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PostPosted: Fri Jan 30, 2004 10:46 am
by JBG
Daglish: just to inform you of my opinion of Houllier (so I won't be dismissed as a "boo boy").

I have no personal vendetta against Houllier: he's a nice man as far as I can see and he desperately wants to succeed at Liverpool. He is a fairly skilled coach, and for a few years he has worked wonders for the Pool. However, he made some gambles with his signings in 2002 and these have flopped (it has taken Cheyrou 18 months to make an impact in three or four games) and when the team fell into difficulty he has been unable to change things around. Two years ago he established us as probably the second best team in the land but he has been unable to capitalise on this.

Daglish: I think Houllier is a good man, a decent manager who gave Liverpool fans some nice memories and did a good job for a while, but I honestly feel he has brought us as far as he can and by hanging around he risks seeing all his hard work fall apart.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 30, 2004 3:28 pm
by Scottbot
I agree with JBG. GH restored pride and passion to an ailing club, won some trophies and made progress for several years running. Unfortunatley, defensive counter-attacking football might be enough to win the Serie A but it will only take you so far in England. GH deserces a lot of credit and respect for what he HAS done. He also deserves the criticism he has taken for performances over the past 18 months - They are not good enough for any of us! The club has moved backwards and le boss is in danger of completely un-doing the good work he has achieved so far. I hope he goes in the summer of his own free-will. :D

PostPosted: Fri Jan 30, 2004 5:06 pm
by DAV
i do want to critisise him gh is a complete w#nk#r. He's destroying my club and my life.
Please leave! Mr Houlier

or f##k off back to france which ever.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 30, 2004 8:04 pm
by big al
He did restore our faith and some months ago when we were still in the title race I joined this forum and stated this but I said that if he stays the preiership will not be won this year and by keeping him any new manager would be in a difficult position  IE no champions league football, so less money to spend, Having to take over in the summer so not being able to accurately assess players in competitive games,  having to adjust to a new job on his toad because thompson would probably go as well.  I hoped back in October that Houllier would leave or get sacked, Someone decent would come in thompsosn would see it through till at least the end of the season and the new guy would be getting the support needed before taking over in his own right in June.  Houllier has'nt left, He's blamed eveyone for his failures including fans, He's had excuse after excuse, he so predictable both on and off the field.  He has used the press to discuss players poor form and embarrased himself and Martin O'Neill.  I could go on and on and on.  There more he stays the more the potential for an absolutely abysmal season. I grow weary Of Houllier even after he get a good result.  Why does he have to get into a slanging match with every ex player or failed signing or manager tipped to take over his job?  Why becasue he's an idiot.  He's even messing up his pension, a shrewd operator like Fergie Would be keeping it all for their book.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 30, 2004 8:10 pm
by sunburntred
Liverpool were a disgrace during the managerial reign of Souness and it had taken a long long time to get some stability and pride back into our once great club. Evans did a job which would have seen Champions League football in the four years he was in charge, as he never finished below fourth spot. He was considered a failure. Houllier took sole responsibility and looked as if the club had turned the corner. Saying that some of the performances were dismal to say the least. Then along came the treble year and things had turned around for a few months, we all had high expectations, then what? Back to mediocrity again. I do not believe that Houllier is the man for the job. The job being putting Liverpool FC back on the top of the pile, as the cream of English and European Football. I have no idea who could achieve this dream, a dream that seems to fade more and more as the Gunners and the Mancs grow stronger and stronger with each passing season. People are talking about Martin O'Neill as the man, but is he? I have my reservations too. I mean who would sign Guppy twice. I do not believe that we are in a crisis as far as reaching the Champions League placement is concerned, as I think we can and will get it this season. Winning the title is another matter and I think we are light years from it with this present set of players. I might be wrong. I pray to God that I am.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 31, 2004 12:14 am
by big al
Thats about right sunburnedred! :;):

PostPosted: Sat Jan 31, 2004 2:02 am
by Dalglish
JBG , My comments were not aimed at yourself , you have the intelligence and articulation to express your viewpoint which i on the whole agree with , it was aimed that the neandethalls on here who hear something in the pub that sounded good cos everyone murmurred in agreement so they thought "I know I'll go on the LFC discussion baord and propagate this pile of unthought out junk.".....Alas they express their so called opinion , (Therefore I shall expres mine , their speaking on empty heads and misguided passion which they think is measured by how agressive and offencsive they can be about GH , Losers !!!!!

PostPosted: Sat Jan 31, 2004 2:15 am
by big al
now dalglish come on mate your a wise and cool head lets hang on to that.  The aggressive thing works both ways just try to read Stu's quips from where i'm standing. do you think pink suits me?

PostPosted: Sat Jan 31, 2004 2:19 am
by big al
I choose pink because that's the colour my sleeves on my repro 70's shirt went when my missus washed it:laugh:

PostPosted: Sat Jan 31, 2004 2:21 am
by big al
Dalglish had aquick peak at your profile, What arts are u into?

PostPosted: Sat Jan 31, 2004 2:54 am
by greenred
Dalglish wrote:JBG , My comments were not aimed at yourself , you have the intelligence and articulation to express your viewpoint which i on the whole agree with , it was aimed that the neandethalls on here who hear something in the pub that sounded good cos everyone murmurred in agreement so they thought "I know I'll go on the LFC discussion baord and propagate this pile of unthought out junk.".....Alas they express their so called opinion , (Therefore I shall expres mine , their speaking on empty heads and misguided passion which they think is measured by how agressive and offencsive they can be about GH , Losers !!!!!

you really are a t#s#er.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 31, 2004 2:57 am
by greenred
big al wrote:I choose pink because that's the colour my sleeves on my repro 70's shirt went when my missus washed it:laugh:

are you feeling ok al?

PostPosted: Sat Jan 31, 2004 3:12 am
by leothelion
big al wrote:I choose pink because that's the colour my sleeves on my repro 70's shirt went when my missus washed it:laugh:


PostPosted: Sat Jan 31, 2004 2:33 pm
by big al
:laugh: :laugh:

PostPosted: Sat Jan 31, 2004 6:55 pm
by Dalglish
The aggressive thing DOESN'T work both ways Big Al. Everyone has their right to air their opinions that I'm sure we are agreed on. Why do people think the more agressive and abusive they become  makes them somehow more right ? In the end mate I'm as passionate a supporter of LFC as the next guy, i just don't resort to bully boy tactics and abusive behaviour in the vain hope it will somehow intimidate people to agreee with me. ???  Again not a reflection on yourself but sadly many on this discussion board....>Walk on , superb game this afternoon, the BEST game i have witnessed all season and I'm NOT joking, :D