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PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 12:15 am
by adamnbarrett
nufc1986 wrote:newcastles stadium currently holds 53,000(2nd highest in the prem),what will liverpools new one be?

it will be around if not just under 60,000 seater

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 12:16 am
by adamnbarrett
everything you need to know on the new stadium is found here :)

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 12:17 am
by lakes10
nufc1986 wrote:newcastles stadium currently holds 53,000(2nd highest in the prem),what will liverpools new one be?

its a shame you dont fill it more, how many more games are you going to give GS before for you boot him out and then get relegated when Alan Shearer takes over.

by the way our new one is 60,000-seater

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 12:21 am
by 7_Kewell
I'm really impressed that the press/media never picked up on the fact that Owen had met up with Rafa/Parry and Moores this morning.  Liverpool have a watertight silence on their targets and it's rare that solid news is leaked from anfield.  The media were all over the meeting with Newcastle

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 12:22 am
by 116-1125324904
Bamaga man wrote:
7_Kewell wrote:
you never know Alan Shearer says he has spent a fortune (at least a fiver) ringing Owen over the wekend to convince him

imagine the conversation:

Alan: come on mike, you have to join us, you'll do REALLY well!

Mike: Really?  What have you won since you been there?

Alan: Err...nothing.

Mike: Ok, but you're building for the future, where are you in the league? and you're in Europe, right?

Alan: 19th and we lost in the Inter toto cup

Mike: *click*

Alan: Hello?  Mike?

Alan- Hang on hang on before you hang up Mike we do have the biggest shopping center in Europe though....

It's in gateshead - silly.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 12:23 am
by nufc1986
im a season ticket holder and we get 52,000 up here usually and the only seats not filled are the away ones!

gs has got time,shepherd is backing him! but IMO,no owen and no new striker and no result next game, thats when i will want him out!

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 12:23 am
by lakes10
7_Kewell wrote:I'm really impressed that the press/media never picked up on the fact that Owen had met up with Rafa/Parry and Moores this morning.  Liverpool have a watertight silence on their targets and it's rare that solid news is leaked from anfield.  The media were all over the meeting with Newcastle

we dont know where we meet owen , we could have already been in the hotel

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 12:24 am
by lakes10
nufc1986 wrote:im a season ticket holder and we get 52,000 up here usually and the only seats not filled are the away ones!

gs has got time,shepherd is backing him! but IMO,no owen and no new striker and no result next game, thats when i will want him out!

oh ok mate if shepherd is backing him he must be safe pmsl
on that note i am off to bed

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 12:24 am
by adamnbarrett
tomm0 wrote:
Bamaga man wrote:
7_Kewell wrote:
you never know Alan Shearer says he has spent a fortune (at least a fiver) ringing Owen over the wekend to convince him

imagine the conversation:

Alan: come on mike, you have to join us, you'll do REALLY well!

Mike: Really?  What have you won since you been there?

Alan: Err...nothing.

Mike: Ok, but you're building for the future, where are you in the league? and you're in Europe, right?

Alan: 19th and we lost in the Inter toto cup

Mike: *click*

Alan: Hello?  Mike?

Alan- Hang on hang on before you hang up Mike we do have the biggest shopping center in Europe though....

It's in gateshead - silly.

Oh great you're back  :O

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 12:25 am
by 116-1125324904
Red Red Tom wrote:That Geordie, if he was serious is probably the biggest idiot in the world.  Parker better than Alonso?  :censored:.  Anyway, we don't need to :censored: around trying to sign world class players - we make them.  Gerrard.  Carra.  Nobody at Newcastle is fit to clean Gerrard's boots.  While Owen isn't World Class the Newcastle fans on SSN freely admit that 'he'd be our biggest signing.'  A few think Shearer would have been bigger, but it is strange that you along with Manchester City seem to be; as it was wonderfully described eairlier - a retirement home for our old players.

We will sign Owen or he will stay with Real.  He's only meeting with you so he doesn't get abuse next time England play at St James'.

We will sign him. Alonso is f*cking sh*te what has he done for you? Parker has been awesome since the start of the season, one of our very few plus points.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 12:25 am
by nufc1986
this is true! i like the way benitez deals with transfers! he is quite about it but we go all guns blazing and then make ourselves look like WAYNE ROONEY LAST SUMMER! :angry:

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 12:26 am
by adamnbarrett
tomm0 wrote:
Red Red Tom wrote:That Geordie, if he was serious is probably the biggest idiot in the world.  Parker better than Alonso?  :censored:.  Anyway, we don't need to :censored: around trying to sign world class players - we make them.  Gerrard.  Carra.  Nobody at Newcastle is fit to clean Gerrard's boots.  While Owen isn't World Class the Newcastle fans on SSN freely admit that 'he'd be our biggest signing.'  A few think Shearer would have been bigger, but it is strange that you along with Manchester City seem to be; as it was wonderfully described eairlier - a retirement home for our old players.

We will sign Owen or he will stay with Real.  He's only meeting with you so he doesn't get abuse next time England play at St James'.

We will sign him. Alonso is f*cking sh*te what has he done for you? Parker has been awesome since the start of the season, one of our very few plus points.

look mate give it a rest, nobody cares anymore. Now back to the owen discussion.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 12:26 am
by nufc1986
alonso is awesome! i like him!but he hasnt made the start that our parker has!

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 12:26 am
by 7_Kewell
ffs....go away tommo!

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 12:27 am
by 116-1125324904
red_indian wrote:tomm0 wrote -
Quote (7_Kewell @ Aug. 29 2005,16:24)
Actually, if you knew anything you would look at the players we've sold and the players we've bought over the last 5 years and out NET SPEND is very small. Under £10m if I remember rightly. Do you not think a club like Newcastle can make 10 million in 5 seasons? Fool. 

Are you Leeds utd in disguise?   

Actually read something in the paper a couple of months back saying Liverpool were 22 million in debt. Add that to new stadium debt and you're edging closer to leeds by the day ;)

Tomm0 - i'm afraid you are on a losing battle on this one. Why not take a real interest in your own club and take a look at the facts before spouting rubbish about other clubs. NU FC is a publicly quoted company, hence you can check the accounts filed as of 31 Jan 2005. on the basis of the financial definition of debt those accounts show NU FC to be in debt to the tune of a staggering £48m! Now just to clarify when we're talking about debt you want a small number not a large one (just in case you get confused and think £48m is better than £22m (don't know where you get this figure from as Liverpool do not publish accounts)) - so now please tell me which of the two clubs is closer to being Leeds Utd in disguise - i'll give you a headstart by letting you know its not a trick question!

on my calculations NU FC debt levels are close to the hilt whereby if they were to significantly increase them then they run the risk of seeing their debt ratings downgraded and hence would up end paying higher levels of interest and would also seriously compromise their ability to raise more debt in the future - lets face it unless you try and put up prices like the Glazers at the Scum, profits and cash flow are not likely to improve unless you get more cash through the Champions League or similar - fat chance unless a miracle happens from here.

good luck with that, and next time either stick to the facts or don't say anything at all! Fool!

The "debt" of £48m is from stadium expansion and is paid for over a long period of time and is of no short term signifcance to signings or anything else for that matter. Liverpool's 22m debt is purely because of their failure to make profit, unlike newcastle.