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PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 5:44 pm
by account deleted by request
dawson99 wrote:well said kazza!!!

fact is theres cool people and idiots from everywhere. some scousers are t!ts and some 'ooters' are class...

What we need to remember is that every day is so wonderful and if suddenly, you see debris and now and then, you get insecure from all the pain, you're so ashamed But you are beautiful no matter what they say words can't bring you down. And you beautiful in every single way
Yes, words can't bring you down so don't i bring you down today

get me brethren?

Surely that would be an ecumenical matter Dawson

PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 6:17 pm
by maypaxvobiscum
whats the objective of this topic actually? there are worse places then Liverpool as Kazza mentioned so why are we discussing politics here? it seems some people here make it sound as if they are trying to turn Liverpool into a separatist state. what's next? gonna be forming the Scouse version of the Tamil Tigers soon? as for football wise......

1) no matter where u come from, its the heart that matters. as long as it is passionate and it is true.

2) just because you support your national team doesn't make u a worse supporter of your club. you can be proud of your country and you can also be proud of your club.

3) it's all about respect really. just because you're Scouse doesn't mean you are a better supporter. it might mean you understand the culture more but it really doesn't make you a better supporter. if it does,then why do the English fans boo their own team? they are from England, but yet they boo their own team.

4) read points 1,2 and 3 again.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 6:29 pm
by stmichael
Some of the talk on here is tiresome to be honest.

I reckon we should hire a hall somewhere and get everyone on here to get together to see if the same personalities clashed in real time.

I suspect not, but it'd be funny. :D

PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 6:34 pm
by maypaxvobiscum
stmichael wrote:Some of the talk on here is tiresome to be honest.

I reckon we should hire a hall somewhere and get everyone on here to get together to see if the same personalities clashed in real time.

I suspect not, but it'd be funny. :D

perhaps we can ask Vince Mcmahon if we could book one of his arenas  :p

PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 7:25 pm
by mitch22
Theres a f.uckin wooly back over there
theres a f.uckin wooly back over there.. :p

PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 9:56 pm
by hello_red
i used to really care about England about 10 years ago but then the superstars of Beckham and Owen took over with alot of help from Sven and it stopped being about football and wanting to win and more to do with the media and fame of pulling on that white shirt. We are currently feeling the effects of that now and the aftermath. McLaren was the wrong choice of manager for the job of rebuilding England. We are a joke, but with our current squad we shouldnt be.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 1:07 am
by Scottbot
hello_red wrote:i used to really care about England about 10 years ago but then the superstars of Beckham and Owen took over with alot of help from Sven and it stopped being about football and wanting to win and more to do with the media and fame of pulling on that white shirt. We are currently feeling the effects of that now and the aftermath. McLaren was the wrong choice of manager for the job of rebuilding England. We are a joke, but with our current squad we shouldnt be.

Was thinking the same thing myself. It's always been club first for me since i was a little kid but i can remember Italia 90 like it was yesterday. A fantastic tournament and i was heartbroken when we lost to Germany on pens but it's changed so much in the years since then. While i don't understand those who claim to want england to lose or see the need for so many posters to glorify their dislike for the national team i have also become more and more sceptical as the years have passed. The ridiculous obsession and hysteria (usually negative) in the press, the treatment of the England manager and players when things goes wrong and more recently the support (or lack of) of the fans. I watched the match on Saturday and found myself shouting at the (TV) t.wat.s at Wembley booing David Bentley everytime he touched the ball. Unbelievable. I don't remember it being like this  in 1990 but then i was only 16 just then. Saying tha, i'll be gutted if England don't make the finals (i don't think they will) because i really wouldn't wanna sit through 4 weeks of footy without them.

Just a point on Stevie.G. Having read his book i was surprised at just how patriotic he is and get the impression that playing for, and achieving success for England is just as (if not more) important as playing for LFC.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 7:10 am
by maguskwt
Scottbot wrote:Just a point on Stevie.G. Having read his book i was surprised at just how patriotic he is and get the impression that playing for, and achieving success for England is just as (if not more) important as playing for LFC.

what's wrong with that? ???

as my favourite player i want him to do great things for liverpool but at the same time i also want him to become an england legend... now only lampard and the insistence of mclaren on playing him together with gerrard is holding him back... I wish that gerrard will stop being so diplomatic and just admit in the press that him and lampard are not compatible... force mclaren to choose... if he doesn't choose gerrard then he can just :censored: off... england managers are so wimpy these days...

PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 8:08 am
by Woollyback
where the hell did all this "who are ya who are ya" chant spring up from? i'd expect to hear it at stoke city or hull or somewhere, but at ANFIELD   ???

as for england i only have a passing interest in the team. i HATE the moronic england fans with their trumpets & comes before country by a million feckin miles. i'd rather see liverpool win one premiership than see england ten world cups

by the way i'm not english which might explain things :D

PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 8:48 am
by Scottbot
maguskwt wrote:
Scottbot wrote:Just a point on Stevie.G. Having read his book i was surprised at just how patriotic he is and get the impression that playing for, and achieving success for England is just as (if not more) important as playing for LFC.

what's wrong with that? ???

I didn't say there was anything wrong with it, just that i was surprised

PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 9:16 am
by Emerald Red
s@int wrote:
dawson99 wrote:well said kazza!!!

fact is theres cool people and idiots from everywhere. some scousers are t!ts and some 'ooters' are class...

What we need to remember is that every day is so wonderful and if suddenly, you see debris and now and then, you get insecure from all the pain, you're so ashamed But you are beautiful no matter what they say words can't bring you down. And you beautiful in every single way
Yes, words can't bring you down so don't i bring you down today

get me brethren?

Surely that would be an ecumenical matter Dawson


Where's Dawson from anyway? I'm guessing my whack of the woods.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 9:35 am
by kazza
hello_red wrote:i used to really care about England about 10 years ago but then the superstars of Beckham and Owen took over with alot of help from Sven and it stopped being about football and wanting to win and more to do with the media and fame of pulling on that white shirt. We are currently feeling the effects of that now and the aftermath. McLaren was the wrong choice of manager for the job of rebuilding England. We are a joke, but with our current squad we shouldnt be.

I agree with this 100%

PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 10:26 am
by Ciggy
People think we call woolls as in our OOTER supporters but thats not true we call people from Wigan and St Helens woolls it has nothing to do with football.
Ive got a lot of family in St Helen and Wigan and we just say me woollyback cousins.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 11:54 am
by heimdall
What a weird debate this is. Why do Liverpudlians feel so hard done by??

I like Liverpool and I like most Liverpudlians but this minority that insist on not being English and instead Scouse are extremely narrow minded and tedious, grow up FFS!!

If you want to be wholly Scouse/Liverpudlian then surely there shouldn't be any foriegn players in the team either plus you wouldn't have so many fans so not so much money coming in, in short the great Liverpool FC would vanish and become a minor team, surely that isn't what you want, is it???

PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 12:02 pm
by dawson99
Emerald Red wrote:
s@int wrote:
dawson99 wrote:well said kazza!!!

fact is theres cool people and idiots from everywhere. some scousers are t!ts and some 'ooters' are class...

What we need to remember is that every day is so wonderful and if suddenly, you see debris and now and then, you get insecure from all the pain, you're so ashamed But you are beautiful no matter what they say words can't bring you down. And you beautiful in every single way
Yes, words can't bring you down so don't i bring you down today

get me brethren?

Surely that would be an ecumenical matter Dawson


Where's Dawson from anyway? I'm guessing my whack of the woods.

from london but scottish dude sorry to dissapoint.

when england play i cae in as much as i dont want our payers to get injured, and id prefer if they had a good game obviously...apart from that as ive said to my mates if gary neville scored a winning goal in the world cup final for england i wouldnt cheer!