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PostPosted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 10:11 pm
by tubby
JamCar05 wrote:
bavlondon wrote:Of course he has. But it doesn't matter is im sure he will be sold soon. If it's true he rejected a 75k per week deal he can feck right of the greedy little :censored:.

So you don't know if it's actually true, yet you've already come to the conclusion that he's "a greedy little :censored:" ???

Really hope he stays, and he himself has stated he wants to, so hopefully we can get this all sorted soonish. Fingers crossed.

Did you read what I said? I said 'If' it turns out to be true that he rejected that much a week then he can feck off. We dont need any greedy players at this club with that sort of character.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 10:54 pm
by Madmax
bavlondon wrote:
JamCar05 wrote:
bavlondon wrote:Of course he has. But it doesn't matter is im sure he will be sold soon. If it's true he rejected a 75k per week deal he can feck right of the greedy little :censored:.

So you don't know if it's actually true, yet you've already come to the conclusion that he's "a greedy little :censored:" ???

Really hope he stays, and he himself has stated he wants to, so hopefully we can get this all sorted soonish. Fingers crossed.

Did you read what I said? I said 'If' it turns out to be true that he rejected that much a week then he can feck off. We dont need any greedy players at this club with that sort of character.

:D  agger thinks his world class already. Hate greedy players. If its true that is

PostPosted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 11:30 pm
by sgs
Agger brings to the table something which none of our other three CBs have: a genuine ability to push forward from deep and suddenly become an attacking threat. This is especially important vs a defensive minded opponent intent on man-marking...

PostPosted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 11:50 pm
by roberto green
sgs wrote:Agger brings to the table something which none of our other three CBs have: a genuine ability to push forward from deep

But it's not the end of the world, i would rather have the bit of extra meaness that Skrtel brings than a man who can run forward with the ball,ok it's a bonus if the defender can bring the ball out of defence but not the end of the world.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 4:37 am
by Rush Job
Sign the deal ffs.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 7:09 am
by DanAn
sgs wrote:Agger brings to the table something which none of our other three CBs have: a genuine ability to push forward from deep and suddenly become an attacking threat. This is especially important vs a defensive minded opponent intent on man-marking...

I actually think it's the reverse. Against a team that is attacking us he can give us the edge as he can quickly launch an effective attack on the counter.

The reason Agger isn't a certain starter for us IMO is because he's not particular big or good using his head. That wouldn't be a problem except Cara isn't particularly big or good using his head either. He's the perfect partner for Hyppia or Skrttle but he's really competing with Carra to partner one of them.

Carra's easily got another 3 years in him I think so Agger has a fair amount of time to wait for him to move aside. I rekcon he's aware of this an that's hy he's considering leaving.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 7:23 am
agger is the closest we have come to jockey at the back and must stay , his ability on the ball is far better than the others just needs to get his defending back to what it was before he got injured .

PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 1:44 pm
by tubby
Madmax wrote:
bavlondon wrote:
JamCar05 wrote:
bavlondon wrote:Of course he has. But it doesn't matter is im sure he will be sold soon. If it's true he rejected a 75k per week deal he can feck right of the greedy little :censored:.

So you don't know if it's actually true, yet you've already come to the conclusion that he's "a greedy little :censored:" ???

Really hope he stays, and he himself has stated he wants to, so hopefully we can get this all sorted soonish. Fingers crossed.

Did you read what I said? I said 'If' it turns out to be true that he rejected that much a week then he can feck off. We dont need any greedy players at this club with that sort of character.

:D  agger thinks his world class already. Hate greedy players. If its true that is

I wouldn't say he is world class (yet) but he is top class imo. And it's not like Sammy is going to be around much longer so Rafa will need a decent CB to be able to rotate for if Carra/Skrtl gets injured (like what happened this season) and I cant think of anyone decent from the ressies able to fill either of their boots just yet.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 5:28 pm
by Zidane
I think one of the issues we will run into in the upcoming years will be when to replace Carra, obviously Agger and Carra are fighting for the same spot, both played together can give us issues on Corners/big forwards etc. and I believe Rafa's plan is Skrtel with Agger or Carra.  Pretty sure Rafa is going to do everything he can to get him resigned so more than likely he will get what he ask for.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 10:24 am
by tubby
Was reading today that Aggers agent reckons a deal will be done soon. Apparantly he has already had lunch with some sporting director at Milan.

Hope he doesnt go.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 10:48 am
by andy_g
yeah, its looking ominous on the agger front at the moment. looks like a move to milan is on if he wants it, whether this month or at the end of the season. myself, i'd be gutted to see him go - i still believe that agger and carragher is by far our best centre back pairing, despite how good skrtel and sami are. having a centre back that can actually play the ball out from the back, use it intelligently and even pose a goal threat when he comes forward is massively important to the quality of our overall game.

still, he's only on 35k a week (only!!) and wants to double it. maybe 70k a week is a lot to pay him but he's surely worth something close to that.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 11:12 am
by HacksawJimDuggin
This is a f*ckin joke if we allow Agger to leave the club. We have to keep all our best players!

If he's after £70k p/week then give him it. He is a regular first team player and is developing into a top class player. One for the future and, as I've said previously, potentially an LFC skipper in the future!!

PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 11:41 am
by maguskwt
andy_g wrote:yeah, its looking ominous on the agger front at the moment. looks like a move to milan is on if he wants it, whether this month or at the end of the season. myself, i'd be gutted to see him go - i still believe that agger and carragher is by far our best centre back pairing, despite how good skrtel and sami are. having a centre back that can actually play the ball out from the back, use it intelligently and even pose a goal threat when he comes forward is massively important to the quality of our overall game.

still, he's only on 35k a week (only!!) and wants to double it. maybe 70k a week is a lot to pay him but he's surely worth something close to that.


PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 11:44 am
by tubby
Why cant we just pay him what he wants. I dont agree on letting him go and a part of me thinks he is being a bit greedy but he does deserve to be on more. I dont rate Skrtly at all, Agger can also play LB if needed.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 12:05 pm
bavlondon wrote:Agger can also play LB if needed.

is that true? i didn't know that, why the hell did we not play him there when we were using doss at left back ( who was shocking ) just before skittle got injured, i know he had not come back for injury much before that but with him gagging to play and doss being so :censored: it would have been better to have played him there and it would have made him a bit happier as he would have been playing

ar -- carra -- skittle --agger

now that would have looked a better back 4