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Re: Walking the Walk

PostPosted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 4:42 pm
by red till i die!!
maguskwt » Mon Sep 15, 2014 1:42 pm wrote:
red till i die!! » Mon Sep 15, 2014 10:27 am wrote:we have spent more than enough money to kick on this season but unfortunately we didnt spend it that well and secure at least one player who makes a difference. we have opted for numbers instead to build a bench that should have been sorted in the previous windows.
the prices we are paying for some of the players is ridiculous. allen, sakho, lovren and lallana being the worst.
rodgers refused to work with van gaal when offered the job and now look at the players he has attracted to the scum, with no european football either. the difference being that by the time van gaal spends the same as brendan did he could probably win the league despite us having a 2 year head start on him.
we wont challenge for the league this year and we are going to have our work cut out for top 4.
i cant help but feel that had our management been better in the market, then this season we could have been walking the walk rather than 3 years later still talking the talk.

With what money were we gonna build a squad in the previous windows? The reason we could spend so much this season was 1. We are back in the champions league and 2. We sold Suarez for 75 million. With this opportunity we need to use it wisely and I believe we did. Like what yakka said, we  just need to get the new players all playing as a team. You don't need to spend the way man u, Chelsea and man City are spending to win the league, and we can't afford to anyway. It won't be sustainable for us. But there are recent examples of teams winning the league with managers who has clear vision, like atletico Madrid and borrussia dortmund.

how about the £100 million + we spent in the 2 years before this window ? and the very little return we got from it. we should have at least having a bench for that kind of money but instead we frittered it away on players who just arent good enough, players that we then sent out on loan because quite frankly they arent even good enough for the bench.
my point was that had we of gotten better from that money we would now be further on in our development and in a position spend what we did in this summer to add better players like our rivals did rather than having to wait for a relatively new team to gel.
i dont believe we need to spend 500 mil or anything to build a challenge either but it isnt like we have spent nothing up till this point. our spending is right up there with the rest over the last 3 years. granted not as high as manure,city or the chavs but it isnt chicken feed. i would also say that both of those teams you mentioned didnt spend what money they had on players to loan out but on players that improved their initial 11. those clubs also get a pittance in money compared to what we get during a season and i'll bet we have outspent both in the last 3 years.
like i said if we had of done better with the money in the first 2 seasons under brendan we could have been in a position now to spend 120 mil on 3 or 4  players rather than the 9 or so we did just to add a bit of depth whilst correcting previous mistakes.

Re: Walking the Walk

PostPosted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 5:05 pm
by Kash_Mountain
eds » Sep 15th, '14, 14:07 wrote:
Kash_Mountain » Mon Sep 15, 2014 8:50 am wrote:I do believe the Mwancks have hit the panic stations, and as I've said elsewhere on the forum, I just get this odd/funny feeling they will be relegated, no matter who they have bought in.

Manure Relegated?

What f**king weed are you smoking mate, that is some good s**t.

:laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:


:D  :D  trust me, it will happen.

Re: Walking the Walk

PostPosted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 6:08 pm
by Doeboy
Unfortunately the issue is the likes of City, Chelsea and Utd operate on a different financial field. City and Chelsea have been lucky in finding sugar daddies to spend their way up.

Utd have been lucky in some respect as their success started just as TV money started pouring into the game and they have used that success on the field to push on commercially and have exploited it very well. That's the main reason why they have been able to get Di Maria and Falcao, both off the peg, ready to go world class players.

Arsenal have also built on the success they had in the late 90s/early noughties and been able to move to a new stadium with increased match day revenue. It's one of the reasons they can go out and buy the likes of an Ozil or Sanchez.

We desperately need a bigger ground, be it increasing capacity at Anfield or moving elsewhere. Sometimes I am gobsmacked our total capacity is only a tad over 45k. We are one of Europe's elite clubs with a real tradition and history behind us and a worldwide fanbase and yet the likes of Newcastle and Sunderland have a bigger ground with Villa and Chelsea not too far behind. This really should have been addressed a long time ago.

Commercially we are late to the party and are playing catch up but think we are on the right path now.

Last season was amazing and I hope it wasn't a flash in the pan down to having a truly world class player. I'm confident we have brought in some quality players but none are what I'd call  world class at the moment. However that doesn't mean they won't develop into ones with us. We have no doubt strengthened the squad as a whole but I can't see a title challenge this year as we have brought in a lot of new players and they will take time to gel and also with more games with the CL, will make it harder.

I've got a feeling top four is also going to be a dog fight, between us, Arsenal and the mancs for two places. Reason I include the mancs is because they have so few games this year and Van Gaal will get them organised enough as a unit to give their attacking players enough of a chance to blast their way through games