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PostPosted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 9:04 am
by Ciggy
Lee J wrote:
Millwall chief Dennis Wise declared: “It wasn’t our punters. It was the Liverpool fans, so we’ll leave it at that.”

Errrrrr....... no Wisey we won't just leave it at that you jumped up little tw@t!

I hate this guy's arrogance, he was a sh!te player and an even worse manager.
Do Millwall have a forum??? I'll look and if they have I feel some abuse coming on.

Im fuming!!

Lee mate dont lower yourself to there standards stand above scum we are higher than that and always will be.

PostPosted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 9:04 am
by Leonmc0708
we're the best behaved supporters in the land
we're the best behaved supporters in the land
we're the best behaved supporters
best behaved supporters
best behaved supporters in the land (When we win)

We're a right shower of b@stards when we lose
We're a right shower of b@stards when we lose
We're a right shower of b@stards
right shower of b@stards
We're a right shower of b@stards when we lose

PostPosted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 9:19 am
by 106-1093504160
wisey, stay out of london taxi cabs, the oap drivers hate being assaulted.

pay yer 3.50 fare and leave :D

PostPosted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 9:22 am
by Roger Red Hat
I dont usually lower myself but I couldn't help it this time.

Im shaking im that furious, I could quiet easily punch some Millwall fans lights out at the moment.

PostPosted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 9:27 am
by murphy0151
Lee J wrote:I dont usually lower myself but I couldn't help it this time.

Im shaking im that furious, I could quiet easily punch some Millwall fans lights out at the moment.

Go ed, Rocky Laaaaaa

PostPosted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 9:33 am
by Redtribe
Isnt anyone else gutted that we reacted to them?
Basically we gave them what they wanted!

They are scum and the powers that be should really look at why trouble always occurs around these overweight balding skinhead ******!

PostPosted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 9:34 am
by mistyred
Even in london people hate the Scum Bstard.s they should never be classed as londoners they have always been outcasts weither it foul behaviour or the nonsense that comes out of the hooligans mouths.

A bloody shame they have not gone tits up, I hate that about these "so called" fans not to worry fellow kopites we have already done the damage 3-0 speaks for it's self.

PostPosted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 9:38 am
by addicted norwegian
Lee J wrote:I dont usually lower myself but I couldn't help it this time.

Im shaking im that furious, I could quiet easily punch some Millwall fans lights out at the moment.

I took a swing by the Milwall-forum, and if you were one of the Liverpool-fans posting in the debate there, I back your statements 100%.

PostPosted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 10:17 am
by Paul C
I fookin hate Millwall, their fans have and always will be trouble causers, I don't condone LFC's kickin off like that but if their were things chanted about Hillsborough you can't really blame them, it p1ssed me off the way Wise was talkin about the LFC fans like Millwall FC have never caused any trouble

I f**kin hate Millwall and that stupid midget pr1ck of a manager too!! :angry:

PostPosted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 10:47 am
by akumaface
Millwall is hell, they are the lowest of the low. The Hillsborough incident was a tragedy and anyone bringing it up during a game playing liverpool can really tell you something about their fans. They are classless and have no life whatsoever. I can't possibly put my anger into words. But on the other hand, I think this is an isolated incident and urge all fans not to retaliate. If we do, it will further worsen our image and make other people believe in something that we are not. The best retaliation is we beat them everytime we play them.:p

PostPosted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 10:55 am
by JBG
Kevin Muscat is an absolutely disgraceful footballer.

I know Craig Bellamy is not the most popular player around but Muscat's tackle on him 3 or 4 years ago when Bellamy played for Norwich and Muscat played for Wolves was absolutely shocking and almost ended Bellamy's career. I think Muscat actually has ended someone's career and there's talk of a court case but the other player's name escapes me.

Muscat's tackle on Baros and subsequent grabbing him by the throat was simply not on, especially when you consider the volatile situation in the stands.

Not surprisingy that Muscat was also behind Pongolle's injury.  :angry:

PostPosted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 11:04 am
by Red_Si
The Manhattan Project wrote:Why are Millwall fans such d*ckheads?

What's their f*cking problem?


The problem is that many fans are not fully developed human beings. They are uneducated neanderthals, who follow  primitive instincts of aggression and violence.

Thick, violent men will always follow football and being in a mob encourages them to behave like the animals they are.
At the last England game I attended, I wanted to go home after 10 mins simply because of the vile people sat around me.

Personally, I would send them all off to a remote island and let them kill each other. We need to rid society of this disease. :(

PostPosted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 11:09 am
by Ciggy
True mate I was in portugal when euro 2004 was on and 90% of the fans were not england fans but from teams such as Millwall, Luton etc and were not there supporting england but there supporting violence.
Dirty big fat headed skin head tatooed b.astards walkin round thinkin they owned the place :angry:
My mum said to this bunch see 3 scousers got us here refering to Gerrard ,Owen , Heskey and this big fat knob nearly knocked her out and said yer but your dirty stinkin scousers lost us the france game after that night we wanted to leave portugal.
It was a nightmare they where vile and horrible people.