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PostPosted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 12:43 am
by A.B.
I doubt that Owen could score 30 goals in the Premiership if he returned, he simply isn't the player he once was.

PostPosted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 12:51 am
by Dalglish
A.B. wrote:I doubt that Owen could score 30 goals in the Premiership if he returned, he simply isn't the player he once was.

No, he's likely to become a better one at Real Madrid  ???

Which is why anybody who wouldn't take him back needs their head feeling  ???

The only reservation I have is that it was well known at Liverpool that there were factions and Owen , Murphy and Gerard were an exclusive trio. There were signs that owen believed he had become "it" at Liverpool FC and nothing else mattered. Benitez was strong where Houllier (or whoever iswas in charge of players contracts)was not and Houllier's delay cost us a significant amount of money.

PostPosted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 12:55 am
by greenred
bigmick wrote:I don't think it was necessarily Owen who was one-dimensional to be fair, more the system that Houllier employed. Let's be honest, Shevchenko Renaldo or any other 'O' you care to mention would struggle to look impressive and part of a cohesive unit when playing alongside Heskey. Clearly, any striker playing for us worth his salt is going to get his share of chances now, particularly at Anfield. If Owen was that man, he would almost certainly convert more than either Baros or Cisse.
That said, I'm not in favour of him returning. He's not, in my opinion, the player he once was. His involvement in build-up play is average at best, certainly inferior to Cisse or Baros and the nasty taste left in the mouth by the selfish manner of his contract stalling then departure is difficult to expunge (not sure expunge is the right word there, not even sure it is a word at all but if its not, it should be). No, fickle ballocks here has decided, based on fifteen seconds of St Mikes Mista clips that he is the man (that's Mista, not St mike though he probably is the man too).

Your right,expunge is a good word :D

PostPosted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 1:55 am
by The Manhattan Project
We don't need or want that midget back.  :glare:

PostPosted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 2:06 am
by L-type
The Manhattan Project wrote:We don't need or want that midget back.  :glare:

someone ban this dumbas$ ,  michael owen was an integral part of our team, but no longer as he has picked up his game in the madrid and 3 game winning goals in 3 straight games has got to make him important to Madrid.  I would take him back in a heart beat but there is no way we could get him back.  END OF DISCUSSION

PostPosted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 2:42 am
by banana
L-type wrote:
The Manhattan Project wrote:We don't need or want that midget back.  :glare:

someone ban this dumbas$ ,  michael owen was an integral part of our team, but no longer as he has picked up his game in the madrid and 3 game winning goals in 3 straight games has got to make him important to Madrid.  I would take him back in a heart beat but there is no way we could get him back.  END OF DISCUSSION

Relax. We do not want or need Owen anymore. He did just as Mc Manaman. Left us for Madrid. I remember when Mc Manaman left. People said it was a disaster. We would never win anything anymore. We lost our best player and my he could never ever be replaceed by anyone. But what happened? We became a better team without him. A while after he left supporters started to judge his abilities with their brains instead of with their biased supporter-eyes. And his skills did not seem so impressive anymore. He was quite simple a completely ordinary player. And guess what, he spent most of his spell in spain on the stands or in the fancy night clubs sipping liquor.This is the same road as Owen will travel. He is a player struggling to find the net, struggling with his fitness level, struggling with his many injuries, struggling with his technique. I am perfectly happy with the lads we have, and we do not need big ego players here, we need 11 team players united in the red colours. And that is exactly what we will be getting with Senor Benitez. Bring on Blackburn!

PostPosted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 2:52 am
by 115-1073096938
Relax. We do not want or need Owen anymore. He did just as Mc Manaman. Left us for Madrid. I remember when Mc Manaman left. People said it was a disaster. We would never win anything anymore. We lost our best player and my he could never ever be replaceed by anyone. But what happened? We became a better team without him. A while after he left supporters started to judge his abilities with their brains instead of with their biased supporter-eyes. And his skills did not seem so impressive anymore. He was quite simple a completely ordinary player. And guess what, he spent most of his spell in spain on the stands or in the fancy night clubs sipping liquor.This is the same road as Owen will travel. He is a player struggling to find the net, struggling with his fitness level, struggling with his many injuries, struggling with his technique. I am perfectly happy with the lads we have, and we do not need big ego players here, we need 11 team players united in the red colours. And that is exactly what we will be getting with Senor Benitez. Bring on Blackburn!

That explains your idiotic views then.

He is a player struggling to find the net, struggling with his fitness level, struggling with his many injuries, struggling with his technique

??? Am i missing something?

You are a wind up merchant. You surely don't believe this drivel you spout? ???


PostPosted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 3:01 am
by banana
stu_the_red wrote:
Relax. We do not want or need Owen anymore. He did just as Mc Manaman. Left us for Madrid. I remember when Mc Manaman left. People said it was a disaster. We would never win anything anymore. We lost our best player and my he could never ever be replaceed by anyone. But what happened? We became a better team without him. A while after he left supporters started to judge his abilities with their brains instead of with their biased supporter-eyes. And his skills did not seem so impressive anymore. He was quite simple a completely ordinary player. And guess what, he spent most of his spell in spain on the stands or in the fancy night clubs sipping liquor.This is the same road as Owen will travel. He is a player struggling to find the net, struggling with his fitness level, struggling with his many injuries, struggling with his technique. I am perfectly happy with the lads we have, and we do not need big ego players here, we need 11 team players united in the red colours. And that is exactly what we will be getting with Senor Benitez. Bring on Blackburn!

That explains your idiotic views then.

He is a player struggling to find the net, struggling with his fitness level, struggling with his many injuries, struggling with his technique

??? Am i missing something?

You are a wind up merchant. You surely don't believe this drivel you spout? ???


I know you worship the boy. And I know you worshipped Houllier and you were devastated when Murphy left. Why? I do not know. As for me I opened a bottle of champagne when Houllier left, I bought a beer when Murphy left, and I did not care when Owen left. In my books he had been gone for ages anyway. But to wrap things up. If Owen, against all odds, starts to score on a regular basis again, recaptures his killer instinct, regains his pace, improves his skills on the ball, start working a little more and a little harder for the team I will admit that I was wrong about him. But right now I can't see that happen in a million light years.

PostPosted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 3:19 am
by barnesrush
the guy hasnt just become the latest galactico for nothing. a slight loss of pace does not turn him from a world class european player of the year to being worse than cisse and baros (no offence to them).

anyone got any 'figures' on exactly how much pace he is supposed to have lost cos the last few times ive seen him he looked pretty damn quick.

dont let bitterness get in the way of footballing decisions. the lad wanted to play abroad and fair play to him. ill always follow his career whether its at real, back here or wherever.

slightly lacking in technical ability but a class striker none the less.

(i do think defoe could eventually become a far better player as he has all that owens got but with a far better touch)

PostPosted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 3:59 am
by The Canadian Red Army
ive loved him for 8 years hes still amamzing goal scorer

PostPosted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 5:12 am
by The Manhattan Project
michael owen was an integral part of our team, but no longer as he has picked up his game in the madrid and 3 game winning goals in 3 straight games has got to make him important to Madrid.  I would take him back in a heart beat but there is no way we could get him back.  END OF DISCUSSION

Yes, precious Michael, who basically told the club to p*ss off after saying previously that he'd stay if Liverpool if they reached the CL, and messed the club around for months with his contract had he had no intention of signing.

God bless him.  :glare:

PostPosted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 6:52 am
by Ciggy
He aint doin to bad bagged his 3rd last night.
How can u say he done a macca? he went on a bosman at least we got 8 mill for owen lets face it he cost us nothing and gave us 8 years of goals.
Not like traitor across the park who didnt even give the bluenoses another season.

PostPosted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 7:45 am
by begintoend
Owen is not what we need now. He ia already part of the history. Lets look forward.

I never wanted him back and couldn't care how much better or worse he faired somewhere else. And to worship him like some godsent miracle..... only some fellas will, but not me. Why is there still so much hype on him even though he has left the club? He has served his purpose in LFC but I think we did ourselves good by moving on without him.

I am a realist too and I really think he ain't a top notch footballer. And just if... and its only Just If.... I wouldn't want him back.

PostPosted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 7:59 am
by kindaconfused

Interesting comments, having seen MO play for RM I'm surprised how poor his skills are to beat a defender. His skill is in the speed of turn and being in the right place which is the reason for scoring quite a few with his head.

MO teamed up with Heskey and the managers (GH and Ericksin) always said Heskey's skill was always in his hold up play and lay-offs and these skills were generally not recognised by the fans only by other players and the fans.

The point I'm making is I'm not sure who could provide this service for MO now but accept Alonso and Gerrard can provide the quick long ball from defence.

To me he almost needs someone to sacrifice their game to allow him to play. MO's greatest skill is his speed straight and turning and when these alludes him then I don't think he has other skills al la Sheera to compensate.

PostPosted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 8:08 am
by azriahmad
Would he have scored more goals than Baros or Cisse if he were playing for Liverpool now? Most likely so based on his goalscoring record for playing in a team that played such dire football.

Do we miss his goal scoring exploits? Probably, as our main strikers are proving to be very goal-shy.

Do we want him back, if he were to be made available? Maybe, from the football perspective. No, from the human prespective, because of his conduct in delaying the contract extension that we had no choice but to sell him cheap. He doesn't want to stay and similarly, we should not want him back.

Good luck, Owen. Thank you for the memories and your service.

We are Liverpool Football Club, and we can find our own way, thank you very much. End of story.