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PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 2:33 pm
by tubby
So we now have in midfield Alonso, Gerrard, Gonzalez, Kewell, Hamman, Zenden and Luis Garcia with still potentially one or more to follow. Sounds good to me.

I was reading up on the new lot. That Barragan is said to be the most highly rated RB under 20 in Spain and hes only just turned pro. Weve got a real star there, lets hope we look after him. And Gonzalez is supposedly the best player in Chile. Ive seen some good Chileans in my time (Salas, Zamorano) and if hes half as good as them that were in for a cracking year. Only problem is hes injured right now with cruciate ligament damage but should be back for October.

So realistically speaking who do you trhink the other three signings are gonna be this week?

If i was being realistic i would say
Peter Crouch, Anthony Hobbs, Gabrielle Milito

but if were lucky and theresa lot of chance in this but itd say
Dirk Kuyt, Gabrielle Milito, Hobbs to follow

Im 99% sure Hobbs is one of them becasue hes been on trial all last week there so naturally a desicion will come this week.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 2:36 pm
by tubby
Perhaps, but only time will tell. One things for sure this season. SG will be rumor free and 100% focused now plus with a fully fit Cisse and Morro plus more i really can see Liverpool challanging, i not saying winning but i definatley think that one or 2 more signings they could be serious contenders. And what better momentum to go inot the new campaign as European champions and probabaly European Supercup champions also.

When do they play CSKA Moscow anyway?

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 2:42 pm
by The Ace1983
Welll, I hate to tell all of y'all that I told ya so, but if you check the rumour thread, you'll see who had it callled all along :D  !!! Great news, I'll admit that I was worried, but in my heart of hearts, I knew that our Stevie wasn't one of those turn-coat badge kisssing sobs like Lampard and Cole, and i knew that he was too in love with Liverpool to leave, let alone go to another country. I've always said that I either wanted him to sign for a long one or :censored: off, and now I'm so glad that he's chosen the first of those options. Sorry Roman, but you can't launder your tainted funds in the Red half of Liverpool, see you in the funny papers. Nice One


PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 2:47 pm
by tubby
They just showed what David Moores had to say. He seemed happy, was signing autographs and he said "i can assure you this will never ever happen again". I think SG is seriosu this time. Sorr Real Madrid get your galacticos elsewhere. Go and get Frank Lampard.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 2:59 pm
by LFC #1
Wise words from Thommo.

Former Liverpool captain Phil Thompson has admitted he is stunned with today's news that Steven Gerrard is remaining a Red. 
Gerrard has performed an amazing overnight u-turn and committed his future to the club, only hours after informing them he wanted to leave.
Thompson is delighted with today's news but insists this situation shouldn't be allowed to happen again.
"I can't believe it, I'm still trying to get my head around what has happened," he said.
"I am delighted Steven is staying, I was speaking to him four or five days before pre-season training and there was no happier lad on Merseyside. He wanted to get a deal done, but he was a little concerned it was not done quicker. But it was only a side issue.
"He was absolutely delighted and looking forward to the start of the season.
"I don't know what happened in between, I wonder if anything was going on behind the scenes with an agent or something. I was absolutely gobsmacked on Sunday.
"Then it all happened on Monday. There seemed to be unbelievable events going on. His mind must have been all over the place, and it needed a step back and that's what the parties have done.
"But this cannot keep happening every 12 months, it does not do anyone any good. It needs to be nailed down once and for all."

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 3:29 pm
by tubby
Just hearing some details, hes given one or 2 interviews already for so they think hell probabaly lie low now as they expect the last of the new signings to arrive this week then i assume they will be preparing for next weeks match against TNS. Hell be signing for 4 more years in addition to the current 2 years left on his contract. Thats 6 years. Lovely. Hands of everyone.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 3:36 pm
by LiverpoolFan00
I am delighted Stevie is staying but agree with the people who are saying that Carra should be captain

At least we won't have to put up with this again for a while. he is signing for 6 years, four on top of his existing 2

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 3:40 pm
by tubby
Yeah thats right. I think Stevie should stay as the skipper, after all he has won the CL in his first season as skipper. Maybe Rafa will make Carra the skipper. The important thing is that hes staying forever and he has stated himself that he will never do this again EVER. I dont know about you but for me that sounds like an apology and a promise to never do it again and i for one forgive him. Im just looking forward to seeing him smack in the 3o yard goals hes always loves scoring. Credit to Rick Parry and David Moores though. Looks like Real Madrid dont always get there man and yet again we have proved to Chelsea that money cannot buy you everything.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 4:00 pm
by drummerphil
its just said on sky he will sign on friday and there is a clause in there that he cant leave until 2009,minimum

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 4:12 pm
by Homebooby
Hi all,

Been busy at work, so haven't been following everything by the minute. Have just seen the news that Stevie has explained his actions and although I still don't quite follow exactly how the situation managed to turn out like this, the one thing that I am most impressed with and happy to see is the way that Liverpool have handled this whole event. From start to finish they have been positive, visible (playing the spin doctors at their own game), persistent and in the end successful in achieving their goal. They have clearly learned from the Owen situation last year and I think that is needs to be noted and appreciated by all of us. I can't fault the way that they handled the situation.

The fact that Stevie explained himself is only further example of how well the issue has been handled. It needed to happen and reading what he is saying, although I don't agree with handing in a transfer request if you feel you aren't wanted (based on a few weeks waiting), I can appreciate what it must be like to be just 24 and have all that attention and focus on you. You can guarantee that SFX were pushing like crazy and I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of external parties such as Chelsea (lampard, terry + officials) and Real (beckham, owen + officials etc) were all putting the pressure on as well. Throwing in the transfer request was a sign of immaturity, which is not unexpected at his age, having acheived what he has.

If it is truly what happened, I am glad that he finally had the strength of character and common sense to stand back and see the big picture. What would be achieved and what would be lost. Who the winners would be and who the loser would be. Inevitably he and Liverpool would be the only losers in this whole thing.

It feels like the end of a soap episode...cue titles, cue music.

Let's move on and win the league. Next stop Gloryville.....

Oh yeah....and I hope we :censored: shove it right up the Chelski for the foreseeable future.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 4:19 pm
by matrix
great news :censored:... amazing new contract no clause cool, now you folks last night who said he was leaving just for the money count to ten, but im a wise man i can understand emotions were high.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 4:22 pm
by Seba641
ok i really dont understand you people were calling him with names and now its like everything is ok come on make your mind ???

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 4:27 pm
by FrankM
hello lads and lasses . greetings from costa del sol.
Was bedide a Chelski fan at the pool yesterday. He was giving out some sh%t. he hasnt appeared tpday yet.

Great news about SG. Unfortunately only goytSky news here. Olympics all fu$king day.

Talk soon

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 4:32 pm
by Roger Red Hat
Seba641 wrote:ok i really dont understand you people were calling him with names and now its like everything is ok come on make your mind ???

Well it's easy really, Yesterday he hurt a lot of people so we vented our frustration and called him. Today however, he's staying and has told us why and he is still our captain so we're still behind him 100%. He is still probably the best midfielder in the world.

So either come on here and contribute or shut the fk up sh"t stirring.


PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 4:33 pm
by Roger Red Hat
FrankM wrote:greetings from costa del sol.

bstrd. It's raining here in Leeds.  :(