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PostPosted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 10:36 pm
by Sir Roger
Madmax wrote:ranting like a loon  :laugh:   :laugh:   like the quote made me laugh. It was facts actually but personally i think it would have been better to just concentrate on the team rather than talking about others...

It was how he was percieved
He should have kept his powder dry
Naive or stupid?

Let's hope he has learned and won't give another of  his "factual speeches" until we've won the title

Then give old purple nose both barrells...!

PostPosted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 10:37 pm
He did what he thought was best - pretty much 99% of liverpool fan and football fans said well done when he did it .

PostPosted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 10:38 pm
by Madmax
Exactly win the title and have the last laugh. I think it was inappropriate anyway

PostPosted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 10:39 pm
by Sir Roger
GYBS wrote:He did what he thought was best - pretty much 99% of liverpool fan and football fans said well done when he did it .

No doubt

But if he did it to get one over on Fergie and upset man u players it backfired didn't it?

PostPosted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 10:40 pm
who knwos why he did it - its all well and good people having a pop at him now for doing it but none of them had a pop when he said it - hindsight is wonderful

PostPosted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 10:43 pm
by Sir Roger
GYBS wrote:who knwos why he did it - its all well and good people having a pop at him now for doing it but none of them had a pop when he said it - hindsight is wonderful

Im sorry but now youre being silly
"who knows why he did it?"
Are you serious?

PostPosted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 10:43 pm
by Sir Roger
Madmax wrote:Exactly win the title and have the last laugh. I think it was inappropriate anyway

Why did you think it was innapropriate?

PostPosted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 10:44 pm
well maybe jusy maybe he had enough of hearing taggert complain about the refs left right and cntre and thought i have had enough lets gets some facts and calmly present those facts to the press - which is exactly what he did . no keegan style ranting .

PostPosted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 10:47 pm
by Sir Roger
GYBS wrote:well maybe jusy maybe he had enough of hearing taggert complain about the refs left right and cntre and thought i have had enough lets gets some facts and calmly present those facts to the press - which is exactly what he did . no keegan style ranting .

Everyone knows what ferguson does every single season!
And gets away with it!
Nobody's arguing with that

I've said before I didn't disagree with what Rafa said, but how, when and why he said it

What do you think he was trying to achieve?
What do you think he was trying to gain?

PostPosted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 10:55 pm
by Madmax
Sir Roger wrote:
GYBS wrote:well maybe jusy maybe he had enough of hearing taggert complain about the refs left right and cntre and thought i have had enough lets gets some facts and calmly present those facts to the press - which is exactly what he did . no keegan style ranting .

Everyone knows what ferguson does every single season!
And gets away with it!
Nobody's arguing with that

I've said before I didn't disagree with what Rafa said, but how, when and why he said it

What do you think he was trying to achieve?
What do you think he was trying to gain?

you have just answered your own question there asking why i think it was inappropriate..

Nothing good could come out of it so whats the whole point of having a go!

PostPosted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 11:16 pm
by RedBlood
we have a very good spine to the team and some very promising young players but the flanks need sorting out, riera benyoun arebola auerrillo are very good as back up but we need better first choice, upfront torres is the best around and babel could be good aswell kuyt is a good squad player and ngog nemeth and pacheco are promising players but i would feel alot better if we signed another class striker ie villa

PostPosted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 11:21 pm
by Sir Roger
RedBlood wrote:we have a very good spine to the team and some very promising young players but the flanks need sorting out, riera benyoun arebola auerrillo are very good as back up but we need better first choice, upfront torres is the best around and babel could be good aswell kuyt is a good squad player and ngog nemeth and pacheco are promising players but i would feel alot better if we signed another class striker ie villa

I agree

and put him on the right wing...

PostPosted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 11:30 pm
by Scottbot
bigmick wrote:Didn't get too many answers to the Mourinho question (although I'm personally convinced of my read on it) so what about this one.

If we don't win the League this season, how long does Rafa get after this one? Do we give it the old Fergie seven, or is it the full length of his new contract, (probably another four, making it nine in total)?

I don't know about anybody else but it's kinda hard for me to get my head around that one, I don't get to many games a season but having been lucky enough to go to a few against Chelsea (League & Champs League) over the years and having sat there singing f...u...c...k Off Mourrrrinhooo for half the match it takes some getting used to even as a hypothetical!

PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 1:57 pm
by Owzat
Sir Roger wrote:
Madmax wrote:Exactly win the title and have the last laugh. I think it was inappropriate anyway

Why did you think it was innapropriate?

Didn't fergie complain about the fixtures, even though they play their game in hand and then play again before we do next so could be EIGHT points ahead of us by the time we next play?

We really need Fulham to pull off a miracle, home games against Fulham and then Blackburn and fergie's moaning about fixtures?!!? Did he expect competing in five competitions would be easy? That's the price of success, he can always play to lose just enough to have 40 fixtures a season! (38 Premiership, not in Europe but 1 in each domestic cup competiton = 40)

PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 2:16 pm
by stmichael
Owzat wrote:
Sir Roger wrote:
Madmax wrote:Exactly win the title and have the last laugh. I think it was inappropriate anyway

Why did you think it was innapropriate?

Didn't fergie complain about the fixtures, even though they play their game in hand and then play again before we do next so could be EIGHT points ahead of us by the time we next play?

We really need Fulham to pull off a miracle, home games against Fulham and then Blackburn and fergie's moaning about fixtures?!!? Did he expect competing in five competitions would be easy? That's the price of success, he can always play to lose just enough to have 40 fixtures a season! (38 Premiership, not in Europe but 1 in each domestic cup competiton = 40)

United will batter them.

Ok United may have had loads of one nil wins but they are still a much more positive team than us for the most part. Stats don't always tell the true story. I remember Houllier's figures of shots on goal and hundred goals scored etc and none of that disguised the fact that we were overly cautious.