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PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 5:17 pm
by 76-1115222408
Lee J wrote:He is still probably the best midfielder in the world.

Well we are sponsored by CARLSBERG..... :laugh:  :D  :laugh:

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 5:26 pm
by desperado0831
hurt me badly...

But it's ok...dun care bout this.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 5:27 pm
by steven-lfc-forever
bavlondon wrote:So we now have in midfield Alonso, Gerrard, Gonzalez, Kewell, Hamman, Zenden and Luis Garcia with still potentially one or more to follow. Sounds good to me.

I was reading up on the new lot. That Barragan is said to be the most highly rated RB under 20 in Spain and hes only just turned pro. Weve got a real star there, lets hope we look after him. And Gonzalez is supposedly the best player in Chile. Ive seen some good Chileans in my time (Salas, Zamorano) and if hes half as good as them that were in for a cracking year. Only problem is hes injured right now with cruciate ligament damage but should be back for October.

So realistically speaking who do you trhink the other three signings are gonna be this week?

If i was being realistic i would say
Peter Crouch, Anthony Hobbs, Gabrielle Milito

but if were lucky and theresa lot of chance in this but itd say
Dirk Kuyt, Gabrielle Milito, Hobbs to follow

Im 99% sure Hobbs is one of them becasue hes been on trial all last week there so naturally a desicion will come this week.

we also have riise in midfield as well ......things are looking good

and hi guys member here

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 5:37 pm
by 65-1114725958
Turned on Radio this morning and heard the latest.....have to say am stunned by this massive U turn!

he is just taking the mick, and is abusing his "player power" status.

I say Parry should put his foot down and still sell him, take the 32m and make an example of him. He's made the club and fans look silly, and upset a lot of people. It's obvious he doesn't want to stay. Apparantly he's said the club didn't want him?He's not commited and should not be trusted.
Oh yeah? when Rafa and Benitez have said openly on tv the want him for years to come!..Liar

What Rick Parry should be weary about...he's done this sort of thing 2 years running, if he we have a poor season this term, chances are he'll leave next season, he'll be worth half the value he is now.

I say Sell...and get the 32m or face an Owen situation..the selfish Winker!


PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 5:40 pm
by joependo
I am just speechless he a rat making us think he was leaving when he knew he were'nt :D Messin Gerrard i am glad he has decided to stay and when his contract runs out he can't go anywhere.TOO OLD :D.Do you reckon will be captain still or carra i have not seen lfc web.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 5:43 pm
by LFC #1
Rafael Benitez today insisted he wants Steven Gerrard to remain as Liverpool captain - despite the Reds' midfielder offering to give up the armband. 
Gerrard spoke to his manager this morning and offered to give up the captaincy in the wake of this week's transfer saga.
But Benitez, after speaking with several members of his first team squad, is adamant Gerrard remains the right man to lead the Reds next season.
Speaking to in an exclusive interview at Melwood, Benitez said: "Steven is our captain and I want him to stay as our captain.
"It is true that he offered to give up the captaincy but I spoke to some players and our idea was the same - that Stevie should be our captain."
Gerrard will hope to put a difficult week behind him by leading the Reds out at Wrexham on Saturday as the Reds play their first pre-season game.
"I said to the manager I'd like to speak with the players on my own because I know some of them have been frustrated with what's gone on, just like the fans have," said Gerrard.
"It would have broken my heart to have lost the captaincy but I thought it was right to make that offer."

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 5:44 pm
by Santa
Seba641 wrote:ok i really dont understand you people were calling him with names and now its like everything is ok come on make your mind ???

who the fu*ck tells you that I think everything's OK?...loyalty man, there is no U-turn on that. You either have it or you don't  :veryangry

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 5:46 pm
by mikopool

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 5:51 pm
by steven-lfc-forever
Santa wrote:
Seba641 wrote:ok i really dont understand you people were calling him with names and now its like everything is ok come on make your mind ???

who the fu*ck tells you that I think everything's OK?...loyalty man, there is no U-turn on that. You either have it or you don't  :veryangry

Totally agree santa.....if benitez decided to sign a sunday league local player and we all instantly thought that player would be :censored:

id stick to my loyality because i believe no matter what happens, loyality should always come through the hard times

remember guys....... the thick always comes with the thin

i.e champions league
and this bull :censored:.....

" At the end of a storm
There's a golden sky "

walk on !!!

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 5:53 pm
by ScouseTommy
Seba641 wrote:ok i really dont understand you people were calling him with names and now its like everything is ok come on make your mind ???

I posted this on 606 about 45 minutes before the club made the statement saying he had handed in a transfer request, I stood by it after that and I stand by it now.

Gerrard.... T.Reeves  - 1st post - 5 Jul 2005 13:53
This is just my own opinion... Steven Gerrard must be looking to be the most disloyal captain in the history of our club. He wrecked last summer for us with worry and what a suprise he is doing it again. He's been offered the contract and he should be told to sign it or go and make sure he knows if he goes he's going abroad. He must be starting to believe his own media hype that he is Mr Liverpool. There has been alleged bust ups with him and rafa before remember him scoring last season and running off to the crowd shouting "I'm the F'ing man" He was allegedly told by rafa in no uncertain terms that he isn't, it's the team that matters but it's really looking like he thinks otherwise. No question of his ability but I personally do not want players at my club who do not want to be there, no matter how good they are, no1 is bigger than the club. LFC were thinking they had till begin' of august to sort his contract while Gerrard was thinking if I play against TNS thats me here for the season. He got caught up in the hype of winning the CL("How can I leave after a night like this") then had second thoughts and tried to make it look like the club are forcing him out. to do this just so he doesn't look like he's the bad guy is a joke. Saying LFC are stalling after the way he's acted the past 12 months is laughable. The only trophy we've not won is the league so money can be the only motivation. Get him out make JC the captain and lets look forward to next season. Sorry if I went on I have just had enough of this. [reply]    [Complain about this post]

If it's his agent he should be sacked but as Gerrard himself says in todays echo "he didn't do anything I didn't ask him to". He should of at least been stripped of the captaincy. He may have apologised to LFC and them to him, I've also heard alot of apologies from fans on tv, radio and on the internet to him but as yet I havent heard him apologise to the fans which is the least he could do. We will forgive him in time but I think this definately has to be the last time as even the most loyal fans won't give him a 3rd chance. If he's telling the truth then it looks like him or his or his agent are the sh!t or if he's not it's just a way of covering up what went on behind the scenes.

Sorry for the big post.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 6:24 pm
by Ciggy
LFC #1 wrote:Rafael Benitez today insisted he wants Steven Gerrard to remain as Liverpool captain - despite the Reds' midfielder offering to give up the armband. 
Gerrard spoke to his manager this morning and offered to give up the captaincy in the wake of this week's transfer saga.
But Benitez, after speaking with several members of his first team squad, is adamant Gerrard remains the right man to lead the Reds next season.
Speaking to in an exclusive interview at Melwood, Benitez said: "Steven is our captain and I want him to stay as our captain.
"It is true that he offered to give up the captaincy but I spoke to some players and our idea was the same - that Stevie should be our captain."
Gerrard will hope to put a difficult week behind him by leading the Reds out at Wrexham on Saturday as the Reds play their first pre-season game.
"I said to the manager I'd like to speak with the players on my own because I know some of them have been frustrated with what's gone on, just like the fans have," said Gerrard.
"It would have broken my heart to have lost the captaincy but I thought it was right to make that offer."

Thats interesting Scott didnt know, thanx for posting it mate :)  Good that he spoke to the players alone and offered to give up his armband.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 6:27 pm
by Fernando Morientes > 19 <
What a change in attitude from Stevie. That seems worrying. Why does he want to step down as captain ???

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 6:31 pm
by LFC #1
because he feels he's played with the hearts and minds of the club and fans, and the players could've lost confidence in Stevie as captain. It's quite admirable that he is willing to do it and ask his fellow players if they still want him as captain.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 6:34 pm
by London_Red
hopefully all of this is going to make him a stronger player, and that will only benefit us, and its good that he is trying to sort out all of the mess hes made

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 6:35 pm
by Fernando Morientes > 19 <
if that's the reason, i'm very proud of having such a player in the LFC team.