondering why you picked on Espionage, when really you both have been here about the same amount of time. I did notice your clarification. But you have been clammering for people to apologise to you, perphaps you need to apologise to Espionage.

On Crouch, no obviously he is not undroppable. But the flak he gets from the general public, warrants strong support from LFC supporters IMO. Not to mention he is improving and doing the job we require.

Never good enough for LFC? Time will tell, but never forget what he has already done and with the right attitude.

PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 12:26 pm
by Ciggy
babu wrote:But the flak he gets from the general public, warrants strong support from LFC supporters IMO.

Spot on Babu this clown is just looking for confrontation he's not worth it.

PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 1:17 pm
by PabloAimar
orite, time to swallow my pride and admit i have started to go a bit OTT recently regarding petr crouche.

however, if you read this thread from the beginning - the original question - and then my response, i got a slating for quite politely stating crouch is no longer going to be playing as much football as he is used to becoz (SouthCoastShankley, ur comment abt they way i spell that is quite frankley - the gayest thing i have ever read) we now have much, much better players for that position in bellamy and kuyt. I also continued to say i believe crouch will play an integral part in this campaign, however the rude responses from these know-it-all 'seniors' who are now changing their angle and this discussion completely becoz they know what i said to start with is the truth, prompted me to stating how bad a player peter crouch really is compared to other strikers at the club.

and dont gimme that tripe abt paul tomkins n his mathmatical formulas on no disrespect to the guy, but he's recently begun to sound more and more like gerrard houllier.

PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 1:34 pm
by vinnylfc
he is

PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 1:53 pm
by kirankara
well pablo theres no hope for you mate, you are deprived of logic and common sense, if your oppinion overides statistics and facts then well that says all there is to know about you......ur a class a peenarse!!!!!!!! NOw thats a fact!!!!