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PostPosted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 6:16 pm
by leep33
The game at Sunderland and the game v Lyon for me!!

PostPosted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 6:28 pm
by The Good Yank
I'd change the draw at City to a win.  2 more pts for us.  1 less for City, and it'd be our only away win since December.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 4:45 am
by yolz
Manucs at old trafford
Just hate losing to them bast*rds

PostPosted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 7:46 am
by kazza
Greavesie wrote:
damjan193 wrote:Id go with one of the games against City, since they are our biggest threat at the moment.But the ealty games with Spurs and Villla I would also change

If I had a wish I'd ask for 3 more wishes  :D

I'd like to change the result of ten matches. depressingly had we drawn every loss, we would still be nine points back and in fourth place.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 9:59 am
by bigmick
First game of the season at Spurs. Although our pre-season was obviously calamitous, had we got off to a winning start the adrenalin might just have carried us through. I remain convinced the team is plenty good enough to have challenged for the title this season, but unfortunately we were out the race after about six matches which has made things ever more difficult since.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 10:17 am
by we all dream...
Spurs defeat.

for the obvious reasons.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 12:35 pm
by Owzat
s@int wrote:I suppose I would go for either Spurs first game of the season, or maybe Villa the 3rd game. A better start MIGHT have just kickstarted our season.

While you could say winning at spudz first game up could have lifted us, perhaps realism suggests that was a game we can often lose or not win, like we lost there last season after all - one of only two defeats in the league (compared to TEN so far this season)

I agree with the third game against villa, that compounded a bad start and we've not really recovered. spudz would have taken points off a bigger threat, but then so would beating citeh home or away.

But in all honesty we've lost so many games this season ONE result would probably have made zero difference. Maybe if we changed most or all of the results below we'd be in Europe already or maybe Champions - it's how the mancs win the league so often, win the percentage games and force other teams to do likewise or better. We beat Chelsea and the mancs home and away last season, despite that we finished four points BELOW them and only three above Chelsea - shows they are more consistent against the teams you need to be

Portsmouth (a)
A Villa (h)
Stoke (a)
Wolves (a)
Wigan (a)
Blackburn (a)
Man City (h)
Birmingham (h)
Birmingham (a)
Sunderland (a)

All games we would probably expect to win and I expect most predicted as wins in the relevant match threads. How many dropped points is that? 24 and had we won all those very winnable games we'd be........................... FIVE POINTS CLEAR AT THE TOP. Don't need to magic up wins away to the mancs or Chelsea, or away to spudz, Fulham or citeh, or indeed home to Arsenal, but merely games we would win as often as not or more often than not - well except brum but who can explain why Rafa can't beat them in the league.

Perhaps a more pertinent question is can we blame injuries, a lack of Alonso etc for not winning most or all of those games?!?! Sure seven of them are away, but we didn't even score in the pompey, Wigan, Sunderland, Blackburn or Wolves games which is pretty poor considering they're 16th, 13th, 11th, and 14th in the league and only Sunderland's GD is better than -15

As for the three home games, two points from them is massively disappointing and perhaps reflects the manager and his approach with Mascherano and Lucas both starting in the 1-3 home defeats to villa, the 2-2 vs brum and............................ the 2-2 vs citeh. And guess which two started the only other game we didn't win at home (L1-2 vs Arsenal)....................................?