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PostPosted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 6:20 pm
by A.B.
The Canadian Red Army wrote:I think moores is just throwing gerrard out their to dilute the real situation and save his a$$. The guy is a retard, and all of this ****** about gerrard is pushing the blame on someone else. The guy is a F.ucking escapegoat, it is pathetic what he has done to save his ******. The management is suppose to help the team, what has moores done? I say let morgan come in and clean up all this mess. Our players are only reflecting what is happening in the boardroom. The way they are playing right now is showing what moores is doing to the club. Gerrard is upset with the management not the team or rafa. Get Morgan in there Now!

You're clueless. They are professionals and are paid to perform day in and day out. What goes in the boardroom can not used as an execuse why the players have not played with passion or determination in the past three games. That's utter bullsh1t.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 6:20 pm
by The Canadian Red Army
A.B. wrote:
The Canadian Red Army wrote:I think moores is just throwing gerrard out their to dilute the real situation and save his a$$. The guy is a retard, and all of this ****** about gerrard is pushing the blame on someone else. The guy is a F.ucking escapegoat, it is pathetic what he has done to save his ******. The management is suppose to help the team, what has moores done? I say let morgan come in and clean up all this mess. Our players are only reflecting what is happening in the boardroom. The way they are playing right now is showing what moores is doing to the club. Gerrard is upset with the management not the team or rafa. Get Morgan in there Now!

You're clueless. They are professionals and are paid to perform day in and day out. What goes in the boardroom can not used as an execuse why the players have not played with passion or determination in the past three games. That's utter bullsh1t.

why do you say that

PostPosted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 6:22 pm
by taff
You two should stick to ice hockey

PostPosted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 6:25 pm
by A.B.
taff wrote:You two should stick to ice hockey

I don't place ice hockey f#cker.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 6:25 pm
by taff
Take it up then

PostPosted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 6:27 pm
by A.B.
taff wrote:Take it up then

How about you take it ?

All I said was that what goes on in the boardroom should not be an execuse too poor performances such as the one against Soton.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 6:30 pm
by The Canadian Red Army
yes professionalism,but if you are concerned with what is happening up the heirarchy, and everything is chaos, then how are you suppose to react. This is speculation and an opinion, do you know whats happening in management AB. When workers see management starts to slide, they get worried and it effects their work efforts.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 6:45 pm
by ronmeister
And the last time Alan hansen said anything worth listening to was when? He was a good player but as a sports reporter and TV pundit he is an Idiot,Just my veiw and obviously pple will slate me for it but when those pple are taking what Alan Hansen says to heart what do i care

PostPosted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 7:21 pm
by Redrider
ronmeister wrote:And the last time Alan hansen said anything worth listening to was when? He was a good player but as a sports reporter and TV pundit he is an Idiot,Just my veiw and obviously pple will slate me for it but when those pple are taking what Alan Hansen says to heart what do i care

When Alan Hansen says somthing about LFC it is not just sensationalist jounalism, it comes from the heart and with an inside, in-depth knowlwedge of both the personalities and the traditional working methods of the club.
Don't forget that Dalglish and Hansen are neighbours and mates, so what Hansen dosn't know, Dalglish does and Dalglish is still very close to the Club.
When Hansen says something like this, sit up and take notice, this is not just any old journo' or fan mouthing off. This is as near as you will get to a comment from within !!
This is serious !!

PostPosted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 7:56 pm
by ronmeister
Sorry to disagree Red but the days of bootroom gossip are gone.Hansen and Daglish are good mates and Daglish all so has interest in the club as a member of a certain takeover group i do believe.Maybe and its just a maybe Hansen is sounding of to try and rock the parry regime its all politics and thats above me ,but i will say i beleive Hansen long agao forgot what being a football fan is all about and sorry to say it i think all pundits and sports writers forgot what it is to be a Fan.Just my opinion so it should be taken with a pinch of salt and pple will believe what the want to believe anyway.Most Liverpool Fans are hurting at the moment but we see light at the end of the tunnel what hansen says just go's to make that tunnel Longer than it is

PostPosted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 8:05 pm
by The Ace1983
I think i agree with what Hansen is saying, but my god, he could moan for Britain, couldn't he.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 8:47 pm
by zarababe
.. how can he dismiss Benitez's managerial qualities and . and lay the success of the club on the shoulders of one man ... Gerrard.  Hansen's moaned constantly about Liverpool.. this is a load of sh*t... our club will be challenging again.. and we have quality players to make it happen.. (with a few more reuired) as well as a first class manager.. Hansen can f off.. 

PostPosted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 7:51 am
by The_Rock
To all those hansen bashers.....shame on you :D

Alan Hansen is delighted Liverpool have proved him wrong over the past week and returned to winning ways in the Premiership. 
Hansen was scathing in his criticism of the Reds following their 2-0 defeat at Southampton at the end of last month, but three consecutive victories have followed to take Liverpool to the Carling Cup final and to within five points of leaders Everton in the race for fourth.
He said: "Joe Fagan once said to me that the best way to answer your critics is by performing on the pitch and that's exactly what Liverpool have done this week.
"I was really critical of them after the game at Southampton but I was full of praise for them after the 2-1 win at Charlton because that's the sort of performance I want to see from Liverpool.
"Liverpool must take heart from the last couple of matches and I just hope they can now finally go on that run of seven or eight matches undefeated. That's what it is all about.
"What we've got to do now is make sure we get that fourth place, try and get past Leverkusen in the Champions League and try and win the Carling Cup final against Chelsea.
"That gives Liverpool supporters something to look forward to after an unmitigated disaster against Southampton which was that bad I feared they might never come back from it.
"But, to be fair to the manager, he's had meetings and thrashed things out and that's a sign of good management because the team has bounced back."

PostPosted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 7:53 am
by The_Rock
Another one...

Former Liverpool captain and BBC pundit Alan Hansen has praised Liverpool for the way they have bounced back this week.

Hansen was especially critical of the Reds after their poor performance at St Mary's the other week, calling it the worst Liverpool display in fourteen years. However, Hansen says he is delighted at the way Rafael Benitez' side has bounced back with wins over Charlton and Fulham.

He said: "Joe Fagan once said to me that the best way to answer your critics is by performing on the pitch and that's exactly what Liverpool have done this week.
"I was really critical of them after the game at Southampton but I was full of praise for them after the 2-1 win at Charlton because that's the sort of performance I want to see from Liverpool.
"Liverpool must take heart from the last couple of matches and I just hope they can now finally go on that run of seven or eight matches undefeated. That's what it is all about.
"What we've got to do now is make sure we get that fourth place, try and get past Leverkusen in the Champions League and try and win the Carling Cup final against Chelsea.
"That gives Liverpool supporters something to look forward to after an unmitigated disaster against Southampton which was that bad I feared they might never come back from it.
"But, to be fair to the manager, he's had meetings and thrashed things out and that's a sign of good management because the team has bounced back."

PostPosted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 8:22 am
by The Ace1983
If there's one thing I hate, it's agreeing with a pescemistic, self rightious, pompous doom monger like Alan Hansen. So it really pains me to say that I do. Hansen was a brillient player and I value some of his commentary, but when it comes to Liverpool he tends to be one of those people who will never be happy unless we bring back the likes of Kenny, Kev, Barnes, Rushie, Shanks and Paisley. But on this subject I'm with him most of the way. Finding extra cash is a major priority and we do need to keep Stevie. But I still don't like the thought of Morgan calling the shots. I'd still prefer L4 or ?sheik?, but if something's gonna happen soon, I'd rather any new investment than none. Maybe I've also been a bit harsh about Hansen, but his lack of ability to see any silver lining and his arrogance does get my goat.

I'd also like to say, that on the subject of investment speculation, this is my last post. From now on I'm gonna concentrate on players, transfers and results. I'm so sick of this whole subject and I can't be bothered anymore. It's so depressing and I can see this dragging on for a long time.

:( :(