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PostPosted: Sun Jun 20, 2004 12:09 pm
by fivecups
TheHustler wrote:
fivecups wrote:
TheHustler wrote:1. He recently signed a new contract, pledging his future to Liverpool fc and urged Michael Owen to do the same. you dont do that if you are gonna bugger off in the close season.

2.With reference to the above, his contract is a Legally Binding Document which states he is tied to the club for 4 years, so even if he wanted to go, its impossible and a breach of contract.

And also any player who has decided they want to go, will go. Contracts mean nothing.  A player who doesn't want to be at a team is no use. If that happens they will take Chelsea's money.

Contracts mean nothing?  Dont be silly, Liverpool (if they wanted) could withold a players registration who refused to play for the club, which would not allow them to play for another club ever! say 'If they wanted to...'.

Why would they do that??

If a player has made up his mind to leave and there is a buyer he will go no matter if he has three or four years left on his contract.

You know that and your arguement that this may keep Stevie at Liverpool is therefore invalid.

PostPosted: Sun Jun 20, 2004 12:20 pm
by 84-1083280474
fivecups wrote:
TheHustler wrote:
fivecups wrote:
TheHustler wrote:1. He recently signed a new contract, pledging his future to Liverpool fc and urged Michael Owen to do the same. you dont do that if you are gonna bugger off in the close season.

2.With reference to the above, his contract is a Legally Binding Document which states he is tied to the club for 4 years, so even if he wanted to go, its impossible and a breach of contract.

And also any player who has decided they want to go, will go. Contracts mean nothing.  A player who doesn't want to be at a team is no use. If that happens they will take Chelsea's money.

Contracts mean nothing?  Dont be silly, Liverpool (if they wanted) could withold a players registration who refused to play for the club, which would not allow them to play for another club ever! say 'If they wanted to...'.

Why would they do that??

If a player has made up his mind to leave and there is a buyer he will go no matter if he has three or four years left on his contract.

You know that and your arguement that this may keep Stevie at Liverpool is therefore invalid.

Dont be silly! Your comments are invalid. the player does not call the shots!

If Stevie didnt want play for LFC and the board wouldnt sell him, He could be sacked for gross misconduct. If you dont fulfill whats in your contract (ie; playing footy for LFC) then its a breach and is gross misconduct.

thats like you starting a job and signing a contract of employment, then refusing to work!

your saying if stevie has got a face on him, and doesnt want to play for us anymore he can just walk away.

Rick parry is the boss and he has the ultimate say. He could simply refuse any offer. then what would stevie do? throw his toys out of the pram? yes but he'd still have to play for us!

Someone possibly could buy his contract out, but only chelsea have the money to do it, and it aint gonna happen.

PostPosted: Sun Jun 20, 2004 12:30 pm
by Sean
Wth the news that Stevie Gerrard will more than likely be joining Chelsea, for the first time ever I feel that the decline that started at Liverpool 14 years ago may be terminal.
In Germany all the top German players are eventually signed up by Bayern Munich.  In Spain the top Spanish players more often than not will be lured to Real Madrid or Barcelona.  I fear that the same thing will now happen in the premiership.  Chelsea, United and Arsenal will simply fight it out for the best talent in the premiership and unfortunately when the bidding begins we will simply not be able to compete.
After reading the papers this morning I have never felt so depressed.  The best thing that could for us would be if England get beaten by Croatia and have to go home early because there is obviously a feel good factor in the England camp and the longer Lampard is whispering Chelsea nonsense in Gerrards ear the greater the odds he'll be moving on.

PostPosted: Sun Jun 20, 2004 12:33 pm
by jimmyb
You cant keep an unhappy player. you just have to accept the players wishes and take the money .Imagine stevie g at anfield next season moaning that we,re not good enough for him and destabilising all rafas work and all the new buys we,ll hopefully have.

PostPosted: Sun Jun 20, 2004 12:37 pm
by fivecups
TheHustler wrote:
fivecups wrote:
TheHustler wrote:
fivecups wrote:
TheHustler wrote:1. He recently signed a new contract, pledging his future to Liverpool fc and urged Michael Owen to do the same. you dont do that if you are gonna bugger off in the close season.

2.With reference to the above, his contract is a Legally Binding Document which states he is tied to the club for 4 years, so even if he wanted to go, its impossible and a breach of contract.

And also any player who has decided they want to go, will go. Contracts mean nothing.  A player who doesn't want to be at a team is no use. If that happens they will take Chelsea's money.

Contracts mean nothing?  Dont be silly, Liverpool (if they wanted) could withold a players registration who refused to play for the club, which would not allow them to play for another club ever! say 'If they wanted to...'.

Why would they do that??

If a player has made up his mind to leave and there is a buyer he will go no matter if he has three or four years left on his contract.

You know that and your arguement that this may keep Stevie at Liverpool is therefore invalid.

Dont be silly! Your comments are invalid. the player does not call the shots!

If Stevie didnt want play for LFC and the board wouldnt sell him, He could be sacked for gross misconduct. If you dont fulfill whats in your contract (ie; playing footy for LFC) then its a breach and is gross misconduct.

thats like you starting a job and signing a contract of employment, then refusing to work!

your saying if stevie has got a face on him, and doesnt want to play for us anymore he can just walk away.

Rick parry is the boss and he has the ultimate say. He could simply refuse any offer. then what would stevie do? throw his toys out of the pram? yes but he'd still have to play for us!

Someone possibly could buy his contract out, but only chelsea have the money to do it, and it aint gonna happen.

Rick Parry could refuse any offer, but he wont.

If you force a player to play he will not play well.

And the player will get his way. Look at Scott Parker and Louis Saha, both their clubs tried to hold onto them.

That is why theoretical talk of contractual obligation is invalid.

PostPosted: Sun Jun 20, 2004 12:40 pm
by Sean
If Gerrard goes 30 million will not be enough.  The fee should be closer to 40 million

PostPosted: Sun Jun 20, 2004 1:06 pm
by 84-1083280474
Spot on!

If Chelsea want him we should hold Abramovich to ransom, the f***ing spoilt c**t.
Just put a price on his head, 40 million, plus we want 3 luxury yachts in the south of france for Lfc fans cruises. 5 Choppers, A block of luxury holiday apartments in the Indian Ocean, a fleet of Bentleys for fans taxi's to the match, and a free Holiday to the Caribean for every LFC fan.

and see what his response is.

PostPosted: Sun Jun 20, 2004 1:21 pm
by 115-1073096938
Why not just say 10million plus Duff and Cole...

They have Robben now don't they, and Cole never plays anyways. :)

Both would improve our side.

PostPosted: Sun Jun 20, 2004 1:42 pm
by Sean
Fair comment Stu.  Duff and Cole are both good players, but do we need both ?  Remember, we also have Kewell and hopefully Benitez will use him as an out and out attacker.

PostPosted: Sun Jun 20, 2004 1:52 pm
by 115-1073096938
Cole is a central midfielder, so we would need to strengthen this area should Gerrard leave. Duff is a superb touchline hogging winger.

Probably no better than Kewell in terms of ability, but alot more consistent.

                Cisse           Baros
Kewell     ?_?_?_?_?     Hamann     ?_?_?_?_?
Riise          Hyypia      ?_?_?_?_?   ?_?_?_?_?

Even without Stevie and Michael there theres still more than enough currently there to get 4th place. Cole and Duff would be superb additions. Pennant, Malbranque, Robbie Keane, Defoe, Barry, Simon Davies and Woodgate would all be players i'd be looking to bring to the club.

Houllier didn't get the best out of alot of players either, Smicer, Hamann (Mainly due to Gerrards progress), Kewell, Riise and Finnan to name a couple. Le Tallec and Pongolle haven't seen there best years yet either.

Theres alot of room for optimism even if these two half commited glory seeking faggots leave.

*sorry but am ****** off with there attitude.

PostPosted: Sun Jun 20, 2004 2:00 pm
I will reserve judgement on Gerrard until I know the truth ,its surely isn’t worth condemning the man if its not true , likewise  extolling his virtues if it is .

However I would make him hand in a written transfer request with all the indignity and stigma that goes with it ,and if the rumours have any substance  he will witness first hand the fans wrath  instead of waltzing away with as little fuss  as possible, an explanation from Gerrard is surely overdue and scant consolation for worshipping  at his altar every match day  !
:( :(

PostPosted: Sun Jun 20, 2004 2:01 pm
by JohnBull
Why on earth would anyone want to keep a player who wants away?

The deafening silence from Gerrard says it all - he's sold his soul to the devil.

The last time something like this happened, a REALLY important player wanting to get away,was Keegan. I was heart broken, couldn't believe it, then came the BEST player EVER to wear a red shirt.

Take the money and enjoy the new season with a team playing with a point to prove - there is life after Gerrard!

PostPosted: Sun Jun 20, 2004 2:02 pm
by kenco
Stevie G must be well aware of the rumours, if there were no truth in them he would make a statement of his intent to stay at liverpool. He is leaving make no mistake about that.So lets hope we can screw chelsea for every last penny we can get out of them!! :angry:

PostPosted: Sun Jun 20, 2004 2:40 pm
by edwardo
Please inform your frustrated fans what is going on regarding the Chelsea rumours, sure you're aware of all the hype so why not speak one way or the other, I know we are only a bunch of people who made your dream possible by turning up to adore you week after week and paying for the privelage but surely we deserve better than we are getting (deafening silence)

just sent him this e-mail, more or less sums up my feelings after reading the 'Mail' this-morning.
doubt LFC will pass it on but what the hell!

PostPosted: Sun Jun 20, 2004 2:47 pm
by Scottbot
Is there some sort of forum for getting messages across to players at the club? Maybe 15,000 emails might make the lad realise leaving now would be a mistake. I don't care what he does at Cheslea, he could never recieve the adulation he gets from the LFC masses.