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PostPosted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 2:57 pm
by 7_Kewell
people keep saying "sack Rafa", but who do you replace him with?

There is no way a top flight manager would come here, with no money, and take on the job. Besides, it would cost us 12 million to get rid of Rafa anyway.

I support him and until we sort out the boardroom, he's the best option available.

PostPosted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 3:01 pm
by heimdall
The_Rock wrote:
banana wrote:Liverpool is haunted by its richer rivals. The best we can hope for is nicking a trophy here and there. We will never return to the glory days of the 70s and 80s.

Some people will not accept this.

WTF ??? Only manure f@cking faggots will say that ..... Never return to glory days ? Jesus... you are a crackhead.

But Rock this is the key difference between us and the pr-rafalites, they are willing to settle for 2nd best, we never will.

Anyway Banana, I can't be bothered to answer your questions, I have answered them countless times before. I just want to say that I hope Aquaman becomes a great signing for us but signing someone with a horrific injury record who is actually injured at the time of signing is a massive risk, and for I'm fairly certain we could have spent £37 million to get more than 2 players, although I do like Glen, he is luxury signing who only rich clubs can afford.

PostPosted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 3:03 pm
by heimdall
stmichael wrote:
The_Rock wrote:FWIW...........

Seeing ESPN football focus with john dykes now. Phil Thompson and Steve Mcmahon are on now.

1)Phil Thompson says he still supports Benitez.
2)He also talks about benitez not spending any $$$ this season (Alonso's transfer took care of the Aquaman's and Johnson's signings).
3)Finally, he blamed the owners for making benitez's job harder.

1)Steve Mcmahon on the other hand was flaming benitez for spending 20 million on a injured player like aquaman.
2)He mentioned the benitez could have done better with the money.
3)Also...he said liverpools 1st team is good but other than that...the rest of the squad is sub-standard.
4)He then said...Benitez is using the fans anger against the owners to strengthen his position in the club....

So we also have Pro and Anti peeps in football focus....  :wwww

mcmahon has always slagged rafa off. never given him any credit whatsoever. thompson should be used to it though. he has to sit there and defend our corner every weekend when plebs such as merson and nicholas are slagging rafa off constantly.

nobody is as negative as ronnie whelan though as i'm sure our irish friends areawll aware. for an ex-liverpool player, the venom he displays towards rafa on a regular basis is nothing short of a disgrace imo.

But surely he knows more about football and Liverpool than you doesn't he? In any case everyone is entitled to their opinion, why should Ronnie Whelan show respect to Rafa if he genuinly doesn't like him?? I actually prefer peopel who are honest and have the guts to step forward and say what they mean.

PostPosted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 3:05 pm
by Dazzer
Ciggy wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:you empty-headed punk.

:laugh: Havent heard punk for years :D

You need to get out more then.  :laugh:

PostPosted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 3:07 pm
by Benny The Noon
Who is willing to settle for second best ?! where has anyone ever suggested as such

Horrific Injury record ?! He has had a number of niggling injuries over a couple year period - same sort of record gerrard had during his early years . Warnock suffered three broken legs and people want him at the club still , cisse two horrific leg breaks and people still want him instead of Ngog . Aqualini has suffered niggling injuries and had a few minor ops to sort them out - nothing horrific about it .


We got Aqualini cause we were able to only pay a small amount up front and the rest over period of time .

We got Johnso for about 10 million as we were owed 6 million odd from pompey

So in hard cash this summer we spent around 18 million plus the contracts extension yet we made nearly 40 million .

PostPosted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 3:07 pm
by Dazzer
phil_cool wrote:
bigmick wrote:nothing's worse than aggressive stupidity.

and lando's nothing

IF Lando was a dog he bark at his own if it let a fart out.  :nod

PostPosted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 6:49 pm
by Lando_Griffin
phil_cool wrote:
bigmick wrote:nothing's worse than aggressive stupidity.

and lando's nothing

How's the ladyboy, peewee?

PostPosted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 6:57 pm
by Lando_Griffin
Dazzer wrote:
phil_cool wrote:
bigmick wrote:nothing's worse than aggressive stupidity.

and lando's nothing

IF Lando was a dog he bark at his own if it let a fart out.  :nod

If I smell sh*t, I will counter it - in that respect you are correct.

Well done.

Be a sport; tie yourself to peewee (now phil) and BigMick the maudlin c*nt and jump off a cliff.

There's a good boy.

PostPosted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 7:11 pm
by woof woof !
Well there's a surprise, the thread has descended into members swinging hands bags at each other.

Locked, before it gets serious.