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PostPosted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 6:25 pm
by Dazzer
redbeergoggles wrote:Anyone who is still under the illusion that there is no media agenda designed with the specific intention to derail , and ridicule Liverpool's current campaign ,is currently presiding  in cloud cuckoo land .

Yesterdays onslaught by the press was relentless in its condemnation of Rafa ,I made the mistake of picking up the Daily Mail and reading an article which questioned repetitively the unequivocal support Benitez receives from Die hards ,and stated unashamedly how misguided it felt that support was .

It truly  beggars belief that they find it so galling that some fans still have faith in the man ,and no matter how hard they snipe and scoff ,the truth is they no sweet F.A about football and the common fan ,and they can type till their nasty little fingers turn blue and it will still never shake our resolve .

I think the abuse Ngog received yesterday was nothing short of grotesque in its nature ,if Ngog fled the country after this then who would blame him ,in point of fact he could easily be forgiven if he thought he had committed the most heinous act in football ,the way Sky trotted out ex players to condemn his actions ...FFS that b@stard Luke McCormick never received half this coverage , surely people can see how this alone is justification that these feelings of paranoia are not just the ramblings of a few disgruntled Scousers . :(

Its true very true.I would like to say its a top 4 thing but I doubt that the mancs would have the same treatment. :no

PostPosted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 6:53 pm
by Sir Roger
I believe there are major elements to the medias wa'nkfest over our current situation

1 LFC has always kept things in-house. Very rarely has anyone connected with the club came out in public and said anything which has damaged the club (I may be wrong but I cant think of any...?) This has led to some resentment from the press who are now in raptures at the so called "meltdown" of the once mighty LFC

2 The media, in some bizarre and perverted way actually like and respect us and what we stand for and dont want to attack us. They are in fact so disappointed that we seem to have thrown away our chance of winning the league from the skanks that they are livid and are venting their spleen about it

3 Rafas coldness towards them. Although polite and honest Rafa seems too cool sometimes and will not play the game with them. This leads to editors telling journalists to et something, anything out of him which is interesting.

4 The state of modern journalism. The whole media circus is nothing but a sensationalist driven whore whos aim is to stir as miuch sh'it as they possibly can in any way. There is very little that is sacred or private any more and this is expressed in the views of the knobs who write the columns.

All in all its a quite depressing picture and the obvious answer is: dont buy the Fu*king things in the first place...

PostPosted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 7:02 pm
by loopyliverpool
Our current form makes great copy and is the main story at the moment. Any Editor would be mad not to fill his back pages with the current situation at the club. Watching the great fall from grace will always sell newspapers and they will generally spin a yarn whether true or false.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 7:11 pm
by LFC2007
Sir Roger wrote:4 The state of modern journalism. The whole media circus is nothing but a sensationalist driven whore whos aim is to stir as miuch sh'it as they possibly can in any way. There is very little that is sacred or private any more and this is expressed in the views of the knobs who write the columns.

All in all its a quite depressing picture and the obvious answer is: dont buy the Fu*king things in the first place...


Try not to read 'em either.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 7:34 pm
by bigmick
Well the media don't like Liverpool, that's for sure but I'm not convinced it's an "anti foreigner" bias. They liked Ranieri, they liked Hiddink, they like Ancellotti, they like Wenger and they loved Mourinho so I think much depends on the actual manager himself. Rightly or wrongly Rafa has got himself a reputation I think of being arrogant, aloof, having an "I know best" attitude and of disrespecting English football culture. I can't get away from the feeling that many of the press have simply been biding their time to put the boot in, the moment has arrived and they are well and truly getting stuck in.

Like I say though, I don't think it's anti foreigner.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 7:38 pm
by Benny The Noon
Its not anti foriegn mick - you are correct . Its more because he is a guarded person both in his personality and about his team etc so only gives them the party line - they dont like that and want more from him .

PostPosted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 9:21 pm
by lakes10
if today i had posted all the :censored: that i have been told about the club that has come into the press rooms i would be up 1000 post.

not sure what happend today with the press but they seemed to be on a liverpool drive, every other report was about the club and about Rafa.

as you can see by the bbc sports page there was no real news to report, but the bbc have put 2 aside to keep an eye on, one to do with a player being unfit (no shock there) and the other about Rafa and his job (but more to do with poor results and what he can do to turn it around with the players that are fit.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 9:40 pm
by stmichael
The media in this country are basically clueless and change their minds like the wind. I'l give you a few examples:

A lot of them had a go under Rafa for us not having enough English players in the team but denigraded him for trying to buy Gareth Barry and paying 18m for Glen Johnson. All of a sudden there's cries of "well paying £18m for a fullback doesn't win you titles" when the guy has been our best player this season. He'll be worth every penny imo.

They say he rotates too much, then look the other way when Ferguson takes rotation to a new level. He "rests" Rooney and nothing is said.

They claim we're a 2 men team, but blame all our ills on the departure of one player in the summer.

They say Rafa doesnt buy well under 10m pounds, but go apeshit when Benayoun doesnt play 90 minutes, and say Reina is one the best keepers in the country.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 10:20 pm
by stmichael
Here's another example of the completely clueless media. These are the ratings from the Daily Mail for Monday's game.

LIVERPOOL (4-2-3-1): Reina 6; Johnson 8, Skrtel 6, Agger 7, Insua 6; Lucas 5 (Aquilani 82min), Mascherano 6; Benayoun 7 (Babel 77), Kuyt 6, Riera 5 (Gerrard 45, 6); Ngog 6. Booked: Ngog.

BIRMINGHAM CITY (4-4-2): Hart 7; Carr 6, Johnson 7, Dann 7, Ridgewell 5; Larsson 6, Bowyer 6, Tainio 5 (Carsley 15, 7), McFadden 7 (Vignal 67, 6); Benitez 7 (McSheffrey 85), Jerome 7. Booked: McFadden, Carsley.

absolutely laughable :no

PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 1:49 am
by Rush Job
I havent bought a paper in years, there all full of sh!t, all pushing their own agenda.

PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 9:41 am
by SouthCoastShankly
stmichael wrote:Here's another example of the completely clueless media. These are the ratings from the Daily Mail for Monday's game.

LIVERPOOL (4-2-3-1): Reina 6; Johnson 8, Skrtel 6, Agger 7, Insua 6; Lucas 5 (Aquilani 82min), Mascherano 6; Benayoun 7 (Babel 77), Kuyt 6, Riera 5 (Gerrard 45, 6); Ngog 6. Booked: Ngog.

BIRMINGHAM CITY (4-4-2): Hart 7; Carr 6, Johnson 7, Dann 7, Ridgewell 5; Larsson 6, Bowyer 6, Tainio 5 (Carsley 15, 7), McFadden 7 (Vignal 67, 6); Benitez 7 (McSheffrey 85), Jerome 7. Booked: McFadden, Carsley.

absolutely laughable :no

Serve you right for reading The Mail, The Daily Mail is the definition of bias and point of view.

I prefer the Times. I think it is the most neutral a paper can be.

PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 10:25 am
by tubby
Yeah Oli Kay is my favourate. I think sometimes Gabriel Marcotti can be a bit sensationalist but most of the time he is spot on too.

PostPosted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 2:20 am
by big al
WARNING ALL SCOUSERS!!!!!!!! The British Media Hate You. They hate Your City.  They hate Your culture.  They Hate Your Accent.  But Most Of All The hate YOUR Successful FOOTBALL CLUB.  You Threaten their Southern Sensibilties.  YOU THREATEN THEIR PRAWN SANDWICH FOOTBALL TEAMS.  YOU REFUSE TO BE TAMED LIKE MAN U.  YOUR NOT CHELSKI OR :censored:-NAL. YOUR A BOLSHY NORTHERNER.  YOU ALSO HAVE A JOHHNY FOREIGNER AS MANAGER.  CHELSKI HAVE A SOPHISTOCATED ITALIAN, :censored:-ANAL HAVE A FRENCH MAN WITH FLAIR.  Liverpool have a beardy type spanaird.  The type they see in Malaga.

PostPosted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 2:25 am
by made in UK
big al wrote:WARNING ALL SCOUSERS!!!!!!!! The British Media Hate You. They hate Your City.  They hate Your culture.  They Hate Your Accent.  But Most Of All The hate YOUR Successful FOOTBALL CLUB.  You Threaten their Southern Sensibilties.  YOU THREATEN THEIR PRAWN SANDWICH FOOTBALL TEAMS.  YOU REFUSE TO BE TAMED LIKE MAN U.  YOUR NOT CHELSKI OR :censored:-NAL. YOUR A BOLSHY NORTHERNER.  YOU ALSO HAVE A JOHHNY FOREIGNER AS MANAGER.  CHELSKI HAVE A SOPHISTOCATED ITALIAN, :censored:-ANAL HAVE A FRENCH MAN WITH FLAIR.  Liverpool have a beardy type spanaird.  The type they see in Malaga.

Get over yourself.

Have a coffee or something, better still have a kip.

PostPosted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 2:35 am
by Effes
made in UK wrote:
big al wrote:WARNING ALL SCOUSERS!!!!!!!! The British Media Hate You. They hate Your City.  They hate Your culture.  They Hate Your Accent.  But Most Of All The hate YOUR Successful FOOTBALL CLUB.  You Threaten their Southern Sensibilties.  YOU THREATEN THEIR PRAWN SANDWICH FOOTBALL TEAMS.  YOU REFUSE TO BE TAMED LIKE MAN U.  YOUR NOT CHELSKI OR :censored:-NAL. YOUR A BOLSHY NORTHERNER.  YOU ALSO HAVE A JOHHNY FOREIGNER AS MANAGER.  CHELSKI HAVE A SOPHISTOCATED ITALIAN, :censored:-ANAL HAVE A FRENCH MAN WITH FLAIR.  Liverpool have a beardy type spanaird.  The type they see in Malaga.

Get over yourself.

Have a coffee or something, better still have a kip.

Tongue in cheek, I think mate.