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PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2004 1:37 am
by greenred
Christ,they have a poll asking if i should be banned.Its called "should we ban the thick mick cu.nt".They`re a laugh a minute those cheeky cockneys :D

PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2004 1:44 am
by Dom1
willwall though :D

PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2004 1:47 am
by greenred
Is he gone for good then,cheese i mean?

PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2004 1:51 am
by Dom1
dunoo man, i pray to god he isnt, he was a legend, go on limered admit it :D

PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2004 1:56 am
by greenred
I liked the cheeseman.I wonder if he lost face over the Heysel comment.He`s welcome back anytime though,he`s got friends on here.

PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2004 2:09 am
by greenred
Ha ha,ive been banned,from a millwall forum :D

PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2004 3:26 am
by barnesrush
that was the guys username :p

PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2004 6:24 am
by MFC & Proud
greenred wrote:Ha ha,ive been banned,from a millwall forum :D

Green you was banned because you was a tw@t

PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2004 7:41 am
by Ciggy
MFC & Proud wrote:
greenred wrote:Ha ha,ive been banned,from a millwall forum :D

Green you was banned because you was a tw@t

Like the majourity of people on your site  :;):

PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2004 8:21 am
by Ciggy
What the f.ucks it got to do with this knob :angry:
MU fan backs MFC stance over Liverpool allegations
By Micky Monsoon - October 28 2004

Unlike the Liverpool official website, we can name our correspondents. Perhaps it's cos we deal with the truth! Manchester United fan Paul Meadows has written in to us to give his view on the Millwall v Liverpool fall-out.

Manchester United fan Paul Meadows writes: "I am absolutely fuming today. Have a read of these two paragraphs:

'Phil Hammond, chairman of the Hillsborough Family Support Group said today: "I'm not surprised to hear the Millwall fans were doing that, I wouldn't expect anything else from the likes of them. But they aren't the only ones to do it.

'My son has been to Old Trafford and seen Manchester United fans press their hands against their faces, to pretend they are being crushed. It is sickening to use something which took 96 lives as a way of winding people up.'

Before April 1989 Liverpool fans used to sign about Munich whenever we played - without fail. And I don't just mean adults - kids, women, everyone was at it. They used to bring model aeroplanes to the game and throw them on the pitch. It was every single time and it was horrific.

It must have been funny to taunt people about death before 1989.

The first time we played them at OT post Hillsborough, the only thing we sang to them was: "where's your famous, where's your famous, where's your famous Munich song...?" They didn't even utter a word.

I can honestly say I have never heard a single anti-Hillsborough chant coming from a United fan - or any other fan, come to that - during any match I have ever attended. Sure, you will get the odd knob-head United fan who will shout something, yet more often than not (as in 95% of the time) he will get shouted down and bollocked for it.

I have tried to contact this Phil Hammond today because I want to know:

1) why he deemed it necessary to bring our name into things;

2) whether he actually attended a Liverpool-United game before 1989;

3) what he thinks of the 'who's that lying on the runway...' songs he and other Liverpool fans STILL sing; and

4) why he finds singing 'Harold Shipman' songs acceptable.

I couldn't get any contact number for him or Email address, but I have spoke to 'Pete' from the Hillsborough Family Support Group this morning at 9.30, and asked him to pass my details onto Hammond. He said he was driving at the moment and could I call back in an hour. I have tried to speak to him again five times, yet he is not answering his phone. I have left a message on his voicemail to call me back, about an hour ago - so far, nothing.

It just stinks of hypocrisy and it really gets my blood boiling when they bang on about Hillsborough, the way they totally dismiss any suggestions that they might - just a tiny little bit - have had something to do with the disaster.

We all agree it was a monumental disaster. We all agree that mocking it is sick. We all agree it was one of the biggest tragedies ever. We all agree the Sun were bang out of order in their coverage of it.

But if it were the fans of another team who were crushed that day, I wonder what their opinion of it would be? Especially if it were United fans involved. Would they sing about it then? Well, considering how they mocked Munich (still do) and sing about Shipman (still do), all the evidence would suggest that sadly, of course they would.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 31, 2004 2:59 am
by greenred
MFC & Proud wrote:
greenred wrote:Ha ha,ive been banned,from a millwall forum :D

Green you was banned because you was a tw@t

If they banned all the tw.ats on your site there`d be no one left.Cut out the racism and people like me will upset you less.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 31, 2004 4:19 pm
by Dom1
greenred wrote:I liked the cheeseman.I wonder if he lost face over the Heysel comment.He`s welcome back anytime though,he`s got friends on here.

he sure has  :D

PostPosted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 12:13 am
by the great one
Rewriting of events past and present hard to take Oct 29 2004

By Sam Johnstone Liverpool supporter, Daily Post

I'VE always known that football is full of hypocrisy, but the events on Tuesday night have taken it to new levels.

I'm not condoning the episode, but the blinkered views of the Millwall chairman and some of their supporters are pathetic.

According to Theo Paphitis (left) no Hillsborough chants came from the home supporters, but it was quite clear that they did chant some incredibly repugnant stuff.

Paphitis then went on to say that it was all Liverpool fans' fault, and that it was similar to Reds chanting about Munich to United supporters.

Can you believe it? On one hand he says that Millwall's reputation is all in the past and that it's unfair for the media to portray them as thugs, and yet on the other he's comparing the Hillsborough chants (which have now been confirmed by the obviously slightly hard of hearing chairman) to something no Liverpool supporter has done for at least 15 years.

So if he's going to drag up the past, why don't we? Mill-wall quite rightly had a bad reputation - there's no denying that. Similarly there's no denying the huge strides made by the club, its supporter organisations and the ordinary fan in changing their thuggish image. They've had the odd skirmish, but generally the club has made sure that the focus is on the football rather than the minority of idiots that gave them a bad name in the '80s.

A mate of mine is a Millwall supporter, and he was genuinely relishing the Reds' first visit to the New Den. When all hell broke loose, he sent me a shocked text. The message didn't say anything about the Liverpool supporters; the thrust was about how upset he was that a section of the crowd were goading the Reds' support with Hillsborough chants. He felt ashamed of his own fellow Lions. So how does Theo Paphitis justify that?

The reaction to the taunts was wrong, but the way Paphitis has tried to shift all the blame for the incident is just as wrong. We've put up with all sorts since 1985, with Hillsborough being the pinnacle. The most disgraceful thing about this whole incident is the rewriting of history in Tuesday's aftermath.

The new revisionism on Hillsborough has been breathtaking in it's audacity and sickness.

I'm very saddened by the whole episode, as I thought this kind of nonsense was gone forever. There are still morons out there with no idea of what it was like on the April 15 1989.

Oh, and by the way, we won and played quite well in parts.