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PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 2:34 pm
by maximus
stmichael wrote:having had the weekend to reflect about this whole issue, i'm like the majority on here who just can't be bothered whinging anymore and am just happy for us to be getting a shot at defending the trophy. at the end of the day, as incompetent as UEFA and the FA are, we should be grateful in some respects.

if you look back, when we won our first european cup, if i'm not mistaken, we beat a team called "the hurricanes" from northern ireland in the first round. the next year we stuck 10 past some random danish team, so it's not as if this is anything new to us.

we just have to get on with it.

Agreed Mikey.

Just having a look at the potential opponents I am in NO doubt that we will progress to the Group stages.

Just as an example 'Anorthosis Famagusta' who are one of our potential opponents in qualifying round 2, are to be frank one of the worst teams I have had the displeasure of watching.

They are a Cypriot team (which is where my parents come from) I would guess they are the equilavent of a mid to lower table league 3 side at best. They really are awful, and are effectively a part time side, playing in a country with a population of around a million people.

The only 'concern' (for want of a better word) I would have is if we drew the blueshi.te in the third round, because it would be their Cup Final for sure, but we have more than enough class to BEAT them.

Roll on the group stages      :buttrock

PostPosted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 11:07 am
by Roger Red Hat
Hey We're seeded now!


PostPosted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 11:52 am
by imagine
I hope we pick Kairat Almaty. I am the Turkish fan moved to Kazakhstan. It could be a very interesting experience for all of us. After hosting in Istanbul, I would be proud to host in Kazakhstan... I pray for the draw.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 3:27 pm
by kaz the kopite
This first round bull**** is down to our own FA.


They never backed liverpool because of david dein and co,s personal anti-liverpool feelings. do you remember last year the FA said if arsenal or man u or even chelski won the CL. And finished out of the top four they would  enter them and not the fourth placed team who just so happend to be? ???? ??????
you,ve guessed it!

LIVERPOOL!!!!!!!!!!!! :veryangry 


PostPosted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 12:23 am
by Dalglish
kaz the kopite wrote:This first round bull**** is down to our own FA.


They never backed liverpool because of david dein and co,s personal anti-liverpool feelings. do you remember last year the FA said if arsenal or man u or even chelski won the CL. And finished out of the top four they would  enter them and not the fourth placed team who just so happend to be? ???? ??????
you,ve guessed it!

LIVERPOOL!!!!!!!!!!!! :veryangry 


An excellent point about the FA's intentions last season but try finding it on their website won't because they removed it in April of thsi year  ???

Whilst I never advocated seeing Everton forfeit their place you can bet your last pound that had it been Bolton or any other team finishing 4th the FA would have booted them out in favour of Liverpool.

I don;t know why it surprises us that the FA don't like us , they have disliked us for years  ???

The reality is that Liverpool Football Club and their fans "rescued" the Final this year from being a farce in it's far flung venue and produced possibly the greatest final ever in the history of the competition and  can hold our heads up high   :)

The FA will no doubt continue to bury theirs (heads) for years to come !

PostPosted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 12:35 am
by zarababe
.. bury there heads.. what up there ars*s.. or down some secretary's blouse .. buch of archaic ol cronies... :angry: :angry: we will do well again this season.. but it will be one hell of an effort with all the games to be played..

PostPosted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 1:12 am
by Dalglish
zarababe wrote:.. bury there heads.. what up there ars*s.. or down some secretary's blouse .. buch of archaic ol cronies... :angry: :angry:

:laugh: Class Comment

PostPosted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 10:40 am
by LFC #1
Slavia Prague are fuming after their appeal against seeding Liverpool in the UEFA Champions League was rejected. 

The Czech runners-up lost their seeding in the third qualifying round when The Reds were admitted to the competition by special dispensation.
Slavia general manager Vladimir Leska is happy for Liverpool to defend their title, but is baffled as to why their entry has hindered his side's chances of reaching the group stage.
"The reply sent to us from Uefa management was shocking for us," explained Leska.
"If Uefa solves an irregular situation about the defending champions it should not harm the other clubs.
"We still believe that an acceptable solution will be found, a solution that will avoid harming our club as regards seeding in the third preliminary round."
Slavia are not the only side to have been affected by Liverpool's inclusion with Croatian champions Hajduk Split losing their seeding in the second preliminary round.