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PostPosted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 3:04 am
by A.B.
I think Baros played ok for the most part, he tried to get involved like he did against City. I want to hear what everybody else other than Carragher have to say about their performance.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 4:00 am
by anfieldadorer
I couldn't help and hate it that this question was just passing my mind: "can we beat Arsenal?". (bitter)

PostPosted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 4:25 am
by laza
Its disappointing but its not the end of the world, look on bright side we are now guaranteed 14 million pounds

PostPosted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 4:55 am
by anfieldadorer
laza, do you know the structure of incentives given to CL qualifiers?

PostPosted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 6:46 am
by laza
No i was going off several news sources including the ESPN one which stated its worth 14 million to get to CL group stages

from soccernet

Liverpool narrowly escaped a £14million foul-up as they scrambled into the lucrative group stages of the Champions League with a 1-0 defeat against Graz AK

PostPosted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 8:35 am
by jymbojetset
Although it was a woeful performance, I think there was a bit of the same attitude as when we lost 2-0 to Arsenal in '89.

And lets be fair, that team from 15 years ago, were a much better (bearing in mind times change) team.

I think we should wait and judge the players after a few more games.

Is this down to Houllier (still), or as Dalglish suggests,a lack of professionalism on behalf of certain players?

PostPosted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 9:29 am
by Starbridge42
Maybe a bit fo both.  I think maybe the players were unproffesional and Houllier just let them get away with it.  And bad habits are the hardest to break.  Benitez needs to get stuck into those players and sort them out quicksmart.  I think some of the most suprisingly poor performances came from some of the established players.  With these new players coming in one would think they'd be fighting for there place in Europe but no...

PostPosted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 9:54 am
by taff
If we trounced them six nothing would everyone be posting about Houlliers team then or raving about Benitez?

Houllier is gone and the players didnt turn up last night maybe tired maybe not but they didnt show bottom line.

The only good thing is we are through

PostPosted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 12:17 am
by sgs
Its the result s.t.u.p.i.d!
Seriously, the bottomline is we qualified and thats all you need at this stage.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 7:36 am
by kindaconfuzed
Just a few interesting (to me anyway) observations from last nights game and TV coverage.

Raf went on record to say that he thought the team was only playing to 60% of its capacity (before the game) so he obviously believes the potential to be medal wining.

Sammy H also said that Raf wanted them to play the shorter game in terms of passing and then ITV2 showed the the Valencia side doing just that and it was impressive.

I also think Stevie G needs to calm down a bit with his passing, when it isn't going for him he should stick to the less risk game plan but I realise this is difficult cos his game is all about the unbelievable pass.

Dudek is making too many mistakes and he reminds me of James in that respect. If we are to win then we can't afford those sort of mistakes.

PostPosted: Sun Aug 29, 2004 8:23 am
by kindaconfuzed
It seems me technical appraisal of the game has seen the muppets off especially that REdriding Hood.