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PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 4:44 pm
by Sabre
For those of you who're watching the game live, how are the new wing men doing? Yossi and Babel?

Is Mascherano trying to go up often, making permutations with Gerrard or is he covering his back?

Despite rotating in defence, the good thing is that Carra and Hyypia know each other well and you wouldn't notice the rotation that much. Happy to see Hyypia will have this kind of chances, and glad he chosed to stay.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 4:46 pm
by mgabby
Riise in, Yossi out

PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 4:47 pm
by RedRoots
JAR on for Benayoun

PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 4:47 pm
by Anfield rapper
Lee J wrote:any chance of some match commentary or shall we just spend all afternoon talking about streams and sh!t?

come on, the lads are playing NOW!


My sentiments exactly. Still 1-0.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 4:48 pm
by Bad Bob
Masch and Gerrard have switched a few times, one going forward one staying back.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 4:49 pm
by Roger Red Hat
Sabre wrote:For those of you who're watching the game live, how are the new wing men doing? Yossi and Babel?

Is Mascherano trying to go up often, making permutations with Gerrard or is he covering his back?

Despite rotating in defence, the good thing is that Carra and Hyypia know each other well and you wouldn't notice the rotation that much. Happy to see Hyypia will have this kind of chances, and glad he chosed to stay.

you've no chance mate, unless you wanna know what stream works or which telly channel it's on, we're fk'd.

click here

this is an ok commentery feed  :D

PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 4:49 pm
by Bad Bob
Good passing around the edge of the box leads to gerrard getting a shot off with his left foot...floats over the bar, though.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 4:50 pm
by Rafa D
Who's been the best player then today so far?

PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 4:50 pm
by heimdall
Sounds like TooLoose are pushing a bit more now

PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 4:50 pm
by mgabby
not a good game game for Benayoun. Didn't do too much whith or without the ball.
But to be honest, it's hard to name any others that play well today.
Lets face it - the game is borrrrring !

PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 4:51 pm
by RedRoots
Well saved Pepe

PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 4:52 pm
by Bad Bob
Good save Reina on a ball volleyed in the box after a cross from the left.  Toulouse are getting fired up from their crowd and are coming forward with more menace now.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 4:52 pm
by RedRoots
Sissoko for stevie.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 4:52 pm
by Roger Red Hat
Babel playing a decent game then?

PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 4:52 pm
by maguskwt
question... how come we don't have our favourite beer name on the shirts? :p