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PostPosted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 4:04 pm
by Ace Ventura
Bamaga man wrote:
Ace Ventura wrote:
Yari7 wrote:
lakes10 wrote:one of the best bit Essex Radio did was to point out to SKY that there is a player doing just as well as Ronaldo in the prem........Torres.

also they said something like that Torres has played a lot less games.

is that right???

i was sure it was the same.. 24

Gray did mention Torres last night. He said that the race for the top scorer in the premiership is going to be intresting with Torres on such fine form. However the difference is that Torres is a striker and Ronaldo is a midfeilder.

Roanaldo has 24 and Torres has 20.

Who do you think will win it this season?

Here we go again.

I know you will say you were only stating the obvious but again you appear to be biased towards an opposing player.

We have Torres the current darling of Liverpool supporters and Ronaldo someone who virtually every other fan in the country hates, and still you have to try and diminish nando's amazing season by talking about him being a striker and Ronaldo a midfielder. Subtle you may be but am onto you.

For the record Ronaldo has played as a forward all season, he has no defensive responsibilities. He is more of a wide attacker than either a midfielder or striker. He also has taken a few penalties as well.
If Torres wins it in his first season then it will be fantastic for the lad, but even if he doesnt then i still think he has had a better season than Ronaldo, cos i am biased...towards my club LFC  :;):

Your suspicious Ace, I should I call you Peewee  :D

I havent read many of Yaris posts, but didnt see anything wrong with that one fella.

Yari do you support Liverpool ?

He is slowly building up a head of steam. I am convinced mate.

If he is a Liverpool supporter i would be shocked.

I wont be convinced until i see a picture of him in the crown paints kit in the what you look like thread  :D

PostPosted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 4:18 pm
by Yari7
Bamaga man wrote:
Ace Ventura wrote:
Yari7 wrote:
lakes10 wrote:one of the best bit Essex Radio did was to point out to SKY that there is a player doing just as well as Ronaldo in the prem........Torres.

also they said something like that Torres has played a lot less games.

is that right???

i was sure it was the same.. 24

Gray did mention Torres last night. He said that the race for the top scorer in the premiership is going to be intresting with Torres on such fine form. However the difference is that Torres is a striker and Ronaldo is a midfeilder.

Roanaldo has 24 and Torres has 20.

Who do you think will win it this season?

Here we go again.

I know you will say you were only stating the obvious but again you appear to be biased towards an opposing player.

We have Torres the current darling of Liverpool supporters and Ronaldo someone who virtually every other fan in the country hates, and still you have to try and diminish nando's amazing season by talking about him being a striker and Ronaldo a midfielder. Subtle you may be but am onto you.

For the record Ronaldo has played as a forward all season, he has no defensive responsibilities. He is more of a wide attacker than either a midfielder or striker. He also has taken a few penalties as well.
If Torres wins it in his first season then it will be fantastic for the lad, but even if he doesnt then i still think he has had a better season than Ronaldo, cos i am biased...towards my club LFC  :;):

Your suspicious Ace, I should I call you Peewee  :D

I havent read many of Yaris posts, but didnt see anything wrong with that one fella.

Yari do you support Liverpool ?

Yes I do support Liverpool. Have done all my life.

As for Ace, I don't see the issue.

Nando is on fire and has scored 20 this season. Ronaldo is also on fire but has 24. I simply asked who does everyone think will win it?

I obviously want Nando to win it and if he keeps scoring at this rate then I think he will take it.

As for my picture with the crown paints kit, I think that was a bit before my time. Earliest I have is from the 98-99 season.

PostPosted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 3:38 pm
by Ace Ventura
It was the fact that you stated Ronaldo is a midfielder and Torres a striker.

PostPosted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 3:54 pm
Ace Ventura wrote:It was the fact that you stated Ronaldo is a midfielder and Torres a striker.

Well if Ronaldo has been playing midfield all this season them im Raquel Welsh he might go down on the team sheet as midfield but as far as im concerned hes been forward more than Rooney or Tevez

PostPosted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 4:44 pm
by Yari7
Ace Ventura wrote:It was the fact that you stated Ronaldo is a midfielder and Torres a striker.

Ronaldo is an attacking Midfeilder and Torres is an out and out striker. Whats the problem?

PostPosted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 4:45 pm
by Toffeehater
Yari7 wrote:
Ace Ventura wrote:It was the fact that you stated Ronaldo is a midfielder and Torres a striker.

Ronaldo is an attacking Midfeilder and Torres is an out and out striker. Whats the problem?

He's been playing in a striker's role all season

PostPosted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 4:47 pm
by Yari7
Toffeehater wrote:
Yari7 wrote:
Ace Ventura wrote:It was the fact that you stated Ronaldo is a midfielder and Torres a striker.

Ronaldo is an attacking Midfeilder and Torres is an out and out striker. Whats the problem?

He's been playing in a striker's role all season

Ronaldo comes in from much deeper then a striker usually does. He is a midfeilder who gets forward a lot. If he is a striker, then so is Steven Gerrard.

Either way, Ronaldo takes penalties and Torres doesn't. That gives him an advantage.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 9:32 am
by Toffeehater
gerrard has been playing has a midfielder this whole season and now as a Attacking midfielder just behind torres , he has gotten 19 goals in total this season with 9 assists , ronaldo may have got the goals but he's only got 3 assist

PostPosted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 9:39 am
by The_Rock
Toffeehater wrote:gerrard has been playing has a midfielder this whole season and now as a Attacking midfielder just behind torres , he has gotten 19 goals in total this season with 9 assists , ronaldo may have got the goals but he's only got 3 assist

You know if houllier had played his cards right....we would be wa.nking off about ronaldo now as he would have been our player......

Anyway....lets give credit where its due...ronaldo is a great player. Rooney is a great player. Gerrard is a great player. Torres is a great player. Mascherano is a great player. Gary neville is still a [email]mutherf@cker.......[/email] :p

PostPosted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 2:19 pm
by Boocity
I think all this claim of bias is cr@p, AG is there to comment on the game not be pro - lfc. In the last word this weekend he was totally against Mascaranos sending off and stated that it totally changed the outcome of the game. I think we have more important things to worry about than so called bias from a commentator

PostPosted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 2:46 pm
by Ace Ventura
Yari7 wrote:
Ace Ventura wrote:It was the fact that you stated Ronaldo is a midfielder and Torres a striker.

Ronaldo is an attacking Midfeilder and Torres is an out and out striker. Whats the problem?

The fact that you even said it is the problem, to me it was something that didnt need to be said...unless you were trying to make Ronaldos season look better than Torres's.
It was something i would expect a manc to come out with.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 3:21 pm
by Yari7
[quote="Ace Ventura"][/quote]
What is hilarious is that Man Utd fans hate Gray as well, because they say he has a hard on for Liverpool and that he is biased towards us. He just can't win.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 3:28 pm
by Ace Ventura
Yari7 wrote:
Ace Ventura wrote:

What is hilarious is that Man Utd fans hate Gray as well, because they say he has a hard on for Liverpool and that he is biased towards us. He just can't win.

Whats that got do with anything ?

I said Gray was biased in the inter game.

His comments after the mascherano game were fair i will give him that.

That quote that you have done was said by you and not me as well.
I didnt say Gray was ALWAYS biased because his reaction in the Olympiakos game showed he is not.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 9:52 am
by The_Rock
Well richard keys has done it again...........

Just heard that he said all the papers will report that Dirk and the referee live 5 miles apart in Holland.

"Now it is a matter of fact, and that is why say this, that the referee and Dirk Kuyt live 5 minutes apart in Holland, so conspiracy theorists will love that."

So he is basically giving the headlines to the press.....

Ah well......

PostPosted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 10:32 am
by red37
I know ive read about it on RAWK (same as pretty much everything else on here of late) - best not to take the c*nt too serious. Keys is an out and out plurp of the highest order.

And a tw@t of a man as well, if the point needed further clarification. If you are watching Sky, here is a piece of advice. Allow yourself the liberty of a massive pinch of salt....otherwise you will end up as bitter as our friends over the park.