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PostPosted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 11:29 pm
by supersub
Igor Biscan has the potential to be a great centre-half....f**k who said that!!!!

PostPosted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 11:30 pm
by taff
Fair enough

I have my dark moments sometimes where Cheyrou and Traore are the backbone of a great new French team afer we sold them

Theres also huge hype about pongo and le tallec but they were in a junior cup winning team with France

PostPosted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 11:30 pm
by Dalglish
You just did Supersub ......... As far as I know your the ONLY person i've ever heard say it :p

PostPosted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 11:33 pm
by Dalglish
Pongo and Le Tellac are in a  different league to Cheyrou, Biscan and Traore.

It's down to benitez whether they fulfil their potential at LFC or not. Thing is Benitez's "clock for success" is already ticking (whatever the Board say publicly). it remains to be seen whether Benitez feels these two can deliver what he wants quick enough

PostPosted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 11:33 pm
by supersub
Oh come on dalglish ..that was a classic quote from GH last season when Igor was putting in a few decent shows early on...Chris Bascombe will verify that one.:D

PostPosted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 11:34 pm
by Dalglish
I bow to your greater knowledage then Supersub :p

PostPosted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 11:37 pm
by taff
Interesting to see what Benitez does come January Id like to see the two French kids stay but gone are the days of proving yourself in reserves and on loan everybody wants first team action now

PostPosted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 11:40 pm
by Dalglish
Seems that way taff and football is generally the worse for it mate ???

Interesting to note thopugh that Reyes has probabbly been the best player in the pren so far this season and he is a nipper.

I believe that there are many players out there in Academy's and youth set ups around the country waiting for their chance and probably won't get it at the top level. ???

PostPosted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 11:47 pm
by taff
It is a we want it now culture and LFC have been pretty good on that account wth their patience but you see a lot of fans these days with less patience

We have to accept the fact that were probably not in a position to buy success either

Unfortunately we have to forget everything and give Raffa time although I cant see him getting as long as Houllier unless he wins sme trophies but in all honesty whats the alternative turn into Aston Villa  ???

PostPosted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 11:51 pm
by Dalglish
Houllier won trophies,.......just not the ones LFC fans crave (Prem and CL).

You have probabbly read my support for GH in other posts although that doesn't mean I disagreed when he went. It was time for a change but i thought GH did a great job in many ways for LFC until about 2 seasons ago (Summer of 2002 when he biought Diouf, Daio and Cheyrou for a combined £20 million !!!

PostPosted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 11:56 pm
by taff
Everyone shared the optimism around the time of the treble and he laid down some great foundations with the training complex hence why I wasnt too keen on Morgans bid with his pop comments take us back to the seventies as football although the same is also different.

I think his signings finished him and am not too keen on ever seeing Diouf at the club again.

But hes gone and I hope we give Raffa at least three seasons unless things are completely out of control

PostPosted: Tue Sep 28, 2004 12:01 am
by Dalglish
Benitez is just a level up from Houllier in terms of managerial ability. Its obvious the players know who is Boss at LFC and it ain't the players any longer !!! Ask Michael Owen and Danny Murphy if your not sure  :D

Danny has disappointed me big style "bitchin" about Benitez and using the ONLY weapon he could (the guys not British) . Sounds like a BNP councillor ???

PostPosted: Tue Sep 28, 2004 12:02 am
by taff
Called in a mates to have a smoke afer work he made me laugh saying like Murphys Im not bitter  :D

PostPosted: Tue Sep 28, 2004 12:07 am
by Dalglish
I think murphy's been on the Wacky Bacci if he thinks going to Charlton is a decent careeer move :p

PostPosted: Tue Sep 28, 2004 12:10 am
by Dalglish
And Ditto Michael Owen  :p