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PostPosted: Mon Jan 24, 2005 11:56 pm
by banana
stmichael wrote:
banana wrote:get rid of Diao, Diouf, Le Tallec, Medjani, Biscan, Vignal, Smicer, Cheyrou, Diouf, Henchoz, Kirkland, Kewell, Mellor and Diarra. I am sure there will be money available for 3-4 quality signings next summer.

your post was actually quite credible until you got to this quote here.

this isn't champ manager you know :laugh:  :D  :laugh:

I can see no wrong with that stmichael. Out of the 14 players on my list only 6 players are still here. The rest are away on loan. If we can sell those punks cheap instead of having them away on loan + sell a few more we are already there.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 24, 2005 11:58 pm
by Dom1
shat up .... is that possible :D

PostPosted: Mon Jan 24, 2005 11:59 pm
by Ciggy
Punks  :D

PostPosted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 12:08 am
by banana
John Barnes' Granny wrote:
banana wrote:I am really amazed by some supporters attitude towards the team and management. Honestly, I have serious trouble taking these "supporters" seriously. Did you honestly think any manager could win the league with a squad full of Diao's and Biscan's? Take a pause, breathe and think before you raise your voices.

Last year I was very negative towards the team and management. I felt 6 years without noticable improvement was enough. 6 years is a long time without the league throphy, especially if you are LFC. Some say we are quickly approaching mediocricity. Wake up! It has been 15 years of failures, and this season is no better or worse than the average over these years.

Fact is. This season we have played the best football i have seen us play for a long long time. Our home game vs Monaco was beautiful. Then we played Charlton off the park. That was our last game at full strenght. Since then we have been without the likes of Cisse, Baros, Alonso, Garcia, Gerrard, Finnan, Josemi. From from the starting 11 vs Monaco only 6 players are fit to play next game at Watford. Benitez has lost 50% of his outfield players. That is the status. All supporters must take this into account when speaking about the team and its performance. I guess some of the negativity comes from our joy and pride from seeing beautiful football again, and wanting more. Now let us support the lads and accept the fact that Benitez need time to mould the team and accept the fact that we are without our creative mastermind and our target man. I think Cisse and Alonso were the 2 most difficult players to control for the opposition. Alonso because of his brains and technical and tactical skills. Cisse because of his strenght and pace. If we can get our players back at full fitness, work a bit more on the tactics then I am sure we will see more good games.

If we can have a little patience now it would be fine. Key to our future success is finishing 4th in the league. We have to finish top 4, we just have to. If we can do that, get back our injured stars, get rid off Diao, Diouf, Le Tallec, Medjani, Biscan, Vignal, Smicer, Cheyrou, Diouf, Henchoz, Kirkland, Kewell, Mellor and Diarra. I am sure there will be money available for 3-4 quality signings next summer. Then we will be ready for the title shot next year.

Potential first 11:


XXX           Carra                       XXX                Riise

XXX           Alonso                     Gerrard            XXX

                 Baros                  Cisse/Morientes

squad players: Garcia, Hyypia, Pellegrino, Nunez, Traore, Warnock, Hamann, Sinama, Kewell (if able to concentrate on his football), Carson, Finnan, Whitbread, Smicer (if able to regain fitness) All these are good professionals able to come in and do a good job if needed.

The XXX's is the places where we need new signings. Mark my words: we will fight for the title next year. Just support the team and show a little patience and respect.

So Sh@t up and support the team, or go away.

Banana: your post is not credible as you are the person who came on here and completely slated the team and manager during the Olympiakos game 6 weeks ago.

He who hath no sin cast the first stone and all that.  :D

Yes I admit the Olympiakos game made me unhappy. But I always try to be fair and honest. Some of the critique right now is unfair and damaging for the club.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 1:59 am
by 115-1073096938
You're asian for a start, you have no concept of being scouse, you chat ****** nearly all the time.

For once you have half a point but the fact you again make it in a bullsh@t nonsencical way makes ur post totally gay.

****** off and support your local team you negative pansey licking puff. :)

PostPosted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 2:05 am
by 115-1073096938
and before any political correct ****** W*nk stain wants to think i'm bein racist, i'm clearly not, had he been a cockney i'd have said the same thing gbut substituted the words so any tit who even thinks of playin that card can shove a dildo up there backside!

PostPosted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 2:07 am
by Dalglish
Steady On Stu ???

I mean have a pop on the basis of the lads whereabouts or his comments but I'd be very careful about making reference to his colour mate ...

PostPosted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 2:08 am
by Dalglish
Are you upset over something Stu ? :D

PostPosted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 2:14 am
by MSj.
Great Post bannana Ignore stu from what I have read he dont like others making good posts who dont live up his street . :O

PostPosted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 2:16 am
by A.B.
Dalglish wrote:Steady On Stu ???

I mean have a pop on the basis of the lads whereabouts or his comments but I'd be very careful about making reference to his colour mate ...

"Asian" is not his colour its his ethnicity.

Are you upset over something Stu ?

This is Stu on his good day.  :D

PostPosted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 4:50 am
by Alanay
Probably, he's overdosed...

PostPosted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 5:19 am
by begintoend
stu_the_red wrote:and before any political correct ****** W*nk stain wants to think i'm bein racist, i'm clearly not, had he been a cockney i'd have said the same thing gbut substituted the words so any tit who even thinks of playin that card can shove a dildo up there backside!

Please continue post on your footie knowledge rather than dishing insults to another supporter. It doesn't makes you the ultimate RED fan. And you are not good at it either.

Though I still like you to talk football. :glare:

PostPosted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 9:54 am
by Leonmc0708
marklfc wrote:im preparing myself for a potential upset tommorrow cos we have been awful lately, cant put up with this sh1t no more

Well then dont, go and find some other team to "support".

PostPosted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 9:57 am
by Leonmc0708
A.B. wrote:"Asian" is not his colour its his ethnicity.

You have just made that word up AB old chap.... :D

PostPosted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 1:52 pm
by banana
stu_the_red wrote:You're asian for a start, you have no concept of being scouse, you chat ****** nearly all the time.

For once you have half a point but the fact you again make it in a bullsh@t nonsencical way makes ur post totally gay.

****** off and support your local team you negative pansey licking puff. :)

I guess you really hate asians? It is actually not possible to deal with you in a common sense way. You are a disgrace to LFC. And for your information I am not asian.

LFC has many supporters all over the world. If the club lose those supporters, then the club is surely dead. The thing seperating LFC from clubs like Middelsboro nowadays is the amount of support the club has overseas. If you can't see this you are a silly punk.