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PostPosted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 7:15 pm
Fowler_E7 wrote:
GYBS wrote:and who knwos mayve just maybe torres will go through the rest of the season fit and scoring goals and players like babel and ngog and maybe even pacheco will get a chance in the fa cup .

so your happy with putting our hopes in the hands of babel and N'gog?

who says we will have too ?

keane didnt really back up torres anyway .

PostPosted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 7:16 pm
by Toffeehater
1812: I wonder where Andrei Arshavin is? Maybe having a sip of vodka in north London with his Euro 2008 partner-in-crime Roman Pavlyuchenko? The wait must be as agonising for him as it is for us. Something may well be announced quite soon though, we're hearing. Go on Arsenal.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: , this is madness , fa should not allow this deal to go through , arshavin has agreed everything but zenit want that 2.5 million loyalty bous , they are using the weather as a chance to get more time sort out personal terms

PostPosted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 7:16 pm
by Toffeehater
GYBS wrote:
Fowler_E7 wrote:
GYBS wrote:and who knwos mayve just maybe torres will go through the rest of the season fit and scoring goals and players like babel and ngog and maybe even pacheco will get a chance in the fa cup .

so your happy with putting our hopes in the hands of babel and N'gog?

who says we will have too ?

keane didnt really back up torres anyway .

What is wrong with you ? Can't you just let it go?

PostPosted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 7:17 pm
by Fowler_E7
GYBS wrote:
Fowler_E7 wrote:
GYBS wrote:and who knwos mayve just maybe torres will go through the rest of the season fit and scoring goals and players like babel and ngog and maybe even pacheco will get a chance in the fa cup .

so your happy with putting our hopes in the hands of babel and N'gog?

who says we will have too ?

keane didnt really back up torres anyway .

Keane like him or not is one of the few players who has scored a few goals this year, now he has gone whos gonna share the burden with Torres and Gerrard, we have about 4 decent goalscorers in the whole squad

PostPosted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 7:17 pm
by Penguins
Fowler_E7 wrote:
Scottbot wrote:We've fu...c...k...ed it. what is Rafa's planning for the rest of the season? The league, Champions League and FA Cup with just one striker who is trying to avoid his 4th hamstring injury of the season. All this when we are chasing a league title. Waiting in the wings we have Dirk Kuyt, the most maligned forward we have seen at the club in god knows how may years. We have David Ngog, who has so far looked young, frail and inexperienced or there's Ryan Babel, a self proclaimed striker whom Rafa has never had the faith to even play in his favoured position in any game of significance since he arrived at the club. And then we've got a couple of lads in the youth team who (despite a decent pre-season) have never got anywhere near the first team. I'm simply amazed that the manager has let his squad get into this predicament. We're relying on Torres staying fit for for the rest of the season and on Babel turning himself into a first class striker. Otherwise we are completely fu...c...k...ed. Anyone disagree?

bang on mate, the whole situation is a disgrace and has left a real sour taste in the mouth. What the hell are our options now?

Bang on.

But we all know how much Rafa overvalues Kuyt.
If Torres is injured he believes Kuyt is more of a threat than Keane could be. And even if Kuyt doesn't score for 10 games in a row as a striker, like last season, Rafa will still continue playing him 90 min game in and game out  :angry:

Number of titles won with Kuyt in the team until today: 0

More to the point, I am convinced Keane was parry's signing
which made Rafa :censored: and looked for an excuse not to play him. Sub Keane after 60 min every game, unlike his lovechild Kuyt who never gets subbed, and bench Keane after scoring 3 goals in a couple of games.

Rafa has never to this date understood the meaning of "in form players".
Better to have Kuyt who never has any form, good or bad, just average every game.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 7:17 pm
let what go ? i have let keane go - he is no longer a liverpool player so there is nothing we can do about it now .

PostPosted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 7:18 pm
by shakey
bavlondon wrote:
shakey wrote:
Fowler_E7 wrote:
Scottbot wrote:We've fu...c...k...ed it. what is Rafa's planning for the rest of the season? The league, Champions League and FA Cup with just one striker who is trying to avoid his 4th hamstring injury of the season. All this when we are chasing a league title. Waiting in the wings we have Dirk Kuyt, the most maligned forward we have seen at the club in god knows how may years. We have David Ngog, who has so far looked young, frail and inexperienced or there's Ryan Babel, a self proclaimed striker whom Rafa has never had the faith to even play in his favoured position in any game of significance since he arrived at the club. And then we've got a couple of lads in the youth team who (despite a decent pre-season) have never got anywhere near the first team. I'm simply amazed that the manager has let his squad get into this predicament. We're relying on Torres staying fit for for the rest of the season and on Babel turning himself into a first class striker. Otherwise we are completely fu...c...k...ed. Anyone disagree?

bang on mate, the whole situation is a disgrace and has left a real sour taste in the mouth. What the hell are our options now?

Agree :(   why sell unless we have a replacement ready??
MADNESS :sniffle

Maybe it was a case of if we didnt take this offer now we would not get such an offer again in the future as right now Spurs needed someone.

Im sure we could of got a good offer for him @ end of the season!
Spurs might of needed someone.....But now we do :oh:

PostPosted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 7:19 pm
by Scottbot
bavlondon wrote:Maybe it was a case of if we didnt take this offer now we would not get such an offer again in the future as right now Spurs needed someone.

You're right, in the long-term in makes sense to cut our losses but in the short-term ie. our title chances it's an unfathomable risk. All of our rivals have strengthened during this window while we have only moved players on  :no

PostPosted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 7:19 pm
by Reg
Boocity wrote:
Fowler_E7 wrote:
GYBS wrote:who is bigger ? the club or keane ? yeah he was fulfilling his dream to play at liverpool- well thenhe should of played better then when he had the chance . lots and lots of people have it as a dream to play for liverpool but does that mean they deserve special treatment ? he played enough games early on to show us he was going to be good enough and at the end of the day he didnt .

so what do we now, if Torres is injured or needs a rest? i suppose ur hero Kuyt is gonna score the goals we need  :laugh:

Agree, why sell a striker if you do not have anyone to replace him. We have the opportunity to win the league for the first time since 90 and we are going into the final stretch without little back up to Torres.

No replacement? Has it escaped your attention we have a 38 man senior squad all of whom are paid a shítload more money than you and I combined?

I dont understand the doom and gloom merchants on here, you´d think we were left with the Under 11 team or something...

PostPosted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 7:19 pm
Fowler_E7 wrote:
GYBS wrote:
Fowler_E7 wrote:
GYBS wrote:and who knwos mayve just maybe torres will go through the rest of the season fit and scoring goals and players like babel and ngog and maybe even pacheco will get a chance in the fa cup .

so your happy with putting our hopes in the hands of babel and N'gog?

who says we will have too ?

keane didnt really back up torres anyway .

Keane like him or not is one of the few players who has scored a few goals this year, now he has gone whos gonna share the burden with Torres and Gerrard, we have about 4 decent goalscorers in the whole squad

he had a total of 5 was it in the whole of the first half of the season - as much as everyone slags kuyt of - even he has more - torres has mroe in a tenth of the playing time keane had .

PostPosted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 7:19 pm
by puroresu
No way am I sticking up for Keane in all this but I must admit to sell keane and not even get someone on loan seems very bizarre to me.  Rafa has made his bed now and this decision could come back to really haunt him.  It does not matter how much Keane would potentially of played if the results are not right people will always refer back to deciding to sell a striker and not replace them.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 7:21 pm
And for all we know Rafa may well of been trying his damn hardest to sign someone to replace keane .

PostPosted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 7:21 pm
by JC_81
Well, can't say I'm surprised that Benitez has sold Keane.  Their relationship had clearly become unworkable.  Whose fault it was and whether selling him is the right decision has already been done to death on here so I won't go into it.

I can understand offloading Keane now because if he's not going to be played then his value will just drop further.  We paid 18 million (which may have risen to 20.3 mil - but clearly won't have as he's hardly been here any length of time), and sold him for 15 mil (reportedly).  The ins and outs are probably a bit more complicated than that as we wouldn't have paid the 18 mil up front in the first place and probably still owed Spurs about half of that.  They've probably paid 5 or 6 million in reality and written off the rest we owe them, which is probably why the fee is 'undisclosed'.  All in all it hasn't been a huge loss in terms of millions.

What is baffling is that Benitez didn't have a replacement lined up, at least on loan if we have no cash.  Complete incompetence imo.  If Torres gets injured we'll win all this season, guaranteed.  The likes of Pacheco and Nemeth will have to get at least bench appearances now.  Ngog, Kuyt and Babel are all clearly :censored:up front.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 7:22 pm
by Lando_Griffin
So he's gone after half a season.

I like that about Rafa - he moves the sh*t on ASAP.

And to think there are those on here who truly believe he was Rafa's signing... :D

PostPosted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 7:23 pm
by Scottbot
GYBS wrote:let what go ? i have let keane go - he is no longer a liverpool player so there is nothing we can do about it now .

Your positivity is admirable in some ways but we can't all share the 'nodding dog', let's just get on with it and support the boys approach that you employ regardless of the decisions made by the club or manager. If I ever needed a 'Yes' man you would be it.