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Re: Fernando Torres - Would you have him back?

PostPosted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 8:30 am
by kazza

Re: Fernando Torres - Would you have him back?

PostPosted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 2:05 am
by Red Focus
Like Owen, we got the best out of him and now for whatever reason he is past his prime. I don't think he would want to come back anyway.

Re: Fernando Torres - Would you have him back?

PostPosted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 11:29 am
by Reg
Carra makes some good comments today in the Telegraph about Torres, so the answer has to be No.

“The thing about keeping unhappy players is an issue because we had that experience with Torres and keeping him wasn’t the right thing to do,” Carragher said. “Torres wasn’t the same player for about 18 months and that’s certainly what you don’t want.

“But with a character like Luis Suárez, I don’t think that would be an issue and if Liverpool were to keep him, I’m sure he would be as committed as ever. He has shown that already, not only on a weekly basis, but on a daily basis in training, and I don’t think Liverpool would ever have the problem that we had with Torres.

“At times, Torres wasn’t giving his best on the pitch for Liverpool and that is why it was a mistake to keep him. But I do believe that Suárez is a slightly different character to Fernando Torres.”

Carragher, who begins work as a Sky Sports pundit next month following his retirement at Anfield at the end of last season, concedes that Liverpool face a battle to prevent Real from tempting Suárez to the Bernabéu. But the former England international insists that Liverpool are in a strong position to retain their leading player.

Re: Fernando Torres - Would you have him back?

PostPosted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 1:26 pm
by Sabre
Besides the emotional reasons Carraguer gives, let's be perfectly honest here

* The best year for Fernando Torres was in Liverpool, he was never that good before, he hasn't been that good after.

* Unlike Alonso, Torres' game is about pace, which doesn't get better when you reach 30, and it doesn't get as good when you have suffered from muscular injuries.

* He'd still be a expensive player. And quite frankly I think Liverpool have spent too much money given the difficult economic situation.

So it's a big no. I think Liverpool sold him at the right time, and at a very good money.

Re: Fernando Torres - Would you have him back?

PostPosted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 1:29 pm
by Sabre
There are loads of rumours that Jose doesn't really fancy Torres

After the insults, after the humilliation, after the stick, after the songs, it's not a rumour but a fact that Mou will hate Spain and anything Spain related until he dies  :D

Re: Fernando Torres - Would you have him back?

PostPosted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 3:38 pm
by ycsatbjywtbiastkamb
people keep mentioning names like higuain and torres but i wouldnt spend any big money on an out and out CF, imo there are other area`s of the team that need strengthening first plus after the start he has made to his career here i think danny sturridge deserves the chance to prove he is capable of leading the line for this club. spending decent money on a CF will just push sturridge out wide to a position he doesnt want to play and where he looks half as effective.
sturridge and coutinho looked the real deal at the end of last season, lets build around that partnership not over it.
if we are going to bring in any forwards lets bring in wide forwards who will complement sturridge and coutinho`s games, by that i mean someone like luis muriel not a spanish version of borini.

Re: Fernando Torres - Would you have him back?

PostPosted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 3:44 pm
by Reg
Sabre !!

We're saved, the Happy Clappy king is back!!

Show us how to do it matey!
    :buttrock  :bowdown  :buttrock  :laugh:

Re: Fernando Torres - Would you have him back?

PostPosted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 4:03 pm
by devaney
I have always maintained that Comolli actually did an excellent job manipulating £50m out of Chelsea for a very disillusioned, out of form Torres with his bad couldn't care less attitude. I now believe more than ever that we desperately wanted shut of him after reading Carra's recent comments. Just a shame Comolli didn't play such a good poker hand with Newcastle.

Re: Fernando Torres - Would you have him back?

PostPosted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 4:12 pm
by Ben Patrick
Sabre » Thu Jun 20, 2013 12:26 pm wrote:Besides the emotional reasons Carraguer gives, let's be perfectly honest here

* The best year for Fernando Torres was in Liverpool, he was never that good before, he hasn't been that good after.

* Unlike Alonso, Torres' game is about pace, which doesn't get better when you reach 30, and it doesn't get as good when you have suffered from muscular injuries.

* He'd still be a expensive player. And quite frankly I think Liverpool have spent too much money given the difficult economic situation.

So it's a big no. I think Liverpool sold him at the right time, and at a very good money.

G'wed loaf ed lad, goos to see you back posting  :buttrock

Whats this young seville kid alberto like mate ?

Re: Fernando Torres - Would you have him back?

PostPosted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 7:48 pm
by fivecups
Reg » Thu Jun 20, 2013 2:44 pm wrote:Sabre !!

We're saved, the Happy Clappy king is back!!

Show us how to do it matey!
    :buttrock  :bowdown  :buttrock  :laugh:

SABRE!!!  :buttrock  :buttrock  :buttrock  :buttrock  :buttrock  :buttrock  :buttrock

Re: Fernando Torres - Would you have him back?

PostPosted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 9:36 pm
by Kukilon
Torres just stole a PK from Villa and missed it:). He has scored four though against Tahiti. 9-0 now.

Re: Fernando Torres - Would you have him back?

PostPosted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 11:05 pm
by dundreamin
What would we want him back for? Is he any good at polishing boots

Re: Fernando Torres - Would you have him back?

PostPosted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 11:23 pm
by dundreamin
What would we want him back for? Is he any good at polishing boots

Re: Fernando Torres - Would you have him back?

PostPosted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 6:48 am
by Sabre

G'wed loaf ed lad, goos to see you back posting  :buttrock

Whats this young seville kid alberto like mate ?

I haven't seen him much. Only in segunda division one game IIRC. I only have videos. Which means that I find his signing very very expensive. Unproven at top level.  I'm worried about Liverpool F.C. when it comes to selling players. Sell cheap, and buy expensive and a lot is worrying.

You know all the disclaimers Ben, "Every player in youtube seems good", "you have to watch 90 min games to say if a player is good", but I think in this video you'll get a better idea of what he's like. Of course some of the oppositions there are pathetic, but a good shot from outside the box, is a good shot from outside the box

I would like to see him more but last year he's been on loan in segunda. Certainly seems to have something, but then again, it's not the same thing to pay money for him and for Iago Aspas. The latter is less of a gamble. This Luis Alberto lad I think he could have been bought cheaper. Clubs here are economically *****, and it's a good time to buy cheap in Spain. But Liverpool is spending as if there was no debt!

(Reg  :laugh: , give me kwality and I'll be happy clappy again)

P.S. Fact: Luis Alberto will be earning in Liverpool 10 times what he was earning in Seville. 10 times. Liverpool is spending money happyclappily.

Re: Fernando Torres - Would you have him back?

PostPosted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 1:13 pm
by Ola Mr Benitez
Nice to have you back here Sabre..