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PostPosted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 7:55 pm
by lakes10
supersub wrote:
lakes10 wrote:as i have said before bbc media read our forum and they so saying they did something they did not dont go down well with the way the bbc look at this forum or our fans.

would it be possible to have the english translation for this statement

lol, as i was says.

for some time the media have been reading web forums, this forum was picked up by the bbc during the takeover and was used for background info on how some fans felt about what was going on.

since then this forum and RAWK have been looked at almost every day by the media.

its good to pick up when the media get it wrong.
but it dont help us fans when some post lies about the bbc in saying they run a 3hr thing about Suarez this morning when in fact this never never happend.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 7:56 pm
by lakes10
dundreamin wrote:I don't give a flying fook what anybody thinks of LFC or the city in general as for us leaning to the left in politics well I say thank fook for that I don't want to be associated with greedy,selfish t.wats who care for nothing but themselves. I want Liverpool to have It's own republic, after all WERE NOT ENGLISH WE ARE SCOUSE!

are you for real, do you know how much money a good name brings into the club? how many shirts it sells?

PostPosted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 8:02 pm
by Ciggy
lakes10 wrote:but it dont help us fans when some post lies about the bbc

Please tell me you are joking with that statement? I am not getting into an arguement with you or anyone else for that matter but that statement is absolutley pathetic.

Are you taking the p!ss?

PostPosted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 8:14 pm
by stmichael
i presume the media have all been hammering porto today for allegedly racially abusing balotelli last night?

the media were lapping it up last night again. the interviewer even asked mancini about it after the game without any proof ffs.

football seems to be less about what happens on the pitch than ever before. if it's not racism, it's losers like tevez going on strike or clubs going into administration.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 8:23 pm
by red till i die!!
the bbc havent exactly been fair to luis during this whole mess,they followed the same sheet as all the rest and slated him every chance they got.
maybe they are afraid whiskeynose will stop talking to them again.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 8:28 pm
by Ciggy
red till i die!! wrote:the bbc havent exactly been fair to luis during this whole mess,they followed the same sheet as all the rest and slated him every chance they got.

Thank you !!!

The same BBC that air's MOTD that showed a clip of Kenny from Sky last saturday night, something they have never done before EVER as they dont have the rights !!!

PostPosted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 8:30 pm
by stmichael
even liverpool fans who write in the press toed their company's party line and laid into the club when everyone else was slaughtering us from all angles. i expected better from the likes of reade, barrett and evans. and don't even get me started on darren sodding lewis.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 8:32 pm
by Thommo's perm
stmichael wrote:even liverpool fans who write in the press toed their company's party line and laid into the club when everyone else was slaughtering us from all angles. i expected better from the likes of reade, barrett and evans. and don't even get me started on darren sodding lewis.

David cu'nthooks Maddocks

PostPosted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 8:34 pm
by dundreamin

PostPosted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 8:34 pm
by Ciggy
Thommo's perm wrote:
stmichael wrote:even liverpool fans who write in the press toed their company's party line and laid into the club when everyone else was slaughtering us from all angles. i expected better from the likes of reade, barrett and evans. and don't even get me started on darren sodding lewis.

David cu'nthooks Maddocks

And that Emily Feckin Bishops son Oliver Holt what a pair of utter shithouse gobsh!tes these two so called Liverpool fans have turned out to be  :no

PostPosted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 8:37 pm
by Thommo's perm
Ciggy wrote:
Thommo's perm wrote:
stmichael wrote:even liverpool fans who write in the press toed their company's party line and laid into the club when everyone else was slaughtering us from all angles. i expected better from the likes of reade, barrett and evans. and don't even get me started on darren sodding lewis.

David cu'nthooks Maddocks

And that Emily Feckin Bishops son Oliver Holt what a pair of utter shithouse gobsh!tes these two so called Liverpool fans have turned out to be  :no

Sent an e-mail to that tw@t
Doubt if he'll reply

PostPosted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 8:41 pm
by red till i die!!
if any of the journo's do frequent this forum or any other they dont seem interested in what we the fans say.they are equally as hard on us for standing by our player.
not just the numptys that st mick mentioned but also david maddock.he has pasted us many times because we believe he was stitched up by the fa and the media and we still support him.
if he was as good a fan as he says he is then he would surely put our side of the story out instead of grabbing an oar and rowing with the rest of them.
i hope the club treat them with the contempt they deserve at any future press conferences.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 8:48 pm
by yckatbjywtbiastkamb
lakes10 wrote:
dundreamin wrote:I don't give a flying fook what anybody thinks of LFC or the city in general as for us leaning to the left in politics well I say thank fook for that I don't want to be associated with greedy,selfish t.wats who care for nothing but themselves. I want Liverpool to have It's own republic, after all WERE NOT ENGLISH WE ARE SCOUSE!

are you for real, do you know how much money a good name brings into the club? how many shirts it sells?

what do you mean a good name? what did he say? whats wrong with leaning to the left politically?
this club was built on the back of working class support mate, infact this club would have been nothing without it, do you think the legend of the spion kop was created by stockbokers and venture capitalists swaying and singing their effin` hearts out?

PostPosted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 8:49 pm
by Ciggy
Steve Rotherham warned us back in October that LFC was going to get it and get it hard, I just didnt imagine we would be branded as racists.  I will post up what he said tommorrow as I dont want to ruin my night.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 8:50 pm
by stmichael
the thing is these journalists these days, half of them seem to think they're some kind of celebrities who have opinions people should actually give a monkeys about. who these people think they are to take the moral high ground on an issue such as this is beyond me. as digger said to that tw@t barclay the other day "why wasn't he saying all these things 20 years ago" when barnes himself was getting far worse treatment than anything you'll see these days.